Workflow rules >  Category SEC >  Code CONHIST (User Connection History)  

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This rule is used to obtain a connect and disconnect list for the current folder.

Context and operating mode

This Workflow rule is a manual rule (the Workflow is launched either directly or in batch mode).

It triggers a message.

The assignment rule CONHIST (Connection history) is used by the Worflow rule CONHIST.

Warning, this event can only operate if the user trace is activated (to that end, the TABTRA parameter must be set to Yes for the users concerned).

It is based on the reading of the AESPION table by means of the CONHIST data model, that reads the user table at the same time.

Triggering criteria

The additional triggering criteria are the following :

  • This reading is delineated by the date (the condition set by default limits the reading to the dates from the start of the month defined by the current date minus 5 days).
  • The events of connection and disconnection type (identified by their codes) are searched.


The recipient selection is performed as follows :

  • All the lines are regrouped by user code.
  • A message is sent either to a recipient defined on the basis of the user connected in the CONHIST assignemnt rule, or to the first-level manager of the user found via the AFNC CHEF(user,level) function.
  • The subject of this message provides the user code concerned and the body of the message is comprised of a header and a line by connection or disconnection.

Tables used

The following tables are impacted by the rule CONHIST :


Table description

