Resynchronization customer transactions
This function is used to detect any synchronization errors between the quantity balance files and the database files (SORDERQ, PORDERQ, MFGOPE, MFGITM, MFGMAT according to the specific case). It is used to repair them where anomalies exist .
The resynchronization processing consists of a coherency verification of the information coming from the quantity balance file with respect to the information coming from the main files.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The resynchronization processing for the balance quantities is carried out following a number of selection criteria.
Entry screen
Site: The warehouse site is mandatory. By default, it corresponds to the site associated with the user's function profile, but it is modifiable.
Product: It is possible to carry out a resynchronization for a specific product or for all the products in the chosen warehouse site. In the first case, it is necessary to enter the product code that is to be processed.
Selection of the resynchronization: It is possible to choose one or more resynchronization types (Customer balance, Supplier balance and/or Production balance), but also to refine the selection criteria by ticking the order types to be processed:
Customer orders (check on the SORDERQ file depending on ORDERS)
Supplier orders (check on the PORDERQ file depending on ORDERS)
Works orders (check on the MFGITM file depending on ORDERS)
Material requirements (check on the MFGMAT file depending on ORDERS)
Sub-contractor services (check on the MFGOPE file depending on ORDERS)
Inter-site orders (check on the PORDERQ file depending on ORDERS)
Inter-site requests (check on the SORDERQ file depending on ORDERS)
Sub-products (check on the MFGITM file depending on ORDERS)
Resynchro > on reorder/on order: This field is used to resynchronize the "on reorder" and "on customer order" amounts in the ITMMVT table.
Automatic correction: This parameter, if active, is used to carry out the selected corrections automatically.
Resynchronization principles
The processing uses the quantity balance file as a starting point.
For each balance quantity found (following the selection), the process reviews the situation of the associated document:
If the original document does not exist, the balance is deleted.
If the original document is closed, the balance is deleted.
If the remaining quantity of the original document is null, the corresponding balance is deleted.
If the actual quantity is different to the planned quantity, the balance is adjusted.
In all cases, it is always the balance file that is deleted or corrected.
Sub-contractor scenario
For a sub-contractor operation associated with a work order, a SC type balance is generated and associated with the WO, as well as the operation number.
In the case of a SC balance, the resynchronization process checks the existence of the corresponding WO and operation. If:
One of the two elements does not exist, the SC balance is deleted.
One of the two elements is closed, the SC balance is deleted.
The operation quantity is out of phase with the SC balance quantity, the balance quantity is corrected.
Log file: The processing generates a log file that can be printed. This file lists all the processing and indicates any de-synchronizations found, as well as any corrected errors.
Selection criteria
Stock site (field STOFCY) |
Enter or select the storage site where the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
Product (field ITMREF) |
This field specifies the reference of the product to to process. |
Block number 2
Customer orders (field SO) |
To deal with the WIP of the customer order type. |
Customer regeneration in process (field SOREGEN) |
To regenerate all the WIP linked to the customer orders (active only if automatic correction is activated). |
Supplier orders (field PO) |
To deal with the WIP of the supplier order type. |
Supplier regeneration in process (field POREGEN) |
To regenerate all the WIP linked to the suppliers (active only if automatic correction is activated). |
Work orders (field WO) |
To deal with the WIP of the manufacturing order type. |
Regenerate WIP (field WOREGEN) |
To regenerate all the WIP linked to the customer orders (active only if automatic correction is activated). |
Production materials (field MW) |
To deal with the WIP of the material need type. |
Subcontract orders (field EO) |
Regenerate EO (field EOREGEN) |
Subcontract materials (field MS) |
Subcontract services (field SC) |
To deal with the WIP of the sub-contracting service. |
Transfer orders (field TR) |
To deal with the WIP of the inter-site order type. |
Transfer requirements (field TP) |
To deal with the WIP of the inter-site request type. |
By-products (field BW) |
To deal with the WIP of the type sub-product. |
Resynchronization (field ITV) |
To resynchronize the totals "in replenishment and on order" for the products/site. |
Start-end date control (field CTLDAT) |
Recalculate assignments (field MTOLINK) |
To proceed to the recalculation of assignments (cancel and replace). When the box Automatic correction is checked, the automatic assignment process is launched automatically if the Take into account in the automatic assignments box is checked for the Assignment rule specified at the level of the Product-Site, or else for the rule specified by the DEFPTO - MTO assignment rule parameter. |
Block number 3
Automatic correction (field AUTCOR) |
This parameter, if active, makes it possible to carry out the appropriate corrections automatically. |
Batch task
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNSYNCW is provided for that purpose.
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
Name of the site: xxx non-existent recordThis message appears when the specified site is not a declared site.
The product is not linked to this production site!The specified product is not referenced in the site.
De-synchronized planned quantitiesVariance found between the ORDERS file and the source file (SORDERQ, PORDERQ, MFGOPE, MFGITM, MFGMAT according to the order type processed) for the planned quantity (EXTQTY).
De-synchronized actual quantitiesVariance found between the balance file and the source file (SORDERQ, PORDERQ, MFGOPE, MFGITM, MFGMAT according to the order type processed) for the actual quantity (CPLQTY).
De-synchronized remaining quantitiesVariance found between the balance file and the source file (MFGITM) for the remaining quantity (RMNEXTQTY).
De-synchronized allocated quantitiesVariance found between the balance file and the source file (SORDERQ, MFGMAT according to the order type processed) on the allocated quantity (ALLQTY).
De-synchronized shortage quantitiesVariance found between the balance file and the source file (SORDERQ, MFGMAT according to the order type processed) for the shortage quantity (SHTQTY).
Resynchronization stock / site required!The process has found a variance at the stock level that requires a stock/site stock/resynchronization processing.