Reports >  Module Manufacturing >  Report BONTRV (Job tickets)  

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Use this report to list, on individual job tickets, the individual operations to be carried out for selected firm work orders.

All or a range of work orders can be included selected by site code, project code, routing code and date.

The Work order Entry transaction definition defines if this report is to be printed. It also optionally allows the use of formulae to determine the number of copies to print.


Access to the report

This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Manufacturing - Work order documents.

It is also called by default from the following functions :

  Manufacturing > Planning > Work order

List of criteria


Parameter title



Plant range



Work order range



Project range



Routing range



Start date range



Print code (Local menu Print, Reprint)



Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)


Description of the report

This report prints details of the individual operations for individual work orders. The total number of finished goods required is provided as well as the preparation and operating times for each operation.

Each individual job ticket has three distinct sections. The following fields are included:

  • Job ticket header:
    • Release number - in ascending order
      The work order number.
    • Destination
      The production site.
    • Project
      The code of the project for which this operation is required.
    • Due date
      The date the finished goods are required. This date is either the end date defined for the work order or the date calculated for the defined scheduling method.
    • Total quantity
      The quantity of finished goods required.
    • STK (Stock unit)
      The unit of measure applicable to the total quantity required.
  • Released product details:
    • Product no.
      The product code of the finished goods and any subassemblies.
    • Version
      The major, or major and minor version of the finished goods or subassemblies that applies. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes in functionality. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version.
    • Released quantity
      The planned quantity, expressed in the release unit of measure.
    • REL (Stock unit)
      The unit of measure applicable to the total release quantity.
  • Operation details:
    • The sequence, or the order in which this operation comes in the routing and the description of the operation. Operations are usually numbered in steps of 5 so that additional operations can be inserted at a later date without the entire sequence having to be renumbered.
    • Work center
      The machine or work center that is being used in this operation.
    • Start / End
      The date this operation must start and the date it must be completed by. These dates are either the start or end date defined for the work order, or the date calculated for the defined scheduling method.
    • Preparation time
      The time (waiting time) before the operation begins.
    • Setup time
      The time it takes to load the work onto the machine. This includes extras such as tool fitting, oiling and maintenance.
    • Run time
      The time it takes to perform the operation to complete the total release quantity.
    • Unit
      The unit of measure applicable to the run time to complete the total release quantity. For example, if it usually takes 1 hour to produce 1000 nails, the field Run time will show '1' and the Unit field will show 'Hours'.