Consolidation Account Criterion
This parameter is used in the extraction process for consolidation purposes.
It is used to indicate a field in the posting line, that will be used, in addition to the general account, to build the complete consolidation account. It is then possible to build a pre-consolidated balance either based on the general accounts or based on the dimensional natures.
This parameter can refer to any field in the journal posting line file (GACCENTRYD). The nature code will be used most often (CNA).
The CRITCSL value is stored in the BALCONSO (CRI field) file. As many recordings are created in the BALCONSO file as there are "account/criterion" pairs. This field must be used for the balance export in order for instance to meet the US GAAP standards.
Level of localization / Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Folder. It belongs to Chapter CPT (Accounting) and the Group CSL (Consolidation), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- CSLBPRDEF (Default partner)
- CSLEXP (Export Template)
- CSLEXPANA (Export Template)
- CSLEXPDIR (Balance export file path)
- CSLFLODEF (Default flow)
- CSLFRWFLO (Carry-forward flow)
- EXPCSL (Consolidation export to Sage)
No global variable is associated with it.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :