Use this function to set up the allergens for a product record. The rollup performs the following:
  • Clears any previously saved allergens.
  • Retrieves the BOM record based on the BOM code input parameter.
  • Loops through all of the component products in the BOM.
    • If the component is a manufactured product, the rollup finds the production BOM based on the code and searches the components. When the component calculation is complete, the allergens are added to the product record and the date and BOM code associated with the rollup are updated.
    • If the component is a non-manufactured product (purchased), the rollup will look up the allergens stored on that product record.
  • Builds a list of allergens associated with the parent product. Each allergen is added to the list once.
  • Writes the final allergens list, the date of the rollup, and the BOM code to the product header record.
When accessed from Production BOMs, the BOM code and product automatically defaults from the current record and cannot be modified.


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Screen management

Entry screen

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

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