This parameter is used, if it is equal to Yes, to save the memos even if they are considered as "non-performing" from the point of view of the database.
In fact, during the saving of a selection memo in object management, checks are carried out, and the memo is considered as "non-performing" if the number of lines in the table in which the selection is made exceeds the value of the SELWARN parameter, and if one of the following conditions is met:
there is an expression defined in the selection.
an operator like or different is used in one of the conditions.
there are several linked tables in the selection.
there is anor between criteria of the selection.
no key (neither a standard key nor an optimization key) starts with one of the fields present in the selection criteria.
When the standard is considered as being "non performing", a warning message is displayed to the user. If the AUZMEMO parameter is set to Yes, the saving of the memo will all the same be possible; if this parameter is set to No, the saving cannot be made (however, this does not prevent the execution of the selection).
It should be noted that in version 130 and 120, this parameter is materialized by a check box in the user record.
This parameter is defined at the level User. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group PRF (Performances), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
No global variable is associated with it.
The following parameters are linked to the parameter AUZMEMO :
SELGLO (defined at level User) : Global selection
SELWARN (defined at level Folder) : Limit for control memos