Purchasing >  Returns >  Purchase returns  

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Use this function to manage the returns of goods to suppliers. You can create, modify, delete, view, and print returns.

You can perform supplier returns linked to one or several receipts or to direct returns not linked to a receipt, depending on the value of the PNHDIR - Direct supplier return parameter (ACH chapter, RET group).


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The presentation of the entry screen depends on the setup of the selected transaction.

If a single transaction is set up, no choice is proposed upon entering the function. Conversely, where more than one transaction has been set up, a window opens to present the list of transactions that can be used (the choice can also be restricted using access codes). Depending on the chosen transaction, the manual entry of a supplier return is performed on a screen composed of a header and a tab that allow the products to return to be entered.

Entry screen


Header information

Inter-site / Inter-company

A supplier return can be of the type inter-site or inter-company according to the context. To be able to carry out supplier returns of this type, it is necessary to have previously assigned roles to the different set up sites:

  • The supplier for the return must be defined as a sales site (Management tab in the supplier record, the inter-sites box must be checked and a sales site must be associated to this supplier. It is advised for readability reasons to associate a supplier code to the site code).
  • the return site must be entered as the receipt site with a delivery address of a customer identified as the purchase site.

A supplier return is automatically considered as being of the type inter-sites or inter-companies if the supplier is identified as being a site. The difference is made on whether or not the supplier site belongs to the same legal company as the return site. If the sites belong to different legal companies, the return will be of inter-company type, otherwise it will be of inter-site type.

SEEINFO If the return is of the type inter-company, the inter-site check-box is also activated. This is also the case for all purchase documents.

This being so, the return will be processed in the classic way with one slight difference in that it will not be possible to request a credit-memo for inter-site type returns. This possibility will however be offered to inter-company type returns.

The validation of such a return, in addition to the actual issue of the stocks (reduction in the physical stock) and the creation of the issue transactions in the stock journal, updates the stock totals In transfer (for the site carrying out the return) and In transit for the site expecting the return. These totals will be decreased once the receipt of the return will have taken place.

When a return of this type is confirmed, it can become the object of a customer return at the shipment site at the origin of the receipt being the object of the supplier return. A direct supplier return can be the object of a customer return and be saved on the site, which is determined as follows:

  • search for the usual shipment site, belonging to the same company as the supplier, from the list of shipment addresses being considered as the receipt site for the return site.
  • if no site has been found, the site identified by the supplier will be used if it also has a warehouse role,
  • if no site has been found, the first storage site in alphabetic order for the sites of the company identified by the supplier will be selected.

During a customer return for an inter-site or inter-company supplier return, the stock information will be automatically taken from the supplier return (lot, sub-lot, serial number).


This is the supplier involved in the return. When this information is entered, the selection list concerning the receipts can be restricted to those concerning this supplier. This means a supplier identified as a return site can be of the inter-site or inter-company type depending on the site carrying out the return.

From this field is it possible to:

  • select a supplier from the list of active suppliers,
  • access the supplier record, according to the user authorizations and create a supplier if necessary.

This field is used to determine the supplier address to which the product(s) must be returned. At this stage the contextual button offers several possibilities. The user can:

Select a supplier address

View and potentially modify the supplier address.

Enter additional information such as the invoicing supplier, the delivery mode, the carrier, the forwarding agent, the gross weight, the net weight, the volume and any specific internal observations for the return.

Return lines

The return lines can arise from a receipt and:

Be automatically initialized from the receipt lines selected in the picking window.

Be entered manually. In this case, it will be necessary to manually specify the receipt number and the line number concerned.

The return lines can be direct and in this case it will be necessary to manually enter the necessary information.

The information on the return line is the following:

Receipt no.

When a supplier return is to be carried out with respect to an original receipt, without using the receipt selection window. the target receipt number is entered in this field.

The contextual button makes it possible to select a receipt line from amongst a reduced list for the supplier and the product previously entered and to the receipt lines not totally returned if the return transaction has placed the product code before the entry of the receipt number. If the product code has been set up, by transaction, after the entry of the receipt number, the selection window will propose all the supplier receipts not totally returned. When a receipt line is selected, the line number will also be loaded.

The receipt number is not mandatory if the PNHDIR setup authorizes direct supplier returns.


A return line can involve only one receipt line, it will therefore be necessary to enter this line number if the receipt number has been entered. A contextual button is used to select one of the chosen receipt lines. This selection will be restricted to the product code entered if the return transaction has placed the product code before the entry of the receipt line number.

Once the receipt line is entered, certain fields will be automatically initialized according to the information entered at the level of the receipt line. It remains possible to modify certain fields and/or to enter additional information.

The receipt line number is not mandatory if the PNHDIR setup authorizes the entry of direct supplier returns and if no receipt number has been entered.


This information is mandatory. This is the product code for which a return needs to be entered. It will be automatically entered if a receipt line has been chosen. From this field, you can:

Select a product.

Access the product record, depending on the user authorizations and create a product if necessary.

Stock information

The following information (that can be set up by transaction) makes it possible to enter, when creating the return line, the characteristics of the goods to be issued when they are known and when they are unique (for instance a single lot number). Once the line is entered and the stock is determined by the system, the stock information for the return line can no longer be directly accessed. To modify the stock lines to be issued, it will be necessary to use the Stock issues function accessible via right click on the return line.

The stock is determined when all the characteristics identifying the stock line have been entered in the return line. If an ambiguity exists or if a stock characteristic is missing, then the stock will not be determined and the stock detail window will open automatically at the end of the line.

When the product to be returned possesses no specific stock characteristics except the units and the status, the detailed allocation algorithm (using the business allocation rule and restricted by the issue rule) will be systematically triggered at the end of the line to determine the stock to be issued according to the unit and the status. If the status is entered on the return line, it will be used as an exclusive filter (if no stock line is found with this status, the detail window will then automatically open to allow the user to decide which stock to issue).

When there is multiple information for a single characteristic (for instance, several lots), nothing will be entered in return line creation, rather the entry will be made via the Stock issue detail window accessible by right click on the return line or when it automatically opens and the end of the line entry. If a stock characteristic is entered on the return line, it will be used as an exclusive filter in the detail stock issues window (this is the case of the status, the lot numbers and the serial numbers).

As a function of the return transaction used, different operating modes are possible. A movement code can be associated with the return transactions on the condition that a specific movement code has been defined for the transactions of type Receipt return at the level of the stock issue rules for the product category. A specific transaction code is used to define the different issue rules for certain transactions, namely for the authorized statuses and sub-statuses and for the management of expired lots (the locations described by the issue rule are only used by the automatic proposition function available in the detail stock issue function if the business allocation rule uses the concept of locations).

Thus in the case of a direct return, all the stock lines corresponding to the issue rules can potentially be the object of a return.

When the return arises from a receipt and the receipt line has been selected by the picking list, the return quantity proposed by default is equal to the total receipt quantity and the stock lines will be automatically selected taking into account the stock characteristics entered in the receipt line (Unit, Factor between the return unit and the stock unit, Location, Status and additional flags). If the product is managed with serial numbers or with lot numbers (and sub-lots), the previous criteria will not be used. In fact, for this type of product, the stock lines will be proposed for the return if they are at another location or have another status (complying with the issue rule) because they are identified by their major characteristic.

Certain stock lines cannot be automatically selected if they infringe the issue rule defined for the supplier return (authorized sub-statuses and lot expiry) or if the stock characteristics are different from the original receipt. In this case, the user must manually choose the stock line(s) to be issued.

Once the return line entry is complete, three situations can be encountered:

The return line product is displayed in red: this means that the lines of stock to issue have not been completely determined. There is the possibility to access the stock information of the return line or access the detail of the lines to be issued by the Stock issue function accessible by right click on the return line. Whilst a line remains in this situation, it will be impossible to create or save a return.

The return line product is displayed in blue: this means that the stock lines to be issued have not been completely determined, but the balance has been saved as a shortage (this is only possible for those products where negative stocks are authorized). It is not possible to directly access the stock information on the return line. It will be necessary to use the detail window to modify the stock to issue.

The return line product is displayed in black: this means that the stock to issue has been determined. It is not possible to directly access the stock information on the return line. It will be necessary to use the detail window to modify the stock to issue.

If for a return line; a stock sub-detail exists (several stock lines selected), the presence of this sub-detail will be identified by the $ sign in the column(s) characterizing the stock having a sub-detail (for instance, a $ in the lot column means that several lot numbers are associated with the return line).

When the return is created or saved, the selected stock lines will be allocated in detail for the return. The identified shortages will lead to the generation of allocations with shortages with any stock information if they have been entered in the stock detail screen (Lot number, etc.).


If the product is managed by lot, it is possible, during manual creation of the return line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, to enter a lot number existing for the site where the return will be conducted. A selection window accessed by right click on the field is used to select a lot number. It is also possible if necessary to enter a lot number that does not exist in the stock. A message will then flag up that the lot does not exist. This possibility is offered to enable the saving of a lot number that has not been entered yet into the system even though the goods are physically available. This operating mode can only be used if the product has negative stocks authorized.


If the product is managed by lot and sub-lot, it is possible, during manual creation of the return line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, to enter a lot and sub-lot number existing for the site where the return will be conducted. There is no selection window on this field. The selection window is available on the lot field and this is used to select the lot and sub-lot required. When the lot is selected, the sub-lot is immediately initialized. It is also possible to enter a non-existent Sub-lot number if required. An information message will report it. Same comments as for the lot number in this context.

Starting serial number

If the product is managed by a serial number on receipt/issue (or where it is managed only on issue and it is subject to a customer return) it is possible, during manual creation of the return line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, to enter a serial number that exists at the site where the return will be conducted. A selection window accessed by right click on the field is used to select a serial number.

Ending serial number

When a serial number has been entered in the previous column and the quantity to be returned is greater than one, the serial number end range is automatically calculated by adding the quantity (in stock unit) to the previous number. The stock to be determined will then have all the serial numbers falling within this range. When the quantity to be shipped is a single stock unit, this number is equal to the start serial number.

Specific case: once the stock has been determined, if there is a $ in one of the two columns, it signifies that the chosen serial numbers are not consecutive.


If the product is managed by location at the site where the return will be conducted, it is possible, during manual creation of the return line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, to enter a location that exists at the site where the return will be carried out. A selection window accessed by right click on the field is used to select a location.


Irrespective of the product used, there is the possibility, during manual creation of the delivery line or when the stock to be issued has not been determined, to enter a status for the stock to be issued. A selection window accessed by right click on the field is used to select any status that has been defined. The list of statuses proposed is restricted by the stock management rule for authorized sub-statuses, for the supplier return transaction type defined for the product category.

Transaction description

A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the return line. This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically picked up and registered on the return line in this field.


The presence of this information depends on the transaction setup.

It is the account that will be used in the credit memo if the return line is the object of a credit memo. This account is loaded by default based on the account on the receipt line at the origin of the return line or by the account determined by the PORD automatic journal in the case of a direct supplier return.

If the account is not entered, the analytical nature will not be initialized and will not be accessible.

Use the Actions icon to:

  • select an account from the list of authorized accounts.
  • access the accounts tables if the user authorizations allow this.
Transaction group

This is statistical information that will be picked up by the stock transactions associated with the return line. This information is controlled by the miscellaneous table number 9 and can be initialized by the return transaction being used.

Use the Actions icon to:

  • select a transaction group from the list.
  • access the transaction group table according to the user authorizations.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

The site code is initialized by default to the storage site code associated with the connected user. A selection window, accessible by right button, is used to choose a site from amongst those sites authorized for the user.
There is no restriction on the sites, namely to authorize the return of the products that are not managed in stock at sites that do not have a warehouse role. This can be the case for instance for miscellaneous supplies.
At this stage, the 'Receipt selection' left list is dynamically initialized making it possible to choose the receipts or receipt lines to be processed. It is then possible to enter the additional filters to restrict the choice or receipts proposed by using the Picking criteria function accessible from the 'Option' menu in the tool bar or by entering more information in the return header.

  • Return date (field RTNDAT)

The return date is initialized by default to the current date. This date is then considered to be the transaction date for the stock transactions generated during return confirmation.
A check will be carried out with respect to the period file in order to ensure that the transactions can be carried out on this date (Stock closure concept).
In addition, it is possible to enter a return date that is later than the current date in order to prepare a return in advance.
This return cannot be validated while the return date is later than the current date.

  • field FIL1


  • Intersites (field BETFCY)

This information cannot be modified and specifies whether the return has the type inter-site.
When the return concerns an inter-site supplier (site of the same company), it cannot be the object of a credit memo.


  • Return no. (field PNHNUM)

Return number that allows the return to be identified in a unique way. This number is generated automatically upon each creation according to the sequence number counter setup associated with this type of document.

This is the code of the buyer responsible for the return. When the filter by buyer is active (see the BUYFLT parameter), the return can only involve the products managed by this buyer.

  • field FIL2


  • Intercompany (field BETCPY)

This information cannot be modified and specifies whether the return has the type inter-company.
When the return concerns an inter-company supplier (site for a different company), a credit memo can be created.

This is the supplier involved in the return.
When this information is entered, the selection list concerning the receipts can be restricted to those concerning this supplier.
This means a supplier identified as a return site can be of the inter-site or inter-company type depending on the site carrying out the return.

  • field BPSNAM


  • Warehouse (field WRHE)

The presence of this box is subject to the activity code WRH.
Movement warehouse, suggested by default for all the document lines.
It must be entered if it is defined as mandatory at the level of the entry transaction.
It is loaded in priority with the warehouse defined for the user. If it fails to be set up at user lever, it is initialized with the warehouse defined, by default, at site level for this type of movement.

Use this field to enter a project code.
The management of this code is based on the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project code parameter value (TC chapter, MIS group).

  • When it is set to No, the code can be selected freely.
  • When it is set to Yes, an existence check is systematically applied to the entered project code.
    You can use the Selection icon to display the list of available projects.

The management terms of this field depend on the PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter (TC chapter, MIS group).

  • If the value of this parameter is Yes, the multi-project management is prohibited.
    The project code is always the same on the document header and on the lines.
    The project code entered on the header is used to filter the receipts suggested in the picking list. If no project code is entered, it is automatically loaded with the project code of the first selected receipt.
    If you modify the document header project code, this code is automatically used on all the lines.
  • If the value of this parameter is No, multi-project management is authorized.
    In direct creation, the project code you enter on the document header is used to initialize the project code of the document lines and can be modified.
If you modify the header project code, a dialog box opens and suggests to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:
    • Yes : the project code is transferred to all lines.
    • No : the project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the previous project code.
In creation mode, when the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reinitialized according to the setup of default dimensions when no order line is entered.
In creation mode as well as in modification mode, if an order line has already been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reinitialized.

Block number 2

  • Address (field BPAADD)

Address where the goods must be returned.

  • Authorization number (field AUZNUM)

The authorization number given by the supplier must be entered in this field. The entry of this field depends on the value given to the PURRMA parameter.


This is the product code for which the return will be entered.
It will be automatically entered if a receipt line has been chosen.

  • Description (field ITMDES)

This is the description translated into the supplier's language. This description will be transmitted along with any modification onto the supplier credit memo if the return line requires a supplier credit memo. When the return arises from a receipt, the translated description will be inherited from the receipt line.
This description will be printed on the supplier return note. The product record can be accessed from this field using a tunnel.

  • Standard description (field ITMDES1)

This is the description entered in the product record. This description will be transmitted along with any modification onto the supplier credit memo if the return line requires a supplier credit memo.
When the return arises from a receipt, the standard description will be inherited from the receipt line. The product record can be accessed from this field using a tunnel.

This is the number of the receipt concerned by the return.

  • Line (field PTDLIN)

This is the receipt line number.

  • Supplier packing slip no. (field BPSNDE)

This information cannot be accessed. It will be loaded when the return arises from a receipt and the supplier delivery note number has been specified for this receipt.

This is the reason at the origin of the supplier return. The right click is used to choose the reason from the reasons table, which can be set up.
SEEREFERTTOSee the miscellaneous table number 7, shared with the sales.
This information is used to carry out the statistics on the returns carried out by the suppliers.

In the case of a return arising from a receipt, the return unit proposed by default will be the unit entered in the receipt.
In the case of a direct return, the unit proposed will be the purchase unit for the supplier or the purchase unit if the Product-supplier record has not been defined. It is possible to modify the return unit proposed using the right click.
The list of proposed units regroups the stock unit, the product packing units, the product purchase unit and the different units defined for the supplier.

  • Quantity (field QTYUOM)

This is the quantity to be returned, expressed in return units.

This is the purchase unit defined for the supplier. This information cannot be accessed.

  • STK conversion (field UOMSTUCOE)

This is the conversion factor between the return unit and the stock unit. This information can only be accessed for packing units provided the parameters authorize it. It cannot be accessed for the other units:

  • product purchase unit,
  • purchase unit defined for the supplier,
  • packing unit of the supplier.

SEEREFERTTORefer to the packing unit table in the 'Units' tab of the product record.

It is the stock unit of the product entered.

  • STK quantity (field QTYSTU)

This quantity corresponds to the quantity in stock units after conversion of the returned quantity in return units to which the conversion factor between the return unit and the stock unit has been applied.
It is not possible to modify the return quantity in STK except for the units where the factor can be modified. In this case the returned quantity in return unit will be readjusted.

  • Warehouse (field WRH)

The presence of this field is subject to the activity code WRH.
It defaults to the value of the warehouse specified in the header.

  • This field can be modified if it is defined as available for entry at the level of the entry transaction.
    When this field is entered, it is used as a filter for stock detail line selection and cannot be modified.
    When this field is not entered, the warehouse defined by default for this type of movement in the product-site record is used as the selection filter.
  • It cannot be modified when the entry transaction is set up as single-warehouse managed. The header warehouse is then mandatory and the warehouse cannot be entered either on the document lines or on the stock detail lines.
    To manage multiple warehouses on the lines, the entry must be set up at the entry transaction level. The selection of a single product line distributed over multiple warehouses is available by clicking Enter detailed quantites from the Actions icon.
    If a single product line is distributed over multiple warehouses, the corresponding fields display the '$' character.

SEEINFO The warehouse entered on the line has priority over the warehouse entered in the header.

  • Status (field STA)

This field indicates the product status (A, Q, R).

SEEINFO When the status changes from A to Q, the stock keeps the same location (no stock movement to be controlled).

The storage location is automatically loaded depending on the location type if it is specified, otherwise the default location defined in the product-site record is selected.
This value can be modified later.

  • Supplier lot (field BPSLOT)

The supplier lot number can be entered for information purposes in the receipt transactions.
It is stored in the stock file, and it matches the internal lot number, which guarantees the traceability of the origin of the goods.
It can be displayed on the screen for information purposes in the stock issue transactions.

  • Lot (field LOT)

This field indicates the lot linked to the stock movement.

  • Sublot (field SLO)

Sub-lot concerned by the stock transaction.

  • Serial number (field SERNUM)

This is the product serial number.

  • Ending serial number (field SERNUMF)

This field contains the end serial number.

  • Identifier 1 (field PALNUM)

Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary.

  • Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM)

This field indicates the first recorded identifier.

  • Movement description (field MVTDES)

A free description is entered in this field that will be registered in all the stock transactions associated with the shipment line.
This description is also accessible from the stock issue detail window. If it has been modified by this function, it will be automatically recovered and registered on the shipment line in this field.

  • Category (field LINCAT)

This information is used to categorize the line: 'Normal' or 'For sub-contract'

  • Reinstatement (field ORDFLG)

This field is used to identify whether the returned goods must be re-integrated with the order.
It is only accessible when the receipt at the origin of the return came from an order (it is not accessible during a direct return or when the return arises from a direct receipt).
This field can take the following values:

  • 'No': the return quantity will not be re-submitted to order,
  • 'Yes same line': the return quantity will be transferred to the order line that generated the stock receipt. The purchase order will then pass to the partially delivered status, and will be re-submitted for picking to initialize a stock receipt line (to the level of the quantity previously returned).
  • 'Yes other line': The return quantity will be transferred to the order that generated the stock receipt. An additional line will then be created in the order,
  • 'Yes other order': A new purchase order will be automatically generated on validation of the return to the level of the quantity of the elements returned to the supplier.

Certain restrictions exist:

  • If the receipt is associated with a delivery request, the only values possible are 'No' and 'Yes other line'.
  • If the receipt is associated with an order that no longer exists, the only possible values are 'No' and 'Yes other order'.

SEEINFOWhen reintegrating the quantity returned with the option "other line" (order or delivery request lines), the requirement date taken into account is the current date (receipt date planned for the orders or delivery date required for the delivery requests).

  • Gen. credit memo (field AVOFLG)

This field is used to define whether the return is likely to generate a credit memo.
When the returned goods are already invoiced, this field is initialized to 'Yes' (in the case of a return for an invoiced receipt). The credit memo will then be constructed from the return.
When the returned goods are not yet invoiced, this field is initialized by default to 'No'. Therefore, in principal, no supplier credit memo is expected, but an invoice taking into account the returned quantities or even replacement parts shipped by the supplier.
The purchase invoice lines, pre-loaded from the receipts that have been the object of a return, will be decreased up to the level of the returned elements.
It is however possible to force this field to 'Yes'. In this case, the purchase invoice lines must be pre-loaded from the order (in order for all the ordered quantities to be submitted). It is then possible to create a credit memo from the return lines.

When the return arises from a receipt, the order site will be equal to the order site in the receipt line.
In the case of a direct return, the order site will be determined in the following manner by carrying out successive searches on the following points:

  • for the inter-site / inter-company returns, the search is made in the customer shipment addresses where the receipt site is the return site. Then the purchase site corresponding to the shipment address customer is selected,
  • if the return site is a purchase site, the order site will be equal to the return site,
  • the purchase site for the user will be used if it is entered,
  • the first purchase site in alphabetic order will be selected among the purchase sites belonging to the same company as the return site.

SEEINFOThis information cannot be accessed irrespective of the transaction used.

When the return stems from a receipt the order number from which the receipt line stems is displayed.

  • Line (field POPLIN)

When the return stems from a receipt the order line from which the receipt line stems is displayed.

Use this field to enter a project code.
The management of this code is based on the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project code parameter value (TC chapter, MIS group).

  • When it is set to No, the code can be selected freely.
  • When it is set to Yes, an existence check is systematically applied to the entered project code.
    You can use the Selection icon to display the list of available projects.

The management terms of this field depend on the PJTSNGDOC - One project per document parameter (TC chapter, MIS group).

  • If the value of this parameter is Yes, the multi-project management is prohibited.
    The project code is always the same on the document header and on the lines.
    The project code entered on the header is used to filter the receipts suggested in the picking list. If no project code is entered, it is automatically loaded with the project code of the first selected receipt.
    If you modify the document header project code, this code is automatically used on all the lines.
  • If the value of this parameter is No, multi-project management is authorized.
    In direct creation, the project code you enter on the document header is used to initialize the project code of the document lines and can be modified.
If you modify the header project code, a dialog box opens and suggests to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:
    • Yes : the project code is transferred to all lines.
    • No : the project code is only transferred to the lines associated to the previous project code.
In creation mode, when the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are reinitialized according to the setup of default dimensions when no order line is entered.
In creation mode as well as in modification mode, if an order line has already been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reinitialized.
  • Gross price (field GROPRI)

This field is used to determine the unit price of the product. This price is expressed in the return unit. When the principal information for the line necessary for the determination of a price list is entered, a price list search process is automatically carried out.
The objective of this search is to display:

  • the gross price as well as the associated reason,
  • The charges and discounts in percentages or in amounts to be applied to the line level as well as the associated reasons.

If the search is not successful and the PURPRICE parameter is set to the value 'Yes' for the return site company, the standard cost will be used to value the gross price (if it has been defined for the product). When the entered price is null, a message appears to request confirmation from the user. From this field, the right click is used to:

  • view the price lists,
  • view the reasons associated with the gross price as well as the different discounts and charges fields,
  • view the list of the ten latest order prices,
  • re-initialize the price by requesting a new price list search to update the prices and discounts,
  • have available a detailed explanation describing how the net price is obtained from the gross price and the different discounts and charges.

When the return arises from a receipt, the gross price and the discounts are initialized by the prices and discounts of the receipt line and they are not accessible. This information will be used during the creation of a supplier credit memo to value said credit memo.

  • field DISCRGVAL1

The different discount and charge fields that appear at the level of each return line are determined via the structure code associated with the supplier in their record.
The values contained in these fields come from the price list search and can be modified if the associated reason allows it (or if the reason value given to the UPDPRIPUR parameter allows it).
The contextual button is used to view all the reasons associated with the prices and discounts and to modify, if necessary, the reasons assigned to each of the columns.

  • Net price (field NETPRI)

This is the unit net price for the return line calculated from the gross price affected by any discounts and charges. This information cannot be accessed.

  • Line amount - tax (field LINAMT)

This is the net ex-tax unit price multiplied by the return quantity.
SEEINFOThis information cannot be accessed.

When the return arises from a receipt line, the currency code is initialized to the receipt line currency.
When it is a direct return line, the currency code is initialized to the supplier currency.
SEEINFOThis information cannot be accessed. The prices for the return line are expressed in this currency.

These fields indicate the purchase accounting accounts. The charts of accounts that can be accessed depend on the account core model associated to the company of the movement.
If these fields are not entered the account will be automatically determined by the accounting code for the product as a function of the parameters for the automatic journal.
SEEINFOThe presence of this field depends on the entry transaction used.
These accounts are fed by default according to the accounts present on the document line from which the invoice line is originated.

  • Purchase type (field LINPURTYP)

The presence of this information depends on the transaction parameters.
The different product types are: Purchases, Fixed assets and Services. When the return line has a receipt line as its origin, the purchase type will be inherited from the receipt line.
In the case of a direct return the purchase type will be initialized as a function of the posting of the tax associated with the general account entered beforehand.
If the return line is the object of a credit memo, the purchase type will be displayed on the credit memo line.

  • When entering a return line, the analytical dimension types are initialized following the setup of Default dimensions. (PNH dimension code).
  • If the return line arises from a receipt line, the dimension types are then loaded by the analytical dimensions present on the receipt line. If analytical dimension types are not specified on the source document, an attempt to initialize these analytical dimension types is made according to the Default dimension code. During the check of the purchase credit memos arising from a return line, the analytical dimensions entered in the return line will be transferred to the credit memo line.
In creation mode, when no return line is entered, analytical dimensions are reinitialized according to the setup of default dimensions when the project code on the header is modified.
In creation mode as well as in modification mode, if a return line has already been entered and the project code is modified, analytical dimensions are not reinitialized.

Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used.

This field is used to enter a first tax code to apply to the returned product.
The tax codes (VAT, additional tax and/or special tax, provincial tax) can be modified at the return line if the transaction allows this.
Only the tax codes in phase with the legislation and the group of the site company can be entered.
SEEREFERTTOThe general principles linked to the multi-legislation setup are detailed here.
They are normally initialized according to the tax determination rules that most often stem from crossing the supplier tax rule with the tax levels of the entered product. If the return line has a receipt line as its origin, the tax codes will then be inherited from the receipt line.
Upon transforming an return line into a credit memo line, the tax codes entered on the return line are transferred to this document.
The right click is used to select a tax code for each tax level.

This field is used to enter a second tax code to apply to the line. This concerns additional or special taxes.

This field is used to enter a third tax code to apply to the line. This concerns additional or special taxes.

This field is used to indicate the receipt tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO The activity code linked to the regional taxes must be activated beforehand.

This field is used to indicate the issue tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO The activity code linked to the regional taxes must be activated beforehand.

This field is used to indicate an additional tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO The activity code linked to the regional taxes must be activated beforehand.

This field is used to indicate an additional tax to apply to the product.
This tax stems from the tax determination parameters or is entered manually.
SEEINFO The activity code linked to the regional taxes must be activated beforehand.

The weight unit is the one of the product record. You can modify it (the weight, on the product record, is expressed with respect to the stock unit).
From the Actions menu, you can:

  • select another weight unit from the list of weight units,
  • access the units table depending on your user authorizations.
  • Unit weight (field UNTWEI)

Unit weight of the return unit. By default, this value is initialized based on the weight of the product record, expressed in stock unit and converted into the return line unit. You can modify this weight if needed.

For each line created or modified, the total gross weight and the total net weight of the return are modified depending on the weight of each line.

  • Intras. incr. (field EECINCRAT)

This is the increase coefficient used in the Customs document file. This coefficient, applied to the fiscal value of the product line is used to obtain the statistical value.
The presence of this field depends on the activation of the Customs document file management (Activity code DEB).
This information is initialized by the increase coefficient entered in the original receipt line in the case of a return arising from a receipt. In the case of a direct return, it is initialized by the increase coefficient in the Product-Supplier record if it is entered, otherwise by the increase coefficient in the Supplier record.

This is the destination country for the goods. This information is used notably in the Customs document file.
It is initialized as a function of the country code for the supplier to which the goods are returned.
From this field, the contextual button is used to:

  • select another country code from the list of countries,
  • access the country table as a function of the user authorizations.


  • Invoiced (field INVFLG)

This field specifies if the return lines subject to a credit memo have been taken into account:

No lines awaiting a credit memo have been invoiced.


All lines have been invoiced.
Specificity: if no return line is awaiting a credit memo, the return is considered as totally invoiced.


Some of the lines are invoiced.

  • Posted (field PSTFLG)

This field indicates whether a credit memo to receive has been generated.

  • Printed (field PRNFLG)

The return is considered to be printed once the return note has been printed.
SEEINFOIt is possible to print the return note only when the return is validated.

  • Validated (field CFMFLG)

The return is validated/confirmed once the user clicks on the [Validation] button. The stock transactions take place once a return note is validated. The stock totals are updated and the stocks journal contains a log of the different transactions carried out.
The valuation of the return movements is made at the value of the original receipt (possibly adjusted) if the return is carried out from a receipt or at the stock value defined by the valuation method in the Product-site record if the return is a direct return (a withdrawal value can be used in this case if the valuation method allows a zero value stock return).



Action icon

Stock by Site
Jump to Order
Jump to Receipt
Stock Issues

This button is available for any product managed in stock provided the return has not been validated.
It is used to open the window dedicated to the detailed selection of the stock lines to be issued for the product and the quantity entered on the line.
SEEREFERTTO The functioning of this selection is described in the Stock issues documentation.

Customer Returns
Issue modification
Price Explanation
Purchase journal traceability

This function is used to access by tunnel the inquiry function of the Traceability of purchase documents.

Ret line situation display
Gen. credit memo

This button makes it possible to modify the Pending credit memo field for validated return lines that have not been subjected to a credit memo yet.





By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BONPRERET : Return pick tickets

  BONRET2 : Fixd footer return notes

  PRETURNE : Purchase returns list

  PRETURNL : Detail purchase return list

This can be changed using a different setup.

This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:

  • By specifying a given report at transaction entry level. If this report matches a print code, the list of reports associated with this print code is also submitted.
    The report entered at transaction entry level and the reports associated with the print code are automatically submitted in creation mode only.
  • At a more detailed level, by associating a print template with the BP. This template mentions the report to be used in priority for the printing of each document, as well as the expected number of copies.
    SEEINFOIf the number of copies is not specified, or if there is no print template associated with the BP, the number of copies defined for the Destination printer is chosen. If the number of copies is not specified for the destination printer, then a single copy is printed by default.

Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :

Block number 1

Initialized by default with the invoicing supplier code entered in the header. This supplier may be another supplier taken from the supplier table but both suppliers must have the same price list structure.

  • field BPAINV

Field used to indicate an invoicing address code for the invoicing supplier.
The address code is necessarily linked to an address set up in the tab 'Address' of the current record.
Upon invoice entry, the address code of the invoicing BP is initialized with this code.

Paid BP: This field contains the number of the supplier to whom the invoice is paid. It is initialized by default with the number of the paid supplier to be found in the supplier record or, in the case of a non-assigned field, with the invoicing supplier previously entered.

  • field BPAPAY

Field used to indicate a payment address code for the paid supplier.
The address code is necessarily linked to an address set up in the tab "Address" of the paid BP record.
Upon invoice and payment entry, the address code of the paid BP is initialized with this code.

Code checked in the Delivery modes table, and used to define the information related to the transport and delivery.

This field indicates the code that identifies the Carrier liable for the transportation of the goods.

  • Gross weight (field TOTGROWEI)

This is the gross weight of the transaction (Receipt, Return...).

The weight unit.

  • Net weight (field TOTNETWEI)

This is the net weight.

  • Volume (field TOTVOL)

This is the volume.

Code of the unit in which the package volume is given.
This unit has already been defined in the Units table.


  • field REM



  • Registration (field LICPLATER)

License plate of the vehicle carrying goods.

  • Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT)

Enter the trailer license plate.

  • Departure date (field DPEDATR)

Displays the departure date for this delivery or return.

  • Departure time (field ETDR)

Delivery departure time.

  • Arrival date (field ARVDATR)

Displays the arrival date for this delivery or return.

  • Arrival time (field ETAR)

Delivery arrival time.

Manual document

  • Manual document (field MANDOCR)

If the web service is down, the transportation note must be communicated using a paper document including the paper document number and the internal system number. This communication must be done directly in the AT portal.

This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). This is needed for all transportation notes for manual documents.


  • AT code (field ATDTCODR)

This field displays the AT code for the Transportation note returned by the tax authority.

This field populates automatically when you communicate using the web service.
If you communicated the transport using a manual document, you need to enter the code from the tax authority manually.

Bill of lading

  • BOL number (field BOLNUM)

As of update 8.0.0:

This field displays the bill of lading number for this delivery.

  • Trailer/Seal number (field TRAILER)

As of update 8.0.0:

This field displays the trailer or seal number from the bill of lading.

  • SCAC code (field SCAC)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:

This field displays the SCAC code (Standard Carrier Alpha Code) from the bill of lading. This field is only available if the KUS - Localization USA activity code and the USABOL - Bill of Lading parameter (LOC chapter, USA group) are set to "Yes".

The SCAC code is a unique code used to identify transportation companies.

  • PRO number (field PRONUM)

Update 8.0.0 and higher:

This field displays the PRO number from the bill of lading. This field is only available if the KUS - Localization USA activity code and the USABOL - Bill of Lading parameter (LOC chapter, USA group) are set to "Yes".

The PRO number is a tracking number. It is used by some carriers to track the progress of each shipment.


Click this action to access the various sets of information related to the shipment of the supplier return. The information accessible by this function includes:

  • The invoicing supplier.
    Specify the supplier for whom a credit memo is expected if the return must be subject to a credit memo. By default this is the invoicing supplier associated with the supplier concerned by the return.
    Click the Selection icon to pick another supplier if necessary.
    You can also click the Go to icon to access the supplier table if your user authorizations allow it.
  • The Paid supplier.
    Specify the supplier for whom a credit memo is expected if the return must be subject to a credit memo. By default this is the paid BP associated to the supplier concerned by the return.
    Click the Selection icon to pick another BP if necessary.
    You can also click the Go to icon to access the BP table if your user authorizations allow it.
  • The delivery method.
    It is initialized to the delivery method of the supplier concerned by the return.
    Click the Selection icon to pick another delivery method. You can also click the Go to icon to access the delivery methods table if your user authorizations allow it.
  • The carrier in charge of the return.
    It is initialized to the carrier of the supplier concerned by the return.
    Click the Selection icon to pick another carrier.
    You can also click the Go to icon to access the carriers table if your user authorizations allow it.
  • The weight unit.
    The weight units is initialized to the first weight unit found in the return lines.
    Click the Selection icon to pick another weight unit. You can also click the Go to icon to access the weight units table if your user authorizations allow it.
    If you modify the weight unit, you need to manually convert the gross and net weight into this new unit.
  • The gross weight and net weight.
    These values are expressed in a weight unit previously described. This information will be loaded with the different weights found in the different return lines. All the weights in the different lines will be converted into the weight unit. You can modify net and gross weights manually and add the weight related to the packaging, (etc.). If the return lines need to be adjusted accordingly, the modifications applied manually are considered.
  • Volume and volume unit.
    You need to enter both pieces of information. They concern the global volume of the returned goods.
  • Notes.
    Use this internal text field to enter comments related to the return.
  • Carrier information.
    These fields provide information on transport, such as the truck's license number, the date and time of arrival and departure, the bill of lading number, the trailer/seal number, as well as the SCAC code or the progressive (PRO) number, otherwise.

Click this action to validate the return.

Menu Bar

Text Menu

Header Text

Click this action to enter a return header text. This text will be printed on the return note.
Based on parameter PURTEXRTN - Return text tracking (ACH chapter, TEX group), the return header text can be initialized by the return text entered on the supplier record.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Footer text

Click this action to enter a return footer text. This text will be printed on the return note.
Based on parameter PURTEXRTN - Return text tracking (ACH chapter, TEX group), the return footer text can be initialized by the return text entered on the supplier record.

During the transformation of a document, this text is never propagated to the other documents.

Address menu

Delivery address

This button is used to access the detailed address of the supplier where the goods will be returned. It is also used to modify this address or to select another from amongst the list of supplier addresses for the printing of the return note.

Options menu

Picking criteria

This function is used to enter the selection criteria that are used to refine the search of the supplier receipts to be returned. The available criteria are as follows:

  • Supplier code. Selection wildcards can be used (*, ?).
  • Order number at the origin of the receipt.
  • Supplier packing slip number. Selection wildcards can be used (*, ?).
  • Selection wildcards can be used (*, ?) for the product reference.
  • Receipt number.

Once the criteria are confirmed, the list of receipts is automatically restricted.

Customs information


The following fields are included in this window :


The Incoterm codes, set by the International Chamber of Commerce, seek to standardize the terms the most used in the international commerce by defining the respective responsibilities of the seller and the buyer agreed upon on establishement of the sales contract by a unique word similarly understood throughout the world.

The Incoterm code, controlled in Incoterm table is used in the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of goods declaration). It can also be used to define the price lists.

  • Incoterm town (field ICTCTY)

It is the city associated to some types of incoterm. For instance: FOB Le Havre. A selection window is used to choose a city listed in the system. It is however possible to enter a city that is not listed.

The forwarding agent field is used to identify a BP appointed by the consigner or the consignee to ensure the continuity of the carriage when the goods must undergo several successive carriage steps. The forwarding agent is controlled in the carriers table.

The forwarding agent and their address will be used in the Customs document file to declare the flows of goods between the address of the forwarding agent and that of the consignee or between the address of the forwarding agent and that of the consignee.

This can especially be the case when goods are exported and the customs statements are handled by a forwarding agent from another EU country. Customs documents must be filed for the good to be transferred in this other EU country.

  • Forwarding agent address (field FFWADD)

This is the address code of the forwarding agent. It is initialized with the default address of the BP corresponding to the forwarding agent. This address is used to determine whether a Customs document must be filed for this flow.

Intrastat information

  • EU VAT no. (field EECNUM)

This is the VAT identification number of the BP. 

This European VAT number must be entered on all the invoices destined to or coming from the European Union. This number starts with two letters identifying the business partner country followed by a number depending on the country.

In France the number is comprised of FR, then 2 numbers identifying the tax office of the place where the company conducts its activities, followed by the Company tax ID no.(SIREN) of the company.

This information must necessarily be entered if the Company Registration number is set up as being mandatory for the country of the company.

  • Intrastat transp. location (field EECLOC)

A transport location must be specified in the EU exchange declaration. It is combined with the Incoterm code in order to determine the delivery conditions referring to the sales contract terms that specify the respective obligations of the buyer and seller.

This information is not used in the French declaration.

  • Intrastat transport mode (field EECTRN)

The transport method by which the goods are presumed to leave their national territory on shipment (export) or to have arrived in on receipt (import). This information is used in the Customs document file.

Physical flow

This is the economic information on the transaction carried out. The nature of the transaction is used in the Intrastat declaration.
This information is initialized using the physical flows where it can be modified. This information can also be accessed from some financial flows (sales invoices and credit memos).
The initialization of the nature of the transaction is carried out according to the setups of the comparison table for the Movement rules and natures, which is used to associate an EEC rule and an EEC transaction nature to each type of flow. This setup can be adjusted by rule, country and group of companies.

The EEC or statistical rules are used to specify the nature of the EEC transaction from a tax or statistical point of view. The EEC rule is used in the Intrastat declaration.
This information is initialized using the physical flows where it can be modified. This information can also be accessed from some financial flows (sales invoices and credit memos).
The initialization of the nature of the transaction is carried out according to the setups of the comparison table for the Movement rules and natures, which is used to associate an EEC rule and an EEC transaction nature to each type of flow. This setup can be adjusted by rule, country and group of companies.


This window contains the customs information and the information necessary to the creation of the Customs Document File. They come from the receipt or they are initialized from the information entered on the recordSupplier record when this is a direct receipt.

  • Incoterm negotiated as well as the Incoterm city, when needed.
  • When the goods transit via a forwarding agent, code and address of the forwarding agent responsible for the export and located in the European Union: information also used for the Customs Document File concerning the transportation of the goods to their export location.

The EU Information used only for the Intrastat is liable to the Intrastat activity code (DEB):

  • EEC identification number of the customer (or EU tax number), EEC transport location - information combined to the Incoterm code to determine the sales contract delivery conditions - and EEC transport method.

Information linked with the Physical flows: EU rule andTransaction nature, subject to activity code DEB, too, come from the setup carried out at Movement rules and natures function level.

This information can be modified up as long as the return is not confirmed.

Header analytical dimensions:

This function is used to access the analytical dimensions of the return header. These sections are loaded according to the PNH default section code.

Returns inquiry

This function is used to access the inquiry on the different supplier returns.


This function is used to view the return entry transaction that is being used.

Journals traceability

This option is used to access the Journal traceability inquiry function. This function is used to view and browse through the hierarchy of journals at the origin or coming from the document.

Bill of Lading

Update 8.0.0 and higher:

Use this function to display the bill of lading linked to this document. You can go to this function regardless of the document status.

In order to delete a delivery attached to a bill of lading, this attached bill of lading must be deleted or withdrawn from the Content tab. When deleting a bill of lading, the others deliveries included in that bill can be impacted:

  • If you attempt to delete a return attached to a bill of lading, an error message including the bill of lading number will be displayed.
  • If you modify a document attached to a bill of lading, a warning will be displayed indicating that the delivery is attached to a bill of lading.

You cannot delete a bill of lading from the Return management function once the delivery has been validated. You must exit the Return management function and delete the bill of lading in the Bill of lading function.

Communication / Sending


Click this button to send the individual transport note.

Use the Transport doc communication function (FUNTRNDOC) used to mass communicate transport notes.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Additional info

  • Departure date (field DPEDAT)

Displays the departure date for this delivery or return.

  • Departure time (field ETD)

Displays the arrival date for this delivery or return.

  • Arrival date (field ARVDAT)

Delivery departure time.

  • Arrival time (field ETA)

Delivery arrival time.

  • Registration (field LICPLATE)

License plate of the vehicle carrying goods.

  • Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT)

Enter the trailer license plate.

Manual document

  • Manual document (field MANDOC)

If the web service is down, the transportation note must be communicated using a paper document including the paper document number and the internal system number. This communication must be done directly in the AT portal.

This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). This is needed for all transportation notes for manual documents.


  • AT code (field ATDTCOD)

This field displays the AT code for the Transportation note returned by the tax authority.

This field populates automatically when you communicate using the web service.
If you communicated the transport using a manual document, you need to enter the code from the tax authority manually.



Local menus

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

No sequence number is assigned to this document

This message appears when the assignment of the sequence number counters for the Purchasing module has not been completed. To correct this problem, it is necessary to control that the required sequence numbers do exist (if this is not the case, they should be created), then assign them to the different documents using the appropriate function.

XXX Problem when retrieving the sequence number counter

This message is displayed in creation mode when the reading of the specified sequence number counter is invalid and the system has been unable to get a sequence number.

Indefinite period or processing prohibited on this date

This message appears during checking of the return date if such a date falls in a period during which the update is prohibited or if the period that it falls in is not defined.

The quantity to be returned exceeds the maximum authorized: xxx

During creation as with line modification, a maximum return quantity (xxx) is calculated. This maximum quantity is equal, for a return linked to a receipt, to the receipt quantity minus the quantity already returned for a product managed in stock and to the disputed quantity minus the quantity already returned for a product not managed in stock (see the PRTNQTY parameter).

When the supplier return is a direct return, the maximum quantity that can be returned is the quantity in stock determined by the issue rule defined in the product category (quantity in stock in the authorized major status groups). It is possible to have different issue rules for supplier returns, in this case the issue rule identified by the transaction code specified in the return transaction will be the one to be used).

This message appears if the entered quantity exceeds this authorized maximum.

‘Product not managed by the buyer’

This message appears after the entry of a product if the filter by buyer is active (see the BUYFLT setup) and the product in question is not managed by the buyer entered in the return header.

Record that already exists

This message appears if the document number assignment method is manual and the entered number already exists.

Record does not exist

This message appears following the check on all the information associated to a table if the entered value does not exist (site, buyer, supplier...).

You have already selected this receipt line

This message appears after the entry of a receipt line if this line is already present in the grid.

A non validated return already exists for this receipt line

This message appears if a non-validated return exists for the same receipt line.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation