Local menus Module Purchasing
- Supplier Type (501)
- Due date calculation base (502)
- Currency Rate Search Date (503)
- Receipt Quantity Conversion (504)
- Request Source (505)
- Order Type (506)
- Purchase Type (507)
- Return Reason (508)
- Invoice Status (509)
- Invoice Source (511)
- Signature Rule Type (512)
- Purchase Price Reason (513)
- Quantity Entry Mode (514)
- Product Reference Entry Format (515)
- Conflict (516)
- Purchase Document Type (517)
- Suggestion Consumption (518)
- Closed / Not Closed / All (519)
- Allocation (520)
- Order Transfer on Invoice (521)
- Bid (522)
- Product supplier referencing (523)
- Bid Type (524)
- Journal Type (525)
- Process Type (526)
- Action (527)
- Substitute Signers (528)
- Order Type (529)
- None / Close / Cancellation (530)
- Signature (531)
- Commitment Date (532)
- Purchase Invoice Type (533)
- Close order line (534)
- Document type for seq. number (535)
- Supplier Selection Criterion (536)
- Calculation Base (537)
- Tax Rule (538)
- Receipt on Order Line (539)
- Re-instatement on Order (540)
- Quantity Entry Mode (541)
- Contract Product Selection (542)
- Action (543)
- Document Type (544)
- Allocation (545)
- Invoiceable Quantity (546)
- Tracking of the Supplier Text (547)
- Purchase request line value (548)
- Control Type (549)
- Quantity Status (550)
- Choice (551)
- Tax Code Control (552)
- Invoice Currency Rate Date (553)
- Calculation of taxes (554)
- Generation type (555)
- Start/End of line (556)
- Use P Req line text (557)
- Selection of requirements (558)
- Requirements selection (559)
- Control of invoices to be received (560)
- Invoice price adjustment (561)
- User for quotation (562)
- Products to be processed (563)
- Minimum receipt date (564)
- Supplier information type (565)
- Supplier movement type (566)
- Transfer of order to invoice (567)
- Customer product referencing (569)
- Order line type (570)
- Inter site requirements (571)
- Precommitment update (572)
- Gap calculation source (573)
- Movement category (574)
- Supplier grading scale (575)
- Invoice decommitment date (576)
- Supplier source (577)
- Commitment type (578)
- Rounding type (579)
- Invoicing element import (580)
- Ordered quantity control (581)
- Purchase Invoice - 3 Way Match (583)
- Match status (585)
- Invoice price adjustment (586)
- Supplier invoice (587)
- Sub-contract requirements (588)
- Cost loading order rcpt (590)
- Status (591)
- Shipment management (592)
- Step status (593)
- EO management mode (2228)
- Crystal Reports - Purchasing (2282)
- Subcontract cost type (2401)
- EOMUPD selection (2402)
- Variance calculation source (2403)
- Sort order (2409)
- Sort order (2410)
- Purchase sort order (2501)
- Purchase sort order (2502)
- Control (2503)
- Amount type (2504)
- Provisional cost type (2505)
- Revision param. menu (2506)
- Shipment status (2508)
- SHIPMENT record type (2510)
- Transport selection (2511)
- Document origin (2512)
- Product type (2513)
- EO estimated cost calc (3400)