This function is used to view the different processes and current locks in the database when the database used is Oracle™.

Important remark

Warning, this type of function facilitates, via a user interface homogenous with the software, the launch of live procedures dedicated to a database admin. It is made to be launched by such an admin (usually called DBA).

To be used optimally, the user should be familiar with the functioning of databases and their optimization.

Conversely, an inappropriate use of the function can be problematic for the performances of the system and might compromise the utilization of the software.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

This function is used to view the processes and the locks corresponding to these processes in the database.
These elements are presented in two tabs : the first provides a list of the processes, the second gives the list of locks.

The function is used to identify the blocking locks. After verification of the blocking and blocked processes, it will be possible to kill the blocking process.


Used to identify the characteristics of the database used.

Tab Processes

On entry to this function, the processes connected to the current folder are displayed by default.

If the processes in all the solution folders are required, it is necessary to modify the Processes filter.
If the process display sort is to be modified, it is necessary to modify the Process sort and Direction.
It will then be necessary to refresh the display using the bottom of the screen.

This screen is made up of two sections :


This first section contains a grid that presents the processes running on the database.

Display options

This section is used to modify the filter options and the process sort.
The filter is used to restrict the processes display and as a result the display of the locks.
It will be necessary to refresh the display using the button at the bottom of the scree to take into account the new display options.

Used to view the text for the last SQL instruction for the process.

Disconnect after transaction

Used to wait for the end of the current transactions below closing the selected session.

Disconnect immediately

Used to immediately close the selected session.

Tab Locks

The second tab displays the list of locks in place and pending on the database that corresponds to the processes in the first tab.

This is used to distinguish in the case of blocking locks:

  • which process is blocking
  • which process is blocked and which is the process that it blocks.

Used to view the text for the last SQL instruction for the process.

Specific Buttons


This button, also accessible using the short cut, used to refresh the display of the tabs.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation