Workflow rules >  Category SEC >  Code BLKUSR (User lock inactive)  

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This rule is used to lock the users who have not logged on in a given time frame (set by default to 120 days in the rule ).

Context and operating mode

This Workflow rule is a manual rule (the Workflow is launched either directly or in batch mode).

It triggers :

  a message.

  an action.

According to the same principle as the BLKPSW rule, this rule to be launched in batch runs through the user table.

Triggering criteria

The additional triggering criteria are the following :

  • The account is not the one of the general administrator (known by the ADMUSR parameter).
  • The maximum of the creation and last connection dates, plus 120 days, must not be less than the current date.
  • The account has not been locked yet.


The recipient selection is performed as follows :

  • a messsge is sent to the general administrator to warn them.

Actions triggered by the event

The Workflow event triggers the following action :

Action code


AWRKUPDFLD : Update fields


This action sets the USRCONNECT field to 1, which prohibits any connection by the user concerned.

Tables used

The following tables are impacted by the rule BLKUSR :


Table description

