
Use this function to set up a company or companies. A company can be a division, a branch, or a site. A company can have 1 or a multiple sites.

After creating a company, you can use the Site/company groupings (GESAFG) function to link sites to this company. If the company you created is not the main company with an accounting structure, you need to add the site to a group linked to the main company.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to Implementation documentation

Screen management


On this tab you can define a unique company code, name, and short description.

General tab

On this tab, you can enter information such as the capital or currency, legislation, country, and so on. You can also upload a logo image to be used in reports.

Acct tab

Use this tab to define features that can be used when generating entries linked to the company.

Addresses tab

Use this tab to define a list of addresses associated with the company.
Each address is identified by a code and the set of related data.

Select the Address by default checkbox for the address to be set by default for the company.

Bank details tab

Enter the bank details for this contact.

Contacts tab

Use this tab to list the contact persons of the company in the contacts table. The full contact information linked to the name are displayed next to the grid.

In order to add a new contact:

  • select an existing Contact (relationship) or
  • create a new contact:
    - you can enter a code and detailed information about this contact,
    - you can also simply enter the detailed information as the code is automatically created when saving the record.
    In both cases, the contact is automatically recorded in the Contacts table.

The contacts management, based on Contacts (relationships), ensures that each individual record is unique. A contact with a particular role can be recorded as one Contact among many companies, sites or BPs. Based on the record of one contact, you can indeed create relationships across records, provided they have a Contact tab.

However, a contact considered as a relationship can only be recorded as a person or individual. Only identification information such as the last name, first name, date of birth and cell phone number are common to the contact (relationship) record and to the details entered at the general contact level.
Other information such as the address, email address, landline number and fax number are managed separately between the relationship contact and each one of his/her contacts. At relationship level, the information is considered as being personal; at general contact level, the information is considered as being professional. 

SEEREFERTTO For further examples, see the documentation of the Contacts function.

Sites tab

This tab is used to define information relative to the pre-consolidation, to the DAS 2 / 1099 declaration (specific to France), when it is declared at the company level and to the results declaration.

Sites tab

Specific buttons

Legal data

Click Legal data to view the legal data determined by the legislation for the current record.

The window displayed can be set up in Miscellaneous table 959 - Legal data / legislation.

If the company is not a legal one (legislation not mandatory), then the access to legal data is only granted if all the companies of the group share the same legislation and if a window is set up for this legislation in miscellaneous table no. 959.