Default flow
This parameter is used for consolidation purposes.
Flow initialization: The initialization rule only applies to accounts with Optional or Mandatory flow management and only for the first ledger defined in the journal entry transaction whose consolidation management is selected.
When creating or posting a journal entry, the journal entry line flow code defaults as follows:
If a flow code is parameterized on the journal, it defaults to that value.
If there is no flow code on the journal, the flow code defaults to the value defined on the account.
The flow depends of the direction on the journal entry line.
If the direction is Credit, the flow defaults to Flow if Credit.
If the direction is Debit, the flow defaults to Flow if debit.
If the amount is 0 for both debit and credit, the flow defaults to Flow if debit
If there is no flow code on the account, the flow code defaults to the flow defined in this parameter.
If this parameter is not defined, there is no default flow code value.
Note: When the journal entry transaction has several ledgers with consolidation management selected, the flow initialized on the first ledger is propagated to the other consolidated ledgers. If for any reason no flow has been initialized on the first ledger but is mandatory on another ledger, you receive a blocking error message that flow management is mandatory for the current account.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter CPT (Accounting) and the Group CSL (Consolidation), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- CRITCSL (Consolidation account criterio)
- CSLBPRDEF (Default partner)
- CSLEXP (Export Template)
- CSLEXPANA (Export Template)
- CSLEXPDIR (Balance export file path)
- CSLFRWFLO (Carry-forward flow)
- EXPCSL (Consolidation export to Sage)
Its values are defined by the function Data.
No global variable is associated with it.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :