Local menus Module A/P-A/R accounting
- Status EDI field (782)
- Type of EDI field (783)
- Sort Payment (809)
- Notes P/R sorting (812)
- Check Document Type (854)
- FACFOUNBA Sort Criterion (855)
- Sort BP Invoices (857)
- Sort BP Invoices (858)
- Sort TRAITENR (859)
- Ord/Invoice (864)
- Business Partner Sequence Nos. (865)
- Type of draft managment (869)
- Unbalanced Payment (870)
- Proposal order (871)
- Crystal Reports - Lists (2291)
- Date selection (2293)
- Form selection (2294)
- Sort sequence (2624)
- Sort order (2627)
- Follow-up mode (2629)
- Payment selection (2630)
- Deposit rate (2631)
- Invoice status (2632)
- Open item selection (2638)
- Follow-up text type (2654)
- Check status (2658)
- Customer Situation Risks (2676)
- Supplier Situation Risks (2677)
- Check format (2760)
- Check type (2761)
- Analytical init. type (2802)
- Valuation type (2803)
- Status (2806)
- Milleage bracket (2807)
- Vehicle category for expenses (2808)
- Recurrence Pattern (2811)
- Daily (2812)
- Recurrence (2813)
- Recurring invoice status (2814)
- Positive Pay file generation (2815)
- Positive Pay record type (2816)
- Sort option (2817)
- Payment approval (2823)
- Status (2824)
- Source (2825)
- Applicable rate (2826)
- Deduction type (2827)
- Discount date type (3616)
- Due date in discount block (3617)
- Allocation type (3621)
- Belgian bank statement format (3622)
- Below/Exceed/All (3625)
- Factoring type (3626)
- Format (3627)
- Evaluation type (3628)
- Direct debit type (3629)
- Payment type (3630)
- Mandate status (3631)
- Dispute reason (3632)
- Direct debit sequence (3633)
- Grouping level (3634)
- Detail level (3635)
- Cash forecast types (3636)
- Forecast status (3637)
- Frequency (3638)
- Swiss type codes (3661)
- Swiss payment types (3662)
- File type Swiss ISR import (3663)
- Related company settings (3664)
- Type (3667)
- Control (3668)
- Search destination (3669)
- Begin search at (3670)
- Bank statement import (3671)
- Database operation (3672)
- Merge description field (3673)
- Use search term list (3674)
- Statement status (3675)
- File type (3677)
- Reminder frequency types (3678)
- Customer hold/release (3679)
- Bank sign (3680)
- Field type (3683)
- Payment status (3690)
- Payment entry type (3693)
- Flow type (3694)
- Type code (3695)
- Sign (3696)
- Destination (3697)
- Separator type (3722)
- Priority (3735)
- Bank file generation mode (3739)
- Payment order / receipt (8501)