Entry points >  Module Purchasing >  Standard script SUBPPI5  

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FLTPECFAC: Additional filter on the invoice lines to be taken into account

This entry point is located in the SUBPPI5 process, preloading of lines for an additional invoice, generates a "FLTPECFAC" action.

The goal of this action is to give the possibility to set the additional filters on the invoice lines to be taken into account.

Context and operating method


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is made before the loading of the grid containing the invoice lines to be taken into account.

Available variables and masks

The following variables must be modified to influence the selection of the invoice lines to be taken into account.


         Additional filter on the PINVOICE table open with the abbreviation [F :PIHB]. The maximum length of the filter is 250 characters. If the filter is empty there will be no additional filter.


         Additional filter on the PINVOICED table open with the abbreviation [F :PIDB]. The maximum length of the filter is 250 characters. If the filter is empty there will be no additional filter.

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context (in this precise case there is none).


Significant content

Table Title



Purchase invoice header



Purchase invoice lines

Miscellaneous remarks

If the additional filters are not correct, an information box will be displayed then these filters will be ignored.

ALIPECFAC: Loading of the fields for the line to be taken into account

This entry point is located in the SUBPPI5 process, preloading of lines for an additional invoice, generates a "ALIPECFAC" action.

The goal of this action is to give the possibility to load or modify the fields in the selected invoice lines.

Context and operating method


There is no transaction in progress.

Log file

There is no open log file.

Different call cases

The call is made for each selected invoice line before the display of the grid.

Available variables and masks

The [M:PPI5] screen mask is usable, the I variable indicates the grid line currently being loaded.

The line in the grid is modifiable.

For instance: If [M :PPI5]CHX1(I) is set to the value 2, the line will automatically be taken into account in the additional invoice.

Open tables

In the table below, the significant content flag indicates that the content is in phase with the context.


Significant content

Table Title



Purchase invoice header



Purchase invoice lines

Miscellaneous remarks

Warning the PINVOICE and PINVOICED tables have respectively the abbreviations [F :PIHB] and [F :PIDB].