This function is used to search in the application message table (APLSTD), This function is carried out in the current language. This table contains the local menus and the error messages. Each message is characterized by a chapter number and a message number for the chapter. A chapter corresponds to either a local menu or any message. The Adonix mess(i,j,k) function makes it possible to access a message in this table (the message number i in chapter number j, k being either 0 (engine messages) or 1 (application messages), the language being defined by the messname variable).

Screen management

Entry screen

The user must fist enter the text to search for. The search is then launched and all the lines that correspond to it are displayed little by little in a log-file screen.

Search results

The log file is displayed as lines with the following format:

mess(xxxx,yyyy,z): text


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  PRTSCR : Screen print

This can be changed using a different setup.


Situated in the screen presenting the results of the search, this button makes it possible to restart the search process.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation