Belgian bank statement - Implementation
Setup the Coded Statement of Account (CODA) statement format
In order to be able to import CODA statements, the format of the CODA statement must be set up:
Setup>A/P-A/R Accounting>Bank files.
Name of the format provided as standard: BERLVCODA. The bank code must be blank in the BERLVCODA bank file definition (unique format for all banks).
Setup the 'Belgian bank statement' sequence number counter
For the bank statement to use sequential numbers upon creation or import of the Belgian statement, the BERBK counter must be set up:
Setup>General parameters>Sequence number counters>Assignment.
For each Belgian BP/Company module pair
- Line 6 - bank statement must be set up with the BERBK sequence number counter.
Setup required to determine remittance notes automatically
During the import, the reconciliation of remittances in an intermediate posting such as a SEPA payment or FOREX customer payment, can be performed automatically.
To determine the remittance note number the internal reference defined in record 22 must be read. This internal reference is subdivided into two blocks of 13 characters containing the payment numbers associated with the remittance note. It is mandatory, therefore, that sequence numbers of Belgian payment transactions are limited to 13 characters:
Setup>General parameters>Sequence number counters>Assignment.
For each Belgian BP/Company module pair:
- Line 1 - Expenditure payment must be set up with a sequence number counter with a maximum length of 13 characters.
- Line 2 - Revenue payment must be set up with a sequence number counter with a maximum length of 13 characters.
Setup required to automatically determine the VCS sales/customer BP invoices
During the import it is possible to automatically determine the sales and customer BP invoices using the VCS no. provided in record 21 when the communication type is 101. The VCS number (Structured-communication Transfer) is unique.
In order for the VCS number to be generated on sales/customer BP invoices in Sage X3 the value of parameter BELVCS - VCS management must be activated at the Belgian legislation level.
Setup required to automatically determine the business partner
During the import the CODA statement transfers the bank ID number or IBAN of the supplier or customer to record 23.
The bank ID number of supplier or customer records must be set up in order to enable this automatic transfer.
Setup required to generate debtor/creditor type payments of the bank charges type
These debtor/creditor are payments with no BP allocated to a general account of charge or commission type.
For these payments to be generated an address must be set up in the general accounts which can be allocated via the management function of Belgian bank statements (the Address field is mandatory upon payment creation).
These accounts are, for example, those that will be set up in the CODA sections.
Setup required to view structured communications
In order to view the structured communication, communication types must be defined. (The main communication types are provided as standard.)
Setup required to automatically determine the accounting destinations and account allocation
Coda sections must be defined.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) may have an impact on the way the function operates :
Number of payment lines
Belgian localization
Localization USA
General parameters
This function is object managed. The creation, modification, and deletion operations can be activated or deactivated for a given user. Filters by roles can also be associated with this function.
As data is linked to a site, a filter per site can be activated.
Tables used
The following tables are implemented by the function :
Table |
Table description |
Open items |
Belgian bank statement detail |
Belgian bank stmnt open item |
Belgian bank statement |
Belgian bank stmnt open item |