General parameters >  Chapter Manufacturing >  Parameter CLCWOCAUT (Auto provisional costs)  

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This parameter defines whether the provisional costs for a work order should be calculated automatically, or on demand.

In WO creation and modification - This is the default value for this parameter. Provisional costs are calculated automatically when the following events occur:

  • A new work order is raised. Provisional costs are calculated automatically when a new work order is raised.
  • An existing work order is modified. Provisional costs are recalculated automatically after each modification to a work order.
  • A subcontract order is modified. Provisional costs are recalculated automatically after each modification to a Subcontract order (GESSCO), if an operation in the routing is subcontracted to an external supplier.

No - Provisional costs for a work order are calculated on demand. With this parameter set to No, two options are provided for calculating the provisional costs of a work order as, and when required. You can use one or both of the following:

  • The Calculate expected cost function (CALMFGCOST). Use this function to calculate provisional costs for one or a range of work orders.
  • The WO provisional cost calculation action in the Work order function (GESMFG). Use this action to calculate provisional costs for a specific, or the current work order.

In WO creation - Provisional costs are calculated automatically when a new work order is raised.

Parameter CSTRCPORD - Provisional cost declaration (GPA chapter, COS group)

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter GPA (Manufacturing) and the Group COS (Costs), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GCLCWOCAUT is associated with it.

Functions impacted

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Manufacturing > Batch processes > Work order  > Upgrade

  Manufacturing > Planning > Work order

  Purchasing > Subcontract > Subcontract orders


Parameter CSTRCPORD - Provisional cost declaration (GPA chapter, COS group) determines if the provisional cost calculations are for the theoretical provisional costs of a work order or for the provisional release costs of a work order.