Reports >  Module CRM activities >  Report OPPOR3 (Closed projects/phase)  

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This report is used to understand, after a group of projects have been completed, the reasons why some projects have succeeded, have failed or have been abandoned. Projects are classified according to their closing reason.


Access to the report

This report can be accessed from the report menu of the group Commercial activity.

It is also called by default from the following functions :

  Customer relation > CRM activity > Projects

List of criteria


Parameter title



Site range



Date range






Print selections (Local menu No, Yes)


Description of the report

In order to understand the content of the report, the latter displays a first page specifying the selectin criteria being used and the sort being applied to present the information.

Then a new page is created for each part of the report relating to a new site.

For each site, a sorting of projects is carried out phase by phase.

The following totals are carried out for each site, for each phase and for the report as a whole.

  • Gross amount
  • Weighed amount
  • Number of quotes

At the end of the report, a summary of the totals is completed for each of the three main reasons for closing a project.

  • Projects won
  • Projects lost
  • Projects abandoned

The accuracy of the weighing applied to the projects can be examined for each of the closing reasons. Any tendencies to optimism or pessimism can thus be detected.