Use this function to manually group payments linked to the same transaction, bank, and company in a single remittance or bank file. You can also inquire and modify existing, automatically generated, or imported remittances.

The deposit slips go through several stages based on the payment transaction setup.

Note: A remittance is a document provided to a bank, in file or paper format, for a cash settlement such as a check payment, electronic file, credit transfers by EDI or bill of exchange issued on collection/discount.

If one or more payments linked to the same transaction are not approved, the Approval status is Partially approved. You can approve payments individually in the Payments grid or select Approve all. You cannot create a bank file if any payments requiring approval are not approved. In this case, you have the option to approve these transactions as needed or select Remove unapproved payments so you can create the bank file.

Remember, if you make a change to any approved payment, the status reverts to unapproved and the Approval status also reverts.

Remittance groups

To simplify the payment process and have fewer bank files, you can group remittances provided they have the same company, entry type, and bank account. The bank file definition linked to the entry type must have the Allow remittance grouping check box selected.

Click Group remittances to select eligible remittances. After you create the bank file, you can no longer modify the group.

SEEREFERTTO Refer to the documentation on Payment transactions for further information.

Click Tracking to display these steps in a log file.

The remittance can be run consecutively; the last step is mandatory:

  • Located in an electronic file to be sent to the bank
  • Placed in an intermediate account
  • Posted to the bank


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management


Tab Payments

The header defines the general remittance characteristics, and the lines specify the payments it contains.

Remittance header

The deposit slip status specifies the values, as they are defined below, based on the posting phases:

  • Deposit slip entered: One (the bank deposit) or more stages (depending on the payment transaction setup) need to be carried out before the deposit slip is posted (posting and/or deposit phases on electronic file).
  • Remittance on file: The remittance has been stored on an electronic file or EDI.
  • Intermediate account: The deposit slip has been placed on an intermediate account.
  • Bank: The deposit slip is posted deposited in the bank.

Remittance lines

The lines are automatically entered upon selecting pending payments: in the Number column, the Selection function of the contextual menu suggests payments suspended for deposit.

Other payments associated with the same payment transactions and bank account can then be selected.

Special functions

When issuing bank files (electronic or EDI), it is possible to enter an 'execution date' in the Tool Bar and Function menu. By, default the suggested date is the current date or - if it is a file re-issue - the execution date of the previous generation.

Specific Buttons

When the remittance is complete, click Create. A remittance number is assigned (in the corresponding sequence number).

Validation of simulation entries

Use this action to post the remittance in bank. Based on the payment transaction setup, the system can provide a remittance on an intermediary account, or directly in bank.

In this case, specify the accounting and value dates required for the operation. The deposit is only carried out if no error occurs, otherwise a log file explains these errors.