This function is used to globally compare dictionary elements between two folders. The result is given in the form of a log file which level of detail depends on the execution options selected.

Screen management

Entry screen

The two folders to compare are defined in the screen. By default, the current folder is suggested, but you can enter the name of another accessible folder, using the syntax detailed in the attached documentation.

Use the check boxes to select dictionary elements to be compared.
You can then:

  • refine your selection by entering start and end ranges for the codes to be processed,
  • select the modules corresponding to the elements to be compared,
  • specify additional options,
  • apply a filter on the activity codes.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task ACOMPOBJ is provided for that purpose.


This type of utility has a very long execution time if it is launched for the entire dictionary. It is therefore advised to limit the elements to compare and if necessary, to filter them by module.

Log file displayed in the resulting file

Shown below are examples of the messages likely to be displayed in the log file:

Line type

Log file example

Element header

Source folder: XXXX Target folder: YYYY

Screens DD-MM-YY hh :mm


OK comparisons

XXXXXX Identical screen

nnn Identical chapter

Nonexistent elements

(level 1)

XXXXXX Screen does not exist under FOLDER

FFFFF Window does not exist under FOLDER

CCCC Inquiry does not exist under FOLDER

Nonexistent elements

(level 2)

XXXXX  / Field YYYY nonexistent FOLDER

CCCC / Field YYYY Difference YYYY’

Level 1 differences

Screen XXXXXX / [AMK]OPTION Grid options ‘options 1’ => ‘options 2’

Screen XXXXXX / [AMK]INTMSK Different titles ‘title 1’ => ‘title 2’

Object XXXXX  /  [AOB]TRELIS  Hierarchical list of differences ‘value 1’ => ‘value 2’

Level 2 differences

Screen XXXXX / Field YYYY / [AMZ]NUMBLOC Block number ‘value 1’ => ‘value 2’

Table XXXXX / Field YYYY / [ATZ]NOLONG Long text difference ‘text 1’ => ‘text 2’

Module nnn / Message mmm Difference ‘message 1’ => ‘message 2’

Level 3 differences

Screen XXXXX / Field YYYY / Control Action STD / [AMA]WEBSAI ‘value 1’ => ‘value 2’

You can also find in the log file the identification of the element and its sub-elements (e.g. screen, field, action), as well as the name of the dictionary field in which the difference was found.
The field names are not displayed if the Technical check box is not selected.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

server: machine inaccessible

The server with the name server does not respond (either because it is not accessible via the network or the service daemonadxd has not been launched).

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation