Type in DocArchivalNumber
This parameter controls document numbers when exporting the file to SAF-T.
There are two values:
Yes: The document number is the result of merging the document type and the document number.
No: The document number is just the document number from the document number field.
Level of localization/Global variable
This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter LOC (Localisations) and the Group POR (Portugal), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :
- ARVDATAUT (Auto. arrival date)
- ATCODCHG (AT user)
- ATCUDTEST (Test mode)
- AUTCOMAT (Automatic sending AT)
- DBGCOMAT (AT debug mode)
- EFATCERTNA (Certificate)
- EFATCLBACK (Expect callback)
- EFATPRT (Default destination)
- EFATSAFEBP (Communication provider)
- EFATSAFESG (SAFE signature)
- EFATSAFETM (Test mode)
- EFATTSTMOD (Test mode)
- EFATV2 (Efat version 2)
- FLD40RENDF (Field 40 - reason)
- FLD41RENDF (Field 40 - reason)
- ITFINVTYP (Manage product type by site)
- LEDTYP (Ledger type)
- LEDTYPS (Ledger type)
- PORADS (POR accounting elec. signature)
- PORBKP (Backup)
- PORDESVAL (Devaluation Portugal)
- PORDKS (Electronic signature Portugal)
- PORINTSTAT (Infos delivery mode)
- PORMENT06 (Value change)
- PORPYR (Local pyramid)
- PORRBK (Bank statement listing)
- PORVAT (Portuguese VAT)
- PORVATREG (VAT regularization reason)
- SAFTACCRET (Root account withholding)
- SAFTANADIE (SAF-T dimension type)
- SAFTPRDKIT (Communication of the kit)
- SAFTPRIRN (Net price rounding)
- SIVTYPCVAT (Invoice type for cash VAT)
- TIMZONDIF (Time zone difference)
- TSTCOMAT (AT test mode)
- USRCOMAT (AT user)
No global variable is associated with it.
Activity codes
The following activity codes (sorted by type) are associated with the parameter :