In development, when a source process is being modified by a user, a file with the .LCKsrc extension is created at the same time as a file with the .src extension that contains the source, both in the same directory as the default TRT source). The presence of this file is used to avoid the simultaneous modification of the same source by two users.

In the case of the sudden stopping of a process (by stopping the database, or by an administrator action via the user surveillance ), the file will start, and will prevent the modification of the source. Thus this function is useful, because it is used to view the locked processes of this type.

Screen management

Entry screen

This function is displays as a single screen without any left list, on which there is a grid that displays the locked files. The user can unlock the processes via right click.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Deletion error (followed by the file name)

The attempt to delete the file in question has failed.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation