Import/export template >  Module Manufacturing >  Import/export template SOS (Sales forecast)  

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This function is used to import the WIP of the type consumption previsions.

It is based on a standard template for the management of the import file. The controls and updates are managed by a "specific/custom" process (no object).

This import uses the global variable GIMP to determine the records to be deleted, knowing that:

if GIMP(1) = 1: the existing prevision totals are purged before importing the new previsions.

if GIMP(1) = 2: the existing previsions are conserved, except if the previous and new previsions have taken place on the same dates. In this case, the previous previsions are deleted.

Note: if the GIMP variable is not filled then by default it takes the value 1 and all the existing previsions are purged.


Mandatory fields in the template

The mandatory fields in the template are:

 The storage site

 The product code

 The date

 The quantity

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

"This site is not a production site"

"Non-existent product code"

"Product not managed in stock for the site"


Tables used

This template can be used in import and export modes. The data is updated in the following tables :


Table description