General parameters >  Chapter Purchase >  Parameter BUYFLT (Filter by buyer)  

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Use this parameter to specify if the products associated with a given buyer (Buyer field of the Product or Product-site record) are managed in the Purchasing module only for this buyer.

This parameter can be set to:

No - Entry of the buyer code on a purchase document is optional. No control applies between the buyer code of the document and the buyer code of the Product or Product-site record.

Yes - Entry of the buyer code on a purchase document is mandatory. If a buyer code is entered in the Product record or Product-Site record, a control checks that it is identical to the document buyer code. If no buyer code is entered in the Product or Product-Site record, the product can be managed by any buyer.

For subcontracting with no work order, the buyer control is not applied to the supplied material.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Site. It belongs to Chapter ACH (Purchase) and the Group AUZ (Authorizations), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GBUYFLT is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Manufacturing > Planning > Planning workbench

  Purchasing > Supply > Planning workbench

  Manufacturing > Planning > Enterprise planning

  Purchasing > Supply > Enterprise planning

  Manufacturing > Planning > Grouping

  Purchasing > Supply > Grouping workbench

  Purchasing > Returns > Purchase returns

  Purchasing > Orders > Open orders

  Purchasing > Orders > Orders

  Purchasing > Orders > Buyer plan

  Purchasing > RFQs > RFQ

  Manufacturing > Planning > Multi-level planning


This control also applies to requests for quotes (RFQs) when the purchase parameter PQHBUY - Request for quote user (ACH chapter, AUZ group) is set to Buyer.

In reorder plans, this parameter is combined with the stock parameter GPLNFLT - Buyer/Planner filter (STO chapter, SCH group). When these two parameters are combined, then:

  • If the Buyer filter and the Planner filter are set to No, the manager can access the WIP for all the products and process firm or planned purchase orders.
  • If the Buyer filter is set to Yes and the Planner filter is set to No, the manager can only access the products of which they are the assigned buyer, or the products with no assigned buyer.
  • If the Buyer filter is set to No and the Planner filter is set to Non exclusive, the manager can only access the WIP of the products of which they are the assigned planner, or the product with no assigned planner. The manager can process firm purchase orders for these products.
  • If the Buyer filter is set to Yes and the Planner filter is set to Non exclusive, the manager can only access the products of which they are the assigned planner, or the products with no assigned planner. The manager can also access the products of which they are the assigned buyer, or products with no assigned buyer. If the manager only has a planner role for the products, they can only enter planned purchase orders.
  • If the Buyer filter is set to No and the Planner filter is set to Yes exclusive, the manager can only access the products of which they are the planner. The manager can process firm purchase orders for these products.
  • If the Buyer filter is set to Yes and the Planner filter is set to Yes exclusive, the manager can only access the products of which they are the planner or buyer, or the products with no assigned buyer. If the manager only has a planner role for the products, they can only enter planned purchase orders.