Use this entry point to authorize the transfer of stock from a BP location to an internal location or to change the status of a BP location.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point is located in the $FILGAUCHE label of the SUBSCSP processing.
It is called upon loading the filter of the stock selection panel.
It is used to replace the filter applied to the location types authorized in selection by modifying the value of the FILGAUSUP(3) variable.
The [M:SCS1]BETFCYCOD field contains the transfer type authorized by the stock change transaction: it is set to 1 for internal transfers.
Example 1:
To authorize a change from a customer location to an internal location (by allowing the picking of a stock line present on the customer location), the following sequence must be written:
Example 2:
To authorize a status change of a subcontract location (by allowing the picking of a stock line present on a subcontract location), the following sequence must be written:
If [M:SCS1]BETFCYCOD=1: FILGAUSUP(3)+="&find([F:STO]LOCCAT,1,2,4)" : GPE = 1:Endif
Use this entry point to authorize an intersite or subcontract transfer of stock without being the owner.
There is no transaction in progress.
There is no open log file.
This entry point is located in the $PICKE label of the SUBSCSP processing.
It is called after the picking of a stock line and before the stock availability control.
It is used to consider the picked stock available if the user is not the owner and therefore authorize its transfer.
To that purpose, the following sequence must be written: LOWNER = [F:STO]OWNER