General ergonomics of SAFE X3 Software
When entering a Sage software in Safe X3 technology, the home page displays a portal, menus and/or supplementary HTML pages.
From this home page, it is possible to enter functions that are organized in windows and that follow templates (record management, also called object management, inquiries, processings...)
This documentation presents the software ergonomics in client-server mode or Web-mode. Indeed, from version 5 and above, the two ergonomics are very close and the very rare differences that remain are identified with the following pictogram .
It details the functioning of the following elements:
- home pages when in menu display mode or in a HTML page linked, for example, to the portal,
- generic menus, accessible via the home page,
- menus accessible from a function window.
- the navigation zone.
There are other documentations, linked to the different templates' ergonomics (object, inquiry, process), elsewhere.
Home page
When entering the software, the home page displays (at least):
- A tab called Home page in client-server mode or Portal in Web mode.
This tab makes it possible to access tables or graphs displaying data from a user portal, if the user license authorizes it. - A tab called Online help, available in client-server mode. It makes it possible to access the table of contents of the on-line help.
- A blank tab at the user's disposal to memorize a HTML page. To customize this tab, just click on this tab to display a window to enter a tab title and the URL address to save. After validating the entry, a new blank tab will open on the right-hand side of the tab thus set up. To cancel a tab, simply right-click on the cross next to its title.
- A window called Navigator, displayed on top of the home page, presents the menus associated with the connected user's profile. These menus include a list of sub-menus that can be expanded. A click on the name of a function makes it possible to display it.
- A window, empty by default, called Favorites. This window can be personalized so as to include one to four functions or sub-menus. In order to fill this window, just drag the function or the menu to add from the Navigator window to the Favorites window. To delete one of the choices from theFavorites menu, simply drag the function or the menu and place it outside off the window.
These two windows,Navigator and Favorites, can be closed at any time; the two following icons, on the top right-hand side of the screen, make it possible to open them again: .
- A click on the first icon opens the Favorites menu.
- A click on the second icon opens the Navigatormenu.
Accessible menus via the home page
When displaying the menus or in a HTML page linked, for example, to the portal, only the next four menus are available, and the functions to which they give access are specific:
- Menu File
- Menu Navigation
- Menu Tools
- Menu ? (Help)
File Menu
This menu gives access to the following functions:
- Configuration of the applications, used to display the window defining the connection parameters for a given folder, exactly as the Configuration button operates in the connection box to the software.
- Print management, used to show the window displaying, for each print server (Localhost represents the workstation itself), the Crystal Reports in the process of being printed. It is then possible to view the requests in progress, to change their print order or to cancel them as long as they belong to the connected user.
- Print makes it possible to open the printing dialog box and to screen print the current window.
- Exit the application makes it possible to exit the software.
In web mode, the only option available is Exit the application.
Navigation Menu
This menu corresponds to the functioning of the Internet Explorer™ internet browser with some functionalities available via the client. The following options are available:
- Previous page and Next page make it possible to display the previous or next navigator page, when the navigation is done menu by menu or to HTML pages via hypertext links.
- Start page displays the home page defined by default in the internet browser parameters.
- Update, Stop correspond to the usual functions of the Internet browser.
- Home page displays the SageX3 software home page.
- Go to function (keyboard shortcut )opens a dialog box to either enter or select the code of the function to be run.
In web mode, the only option available is Go to function.
Tools Menu
Available only in client-server mode, it gives access to the two following functions:
- Report Developer mode. This mode makes it possible (if the user is thus authorized via the DEVCRY user setup) to choose a mode in which the report development is possible in local mode. More information on these functions can be found in the help documentation linked to the development.
- Options... opens a window that makes it possible to view/modify some characteristics of the client workstation. These characteristics are grouped in the 3 following tabs:
1/ The General tab, which includes:
- The connection language submitted by default.
- A checkbox to specify if the connection box must be displayed when launching the software. If this box is not checked, launching the software can be done without entering the connection box, unless the Uppercase key is kept pressed during launching.
- A check box to specify if the loading window should be displayed.
- The resolution used for the screens: Normal (that is to say, for the 600*800 screens) or High (that is to say, for 768*1024 screens).
- Characteristics used by the process editor.
2/ The tabTable makes it possible to define the colors of the table lines (with a repetition factor of 1 to 5 lines).
3/ The tab Fonts and styles, to specify the fonts used in the standard screens.
? Menu (Help)
This menu gives access to the following functions:
- Demonstration guide, only available in client-server mode.
- Contents, giving access to the contents of the on-line help.
- Sage Site.
- Diagnostic help that groups the following functions:
- Calculator, giving access to the calculator tool.
- Debugger, giving access to the debugger.In Web mode, other technical functions are available when the user logged on is also general administrator. This encompasses the activation of local log files, the inquiry of network errors, statistics linked to the session, local performances, etc. For more information on these functionalities, view the dedicated technical annex.
- About is used to display:
- miscellaneous technical information linked to the current session: client workstation version, login and identification of the user's workstation, processing server, data server, etc.
- the legal information linked to the use of the software
The menu bar accessible from a function window.
This bar provides access to a set of menus. Some of these menus are generic, which means they are used in the same way whatever the context, other menus are linked to the management of certain functions, or are specific to the object management. The functions present in these menus can have keyboard shortcuts; these are indicated after the function title.
File Menu
This menu gives access to the following group of functions:
- New, Save, Create, Delete, Close, Exit are the functions accessible in addition by the icons or buttons on the upper bar or at the bottom of the screen.
In client server mode, New is represented by the following icon.
- Change the key, available in object management, opens a window through which it is possible to modify the current key of the record. Warning, this operation is not necessarily possible for all objects, and it can take a while, because all the records in the linked tables storing the key value will be modified.
- Attachments provides access to the management of attachments, which is described in an annex documentation.
In client server mode, Attachments is represented by the following icon.
The presence of attachments on the record is indicated by the following iconon the task bar (in web mode) or below the buttons (in client server mode). A double click on this icon also opens the attachment window.
- Comments opens a window that gives access to a text, stored in the database, which can be raw or rich text (a right click on the text field makes it possible to switch from one to the other).
In client server mode, Comment is represented by the following icon.
The presence of a comment is indicated:
- in web mode, by the following iconin the task bar,
- in client server mode, by the iconunder the button bar.
A double click on this icon also opens the comments window. - Export provides the possibility to export data, either in XML format, or to Excel.
- The XML export enables the user to display the data of the current window in XML format (list of fields with their names and contents) in a Web browser instance. These data can then be directly saved on a disk.
- The export to Excel is used to display a .csv file containing the data of the current window in a Web browser instance. The browser will use Excel if it is available on the workstation and set up to open by default this type of file. - The Print/Record and Print/List choices give access to the launch window of a report associated with the record. By convention, the report associated with Print is in principle linked to the current record. It means that the Print function is not active if there is no current record. The report associated with List on the other hand, does not have this prerequisite. The association of the reports to each object is made possible via setup by means of the object customization, by linking a report code to each of these two functions. When a function is managed with transactions, it is also possible to assign different reports for different transactions. It should be noted that a report code can be assigned to one or more reports by means of the print code setup. If this is the case, a window opens up to present the various accessible reports, in order for the user to choose one. The Print choice can also be triggered via an icon situated at the top of the screen (in the blue bar) or by selecting + .
- Workflow, available in object management mode, opens up a window making it possible to send a message to users.
In client server mode, Workflow is represented by the following icon.
The transmission of a message is illustrated on the screen by the following icon:located in the task bar (in Web mode) or below the button bar (in client-server mode).
This message will include a link to the record; in this way, if a user double clicks on the icon, he/she can return to the current record. It should be noted that it is also possible to associate a Workflow setup based on the Workflow button itself. In this case, the message entry window will not open up for the elements to be entered; the message will be sent automatically. - Properties (keyboard shortcut) ,available in object management mode, opens up a window that provides information characterizing the current record. By default, the displayed information includes the record title, the creation date and time and the user who created it, the modification date, time and user responsible for the modification, whether or not the corresponding fields are present in the main table (CREDAT, CRETIM,CREUSR, UPDDAT, UPDTIM, UPDUSR). It is also possible to modify the information presented in this window using the object properties setup.
Note: the key allows the properties of a given object to be displayed, in a field that contains the key of this object. For instance, during an order entry, in the sold-to customer field, it is possible via this key to open up the property window for the customer (by avoiding having to tunnel to the customer record, then to display the File/Properties window).
Edit menu
This menu to be found in the top bar after the File menu contains the usual Windows edit functions, applicable to the current field:
- Cancel is represented, in client server mode, by the following icon
- Cut and Copy, that are represented in client server mode by the following icons
, can be used to fill the clipboard with the contents of the current field and Paste (equivalent icon
), to insert this content in the current field.
- Find, Next, Back make it possible to search for field value, namely in a table, or in edit mode (texts, programs).
- Replace can only be used in editor mode.
- Selection (keyboard shortcut ) used to open up a selection window in a field managed by an object. As selection criteria, this window contains the fields present in the left list of the object. Filters can be activated via right click on these fields, in the same way as on the left list.
- Open file and Select file can only be accessed on certain fields (when the file path can be referenced).
Display menu
This menu is used to access the following functions:
Last read (keyboard shortcut ), available in object management mode, is used to select the values of a field controlled by a table, by displaying the keys of those records last read by the user.
The choice Statistics, available in object management mode, can only be activated if statistics have been set up, and their first criteria are information present in the record managed by the object.
For example, if the sales statistics have been set up, and that these statistics are organized by customer country, then by customer group, then by customer, then by product group, a zoom on the customer record to the corresponding statistic inquiry will be possible (the zoom will be made directly on the corresponding customer figures). -
Converter (keyboard shortcut + ) is used to temporarily display the value of all the fields of "amount in currency" type in another currency. Of particular use in the Euro transition period, it can still be used to view amounts in other currencies. The currency displayed by default is the one specified at the level of the EUROCOD setup. The code of this currency appears in a small window. It is then possible to enter or select another currency. The converted amounts are directly displayed in the original screen. The Return key closes the window and retrieves the display in the original currency of the screen. It should be noted that the conversion is carried out for the current date, and that it is based on the rate type number 1.
Update (keyboard shortcut ) is used to refresh the left list.
Select transaction is used to change the current transaction when the object is managed with transactions: a selection window displays the possible choices.
Navigation Menu
This menu gives access to the following navigation functions:
First, Next, Previous, Last make it possible to read in sequences the records in the table (in the order of the key defined for the left list). It should be noted that these operations take into account the selection put into place by the File/Selection, as well as by access filters, but not by filters controlled by right click on the current left list.
In client server mode, these functions are represented by the following icons: -
Go to function... (keyboard shortcut ) opens the Execution of one function window, used to directly access another function.
This function can be entered by its name, or selected in a list of 4 default functions presented in this window. -
Tunnel (keyboard shortcut ) can be used to move from a field whose value is managed by an object to the management of the object itself. The current window is then stacked in order to generate the object in question; the default record corresponding to the current key (if it is assigned) on the field from which the tunnel is called. On return, this field, if it is modifiable, is filled with the last key viewed.
Links is used to enter links to other records or to modify the existing manual links. In addition to these functions, the menu can provide access to 4 other functions that can be freely defined by the user via the user customization function. Their keyboard shortcuts are respectively to . They are used to open a secondary session directly in the corresponding function. Let us mention the fact that, on the one hand, the opening of such a session can be limited by the license, and it occurs for the same user code and folder. On the other hand, the setup performed is only activated after the session has been exited. The new menu choices will only be taken into account when the next session is opened.
Selection Menu
This menu gives access to the following selection functions:
Advanced selection
This choice is used to display a window for the entry of criteria based on the fields in the on-line table.
This window is displayed in the form of several criteria lines, separated by the And / Or logic operators.
For each criterion, the following information should be entered:
1. Either the concerned field, or the description. Upon tabulation, a selection window is displayed and suggests a list of fields.
2. An operator followed by a value.
The possible operators are: Equal, Not Equal, Greater than or equal, Greater than, Less or equal, Less, and Like. This last operator, only valid for numerical fields, assumes the entry of a template including wildcards.
When a field is of the type local menu (choice from a list accessible via a combo-box), the value can be selected, but the simple fact of entering the start of the title is sufficient. For example, to select only the records having the non-active indicator on the object which manages it, it is necessary to enter the field name (ENAFLG in this case), the operator Equal, and the value No (the simple entry of N is sufficient, the value No being displayed at the validation of the field).
In addition to the criteria entered above, it is possible to enter criteria in the form of an Adonix expression; formulas of this type can be entered by selecting, by right click, the fields in the tables. For instance, if the user wishes to see only the records created in the current week, it is possible to write a selection expression of type:
CREDAT>=aweek(week(date$),year(date$)) |
Note: if the table is very large, it is preferable to use an index based on the CREDAT field, especially if the selection has been saved. This can be an optimization index.
Checkboxes at the end of a line
When a criterion has been entered, it is possible to define it as modifiable default value, by checking the end-of-line box.
The following memo is created on the sales invoices:
First line: BPCINV (Bill-to Customer) equal to Dupond, box at the end of the line not selected.
Second line: SALFCY (Sales site) equal to Paris, box at the end of the line selected.
When the memo is recalled, and before it is run, a window specifies the first line of the memo and submits 'Paris' as the modifiable default value. In other words another site can be selected for customer Dupond.
Standard selection and selection icon
Giving the code STD to a selection means that this selection should automatically be called on entering the function. It is possible to have a standard global memo, which will apply by default to all users, except to those having defined another default standard memo (the local memo called STD has priority).
In order to warn the user that a selection is active, whether following on from the use of the selection menu or by means of a STD memo on the entry:
- In Web mode, the icon
is present on the bar that displays the title of the left list. The fact of double-clicking on this icon displays the name of the active selection.
- In client server mode, the icon
is displayed under the button bar.
Once a group of criteria of this type has been entered, it is possible to memorize the selection using the button . The window that opens up enables the entry of an alphanumerical code of 15 characters associated with a clear title. The checkbox called Global is used, when it is activated, to define the memo that is going to be created as being Global, i.e. shared by all the users. Otherwise, this memo will be considered as being Local, i.e. only visible to the user who created it. Caution, access to the Global checkbox is only authorized for specific users (right defined by means of setup SELGLO).
A memorized selection criterion can raise performance issues if a very large table is managed by the object, and the selection criteria are particularly complex and do not involve any index. So, on saving a memo, a control ensures that this is not the case. Based on the value of the AUZMEMO and SELWARN parameters, this creation can be refused (the selection is never prohibited even if it may impedes performances, because it is assumed that the inquiry, even if it is heavy, is rarely used and will not disturb other users repeatedly). It should be noted that a dedicated function makes it possible to control at a later date if performance penalizing memos have been created in the database (they may not have been penalizing at the start, because of the database volume, but can become so later).
From this window, it is also possible to delete a memo, or to recall an existing memo, in order to activate it. Clicking on validates the selection entered and redisplays the left list taking into account the criteria thus defined.
The choice of a memo is indicated:
- In Web mode, by the following icon displayed in the left list title bar:
. A screentip on this arrow indicates a Rapid selection in process. A click on the arrow gives the active memo name and code.
- In client server mode, by the icon
under the button bar.
It is possible to combine the selection by memo and that by right click on a column.
- In web mode, the two icons
are then present on the title bar of the list.
- In client server mode, in addition to the selection icon
, a green dot on the column title indicates the current selection.
Key-word selection
This choice makes it possible to open a search criteria entry window operating on the attachments associated with the object records. Only the records that have attachments associated with the defined keywords will be selected.
It is possible to give a keyword as a criterion, but also a filter on the document type. A window displaying the records found can be used to select one of them to be the current record.
Other choices possible in the menu
When the selections have been memorized for an object, the lines indicating these selections also appear in the Selection menu. The global selections appear first, separated from the local selections by a horizontal line. Finally, "All" is used to cancel the memorized selection. In Web mode, these choices are not updated immediately (unlike for the client-server mode).
Window menu
This menu gathers the following window management functions:
New session with the equivalent icon
in client server mode, which opens up a secondary session. This new session is linked to the first. Indeed it is opened in the same folder, with the same user code. The maximum number of secondary sessions that can be opened by a given user can be limited via the MAXSES2 user setup.
Cascade, Horizontaltile, Vertical tile are used to define the way in which the windows stacked by means of successive tunnels or zooms are displayed. Reminder: only the last window stacked is active (the others are activated as and when the functions are unstacked).
? Menu (Help)
This menu gives access to the following functions:
Field help, Function help, Record help are currently the three levels of help defined:
The field help (shortcut ) is for the current field.
The function help (shortcut + ) is for the whole function.
The record help (shortcut + ) describes the content of the current record. This last type of help is available for certain functions of object type only (those are setup functions), and only for specific records.
Client server mode
In client-server mode, the following icon is used to display the help about the location where the cursor is placed.
Summary, with the following equivalent icon, in client-server mode:
, providing access to the contents of the on-line help.
Sage site, to log on to the Sage site.
Properties ((keyboard shortcut) opens a window that gives access to information that characterizes the current record. By default, the displayed information includes the record title, the creation date and time and the user who created it, the modification date, time and user responsible for the modification, whether or not the corresponding fields are present in the main table (CREDAT, CRETIM,CREUSR, UPDDAT, UPDTIM, UPDUSR). It is also possible to modify the information presented in this window using the object properties setup.
Note: the key allows the properties of a given object to be displayed, in a field that contains the key of this object. For instance, during an order entry, in the sold-to customer field, it is possible via this key to open up the property window for the customer (by avoiding having to tunnel to the customer record, then to display the File/Properties window).
This function is also accessible using the File menu. -
Diagnostic support. This menu contains the following functions:
Calculator, giving access to the calculator tool.
Debugger, giving access to the debugger.
Field information (keyboard shortcut ) displays the screen name, current field code and its characteristics.
Description of the window, used to open a Web browser instance which displays the XML description of the current window.
Dbg On/Off (keyboard shortcut + +) to trigger and deactivate the debugger.
Timing activation activates a log mode for the process execution. This log mode saves all the overlapping processes in a file whose name is given in the setup box that opens up (Call… Subprog…End instructions, optionally Gosub… $ETIQUETTE…Return , according to whether the With Gosub box is checked or not).
Timing read ends the log mode activated by the previous choice.. A log is displayed indicating the total execution time spent on the server (keyboard waiting time not included). This time is further broken down into sub-program calls: the number of calls, the time elapsed in milliseconds and the percentage of total time are displayed. The calls are sorted in descending order of the consumption percentage (the most costly appearing first). This tool is particularly useful to optimize the consumption of CPU time on the process servers.
Activate xxx trace is used to activate a log mode in the database (xxx which can be Oracle or Sql server depending on the database used).
De-activate trace is used to stop the log file mode; the file containing the log is then displayed, which is then used to identify the requests sent to the database.
This tool is particularly useful to understand and optimize the time taken by the data server.
Navigation area
It is displayed as follows:
It is used to:
Display the access path to the function in the menu and sub-menu structure.
The intermediary menus are underlined: clicking on one of these menus displays the list of functions and submenus accessible from the corresponding level.For instance:
Me1, Me2 feature sub-menus that can be expanded with a click on the title. Fc1 and Fc2 feature functions that can be directly accessed from the menu in question. It is possible to tunnel to the function concerned via a simple click on one of these functions. It is a tunnel type functioning: the current function remains pending while the user works in the newly opened function. When exiting this function, the user returns to the function of origin.
Navigate from one function to the other, thanks to the icons
a simple click on the first icon displays the list of functions available in the favorites (defined at the level of the entry screen to the software),
the second icon makes it possible to return to the lowest level of the menu structure in order to be able to tunnel to another function.