This function is used to create new batch tasks or to modify the characteristics of existing tasks.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen

The batch task management is carried out in a single tab. A batch task is characterized by a code that makes it possible to call it and by a certain number of technical characteristics defining the process to be launched. A batch task can be :

  • either an ADONIX program (processing)
  • or a report (print)
  • or system tasks defined by a command file (shell script under UNIX™, script under Windows™)

A batch task is defined either by the name of a function or by the name of a process. If a task is defined as a function, the transfer conditions of setups and authorizations (authorized sites among others). A task of this type can be included in a group of batch tasks.

The majority of batch functions are in this case, but a few rare functions, defined by the process name are not.

The creation of new batch tasks of the type Process assumes the creation of a process standardized with ADONIX AGL, as well as to describe the associated function.

A batch process can have a need for dynamically entered setups in a dialogue box at the time of each task submission (this screen can also then be called if the task is directly launched). The standardization of the development of batch tasks manages the call to a setup entry screen and returns the corresponding values for the execution, either directly (if the task is launched directly) or in a differed fashion.