Annual leave periods
Use this function to configure the management mode for days of annual leave type in the time management function.
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
For a given company, a year and an event of annual leave type, you must define:
- The acquisition date of those annual leaves,
- If the payroll module is available, the payroll total containing the number of annual leaves accumulated every month. In this way, for every payroll calculation, the number of annual leaves accumulated in the Annual leave by employee records will be automatically updated with the value of this total.
- The consumption period of those leaves with, if needed, the tolerance period,
- And, if needed, and if the payroll module is available, the annual payroll totals containing the number of leaves accumulated and taken, in the case of a folder started during the course of the year. A complete initialization of the number of leaves accumulated and taken, from the Annual leave by employee records, will be possible from the Annual leave initialization function.
Those payroll totals will be used to know which payroll totals populate the current year and the previous year, and to populate the totals in the case of a start during the course of the year.
Entry screen
Block number 1
Company (field CPY) |
Company subject to the current leave management setup. |
Year (field YEA) |
Year during which the current leave management setup is applied. |
Event (field TIM) |
Time event subject to the current leave management setup. |
Period start date (field STRPER) |
Legal period during which the employees of the company can accumulate their leaves with a set up event type. |
Period end date (field ENDPER) |
Payroll total (field CUM) |
Setup of the payroll monthly total, which contains the accumulated value, with a set up time event, at each payroll calculation. |
Period start date (field STRDAT) |
Legal period during which the employees of the company can consume their annual leave with a set up event type. The accepted period is used within the framework of a consumption period that is different from the legal period. |
Period end date (field ENDDAT) |
Accepted period from (field DEBDAT) |
Accepted period to (field FINDAT) |
Period accrued totals
Accrued currrent (field CUMACQ0) |
Setup of the payroll totals, of annual periodicity (12 months) to be retrieved:
Taken current (field CUMPRI0) |
Accrued previous (field CUMACQ1) |
Taken previous (field CUMPRI1) |
Additional info
Leave cycle (field LVESEL) |
Formula (field LVEFOR) |
Cycle duration (field LVETRM) |