Reports >  Module Manufacturing >  Report MFGHEAD (List of WOs)  

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Use this report to print work order details. Information that relates to each work order as a whole is detailed such as the product to be released, the operations and the materials. The status of each work order at the time of printing is included.

All or a range of work orders can be included selected by planning or production site code, routing code, dates and status.


Access to the report

This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Manufacturing - Analysis.

It is also called by default from the following functions :

  Manufacturing > Planning > Work order

List of criteria


Parameter title



Site range



Start date range



End date range



Routing range



WO range



Priority range (Local menu Normal, Urgent, Very urgent)



Tracking report range (Local menu Pending, Being optimized, Printed, In progress...)



Allocation status range (Local menu Not allocated, Partial, Complete, Partial/Shortage...)



Scheduling report range (Local menu Not scheduled, Scheduled, Reschedule...)



Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)



The data is filtered by site according to the rights  granted to the user on the function GESMFG (Work order management ).

Description of the report

This report prints work order details. This includes details of the operations and components (materials). The total number of finished goods required is provided as well as the expected and actual operation operating times and component quantities.

Each individual work order has three distinct sections. The following fields are included:

  • Header:
    • The work order number - in ascending order.
    • The routing to be used, that is, the sequence of operations and tools that are involved in producing or processing the finished goods.
    • The major, or major and minor version of the routing that applies on the scheduled start date. Major versions might be used where there have been increased or significant changes to the original or previous version, that is the 'form, fit or function' has changed. Minor versions might be used where there have been minor features or changes in functionality, or significant fixes applied to a specific major version.
      This field is not displayed if the routing code is not version managed.
    • The planning and production sites.
    • The dates the work order was scheduled to start and be completed by. These dates are either the start or end date defined for the work order, or the date calculated for the defined scheduling method.
    • The release mode and type – this determines the content of the third section for each work order.
    • The allocation and scheduling status.
    • The current status of the work order.
  • Released product details:
    • The assembly (bill of materials) or code of the finished goods and any subassemblies.
    • The major, or major and minor version of the products or subassemblies that applies.
    • The quantity of finished goods required and the quantity completed.
    • The unit of measure applicable to the quantities.
    • The unit conversion factor used between the release unit of measure and the stock unit.
    • The total quantity produced and the current status of the work order.

The content of the following section is determined by the release method (mode), as follows:

Complete: The component (material) details and the operation details are displayed
Materials only: Only the component details are displayed
Operations only: Only the operation details are displayed

  • Operation details:
    • The sequence, or the order in which the operation comes in the routing.
    • The expected, or planned and actual, times. The actual times show the time taken to perform the operation until the total release quantity is completed.
    • The unit of measure applicable to the run time.
    • The progress and status of the operation.
  • Material details:
    • The product code of the components and any subassemblies.
    • The major, or major and minor version of the components or subassemblies that applies.
    • The quantity of the component required and the actual quantity used (consumed).
    • The unit of measure applicable to the quantities.
    • The material allocation status (global, detailed allocation, with or without shortage).
    • The progress and status of the line.