This function is used to copy the values of parameters defined at a given level (company, site, user, legal) for a given code, to a group of destination codes (company, site, user, legal, depending on the selected copy) defined by value range, using a template, or given in the form of a list.

This copy can be performed in simulation mode first (with or without details on the copied parameters).

Screen management

Entry screen

A single entry screen makes it possible, when starting the function, to enter all the necessary parameters. When validating the entry, a confirmation is requested, then the function is launched, and a log file reports the result.

Messages in the log file

The log file provides information in the following form :

[Level] Origin : [NAME]

[NN] Copied parameters

Parameter [NAME]: [VALUE] ( [Title] )

[Level] Destination: [NAME]

[NN] Copied parameters

Parameter [NAME]: [VALUE] ( [Title] )

where :

  • [Level] corresponds to the company, site, legislation or user
  • [NN] provides the number of parameters involved (copied, following the line of origin, deleted, on the destination level, remembering that this line is not present if no parameter value has been deleted).
  • The detail lines with each parameter and its value are only present if the Detail box is checked.


If parameter values existed for a given destination code, and do not exist in the start code, these values are deleted. For instance, if the CALNBRDEC parameter is set to the default value 2 for the folder, and is not defined at user level for the only user JOHN :

  • a copy of the parameters for the user JOHN to the user JIM is going to copy this parameter value.
  • Inversely, a copy of the parameters of the user JIM to the user JOHN is going to delete this parameter value for the user JOHN (since it is considered that the user has no value as such, but they must inherit the value of the upper levels).

This rule also applies when performing copies between folders. In this way, the copy of the parameters associated with JOHN in folder 1 to the user JIM in folder 2 is only going to recopy those parameters specific to JOHN (if parameters were inherited from the site, the company or the folder, they will be inherited from the site, the company or the folder, in other words, the inherited values may not be identical). If need be, it is then possible to copy the parameters of JOHN's site to JIM's site, those of JOHN's company to JIM's company etc.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation