WARNING, this tool returns results which interpretation can be difficult, particularly for certain standard tables. It is therefore advised that, when the log file lines are returned, to contact the support in order to check if the anomalies identified are real and require maintenance, of if these are normal within the context.

The data dictionary of the software describes the links between tables. These links are tested by the update programs, but they are not, for reasons of portability between databases, described in the database itself as referential integrity constraints. In order to be able to check that these constraints are satisfactory, it is possible to use this utility, which is used to exhaustively test the line links to other tables for each line in each table.

Considering the number of tables, the potential number of lines in a table and the number of lines to test, executing this utility in an exhaustive fashion can be extremely long. It is often advised to limit the tests to carry out.

The result of the test is a log file, in which are found the potential anomalies. It is advisable to examine in a detailed fashion the anomalies in order to take the appropriate maintenance measures if required.

Warning, if anomalies exist in the data dictionary description (for example following specific/custom developments), it is possible that "false errors" exist. It is necessary to be very prudent in the interpretation of the results of this test.

Screen management

Entry screen

Triggering this function is carried out on one single window, in which the launch setups of the function are entered.

Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task UTIBASE is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation