Local menus Module Fixed Assets
- Depreciation contexts (3100)
- Depreciation plans (3101)
- Financial year type (3102)
- Depreciation method type (3103)
- Depreciation start date type (3104)
- Type of prorata temporis (3105)
- Depreciation basis type (3106)
- Original entry supplement (3107)
- Fixed asset numbering (3108)
- Event types (3109)
- Calculation - closing status (3110)
- Migration parameters (3112)
- Direct associations (3113)
- Set up option type (3114)
- Reference date type (3115)
- Free miscellaneous method code (3116)
- Invoice type (3117)
- Migration parameters (3118)
- Expense split method (3119)
- Split object numbering (3120)
- Original depreciation basis (3121)
- Distribution key - split (3122)
- Free amount currency (3123)
- Deprec end and disp date rule (3124)
- Amount for asset split (3125)
- Asset split method (3126)
- Flow tracking type (3127)
- Flow classes (3128)
- Upd fields - split (3129)
- Accounting date rules (3130)
- Intra-group sale status (3131)
- TP/TF basis rule target company (3132)
- Purchase/In service date rule (3133)
- Target company asset status (3134)
- Vehicle receipt type (3135)
- Carbon emission rate (3136)
- Taxable horse power (3137)
- Target comp deprec duration rule (3138)
- Asset split method (3139)
- Location type - Phys asset (3140)
- Business object (3141)
- IGS company type (3144)
- Fixed asset type (3151)
- Asset status at purchase (3152)
- Insurance type (3153)
- Insurance calc basis (3154)
- Lease contract source (3155)
- Asset stability type (3156)
- Asset receipt nature (3157)
- Asset nature for the TP/TF (3158)
- Disposal reason (3159)
- VAT rule for dispoal (3160)
- Period status (3161)
- Object creation origin (3162)
- Intra-group sale fiscal rule (3163)
- Vehicle tax rate (3164)
- Tax rule (3165)
- Lease contract nature (3166)
- Fuel type (3167)
- Specific deprec. rules (3168)
- Methd chge variance recovery (3169)
- Automatic numbers (3170)
- Asset holding type (3171)
- Intra-group sale type (3172)
- IGS disposal status (3173)
- IGS company type (3174)
- Disposal reason (3175)
- Sort order (3176)
- Request origin (3177)
- Actions on disposal (3178)
- Subsidy type (3181)
- Deprec calculation type reques (3184)
- Requested closing type (3185)
- Financial year or period (3186)
- Depreciation priority rule (3187)
- Taxation rule (3188)
- Empty or Main (3190)
- Abel Entreprise plans (3191)
- Depreciation plan standards (3192)
- Deprec calc priority rule (3193)
- Physical asset count result (3194)
- Scanning device (3195)
- FY or Period (3196)
- Posting type (3211)
- Date types (3212)
- Acc. : Source type (3213)
- Lease contract type (3224)
- Subsidy status (3225)
- Lease contract balance sheet line (3226)
- Lease contract status (3227)
- Standard depreciation methods (3228)
- Asset status (3229)
- Sales amount type (3230)
- Distribution key rule (3231)
- Deferred depreciation type (3232)
- Accounting referential (3233)
- Date chosen for reevaluation (3234)
- Nature chosen for reevaluation (3235)
- Recoding status (3236)
- Prev code management (recoding) (3237)
- Object to be processed (recodi (3238)
- Deferred depreciation rule (3239)
- Reevaluation method (3253)
- Standard depreciation variant (3254)
- Physical asset count entry method (3255)
- Physical asset count entry rule (3256)
- Phys asset entry persistence (3257)
- Physical asset count operation status (3258)
- Action on physical asset count (3259)
- Physical asset count status (3260)
- Physical asset count type (3261)
- Misc info processing option (3262)
- Sort options - Print (3263)
- General journal sort (3264)
- Sort asset reports (3265)
- Status of the funds (3266)
- Selection of the issued assets (3267)
- Method change effective date (3268)
- Types of VAT update (3269)
- Report sort Assets (3270)
- Selection Assets entered (3271)
- Journal entry types (3272)
- Reevaluation effective date (3273)
- Applicable rule upon disposal (3274)
- Pending movement (3275)
- Base rule +/- value comp.target (3276)
- Recov rule target comp plans (3277)
- Src comp sale price calcul (3278)
- Attachement (3279)
- Impairment loss type (3280)
- Context recalculation (3281)
- Concession management mode (3282)
- Provision type (3283)
- Concession status (3284)
- Type of asset under concession (3285)
- Type of concession input (3286)
- Supply by (3287)
- Concession info modification (3288)
- Depreciation stop status (3289)
- Dimension types (3290)
- Seasonality type (3291)
- Option for BD and BS modes (3292)
- Movement type (3293)
- Movement status (3294)
- Movement origin (3295)
- Main expense (3296)
- LVA management (3297)
- Variance recovery strategy (3298)
- Distribution rule (3299)
- Invoicing element (3303)
- Movement import (7786)