This parameter is used in the Cost calculation functions.
It indicates, during the component quantity calculation, if a rounding must be applied to those quantities:
Two values are available:
Example :
Let an end product "ED" and a BOM with two components: CPN1 and CPN2
For 100 EDs, the BOM is as follows:
According to the value of this parameter, when applying the calculation to 1 ED, the component quantities will be as follows:
Parameter value |
| CPN1 | CPN2 |
No |
| 0.77 | 1.2 |
According to the BOM |
| 0.7 | 1 |
This parameter is defined at the level Site. It belongs to Chapter GPA (Manufacturing) and the Group COS (Costs), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
No global variable is associated with it.
The following functions are associated with this parameter :
Costing > Cost calculations > Budgeted cost calculation
Costing > Cost calculations > Revised cost calculation
Costing > Cost calculations > Simulated cost calculation
Costing > Cost calculations > Standard cost calculation