General parameters >  Chapter Supervisor >  Parameter ROLLBACK (Lock attempts before rollback)  

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This technical parameter is used to define, when a transaction fails in the database for resource locking reasons, the total number of attempts to be made before warning the user with a locking message.

In effect, when such a conflict arises, a Rollback of the transaction is carried out and a new attempt is made until to the number of attempts defined in this parameter is reached. Then a warning message is sent to the user, who can then either abandon the transaction or make another attempt.

Often, the reaction time of the user to this message is sufficient for the transaction blocking the update to be completed, and in this case, the transaction requested will start normally.

Level of localization / Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter SUP (Supervisor) and the Group PRF (Performances), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

No global variable is associated with it.

Functions concerned

This parameter concerns access to the database.


Its normal value is equal to 3, and it is recommended not to modify it, except in extreme cases (highly active database with a lot of conflicts). But in any case, because its modification can have an influence on the system performances, it is recommended to take advice from a database specialist before carrying out this type of modification.

If the locking conflicts are linked to the allocation of document sequence number counters (orders, postings, or more generally transactions), it is advisable, to decrease these conflicts, to apply one of the following methods:

  • Use sequence number counters with criteria that differentiate the largest possible number of numbering sequences (namely by using the company and site).
  • Define the grouped sequence number counters or use the sequence management.

More information can be found in the sequence number counters documentation.