Use this parameter to ensure that tax codes are properly defined on invoicing lines and elements of sales documents (quotes, orders, open orders, deliveries and invoices/credit memos).

This global control is triggered when saving the document (in creation, modification or duplication mode). This control is an addition to the controls commonly performed in field entry by field or line by line, when some fields cannot be entered or are not displayed (based on the entry transaction).

For example, if the fields Tax level or Tax rule cannot be entered and if tax codes of the line are not consistent, the system does not signals the errors and cannot process tax codes and display them on the line. The CTLTAX parameter is then used to check the consistency of tax codes at the end of the document entry.

The values of this parameter are as follows:

No control

No control is carried out.

Nonblocking control

You can save the sales document but errors encountered during the control are signaled in a log file.

Blocking control

You cannot save the sales document as long as it contains errors. Errors occurring during the control are reported in a log file.

Level of localization/Global variable

This parameter is defined at the level Company. It belongs to Chapter VEN (Sales) and the Group VAT (Tax management), The following parameters are also associated with this chapter and group :

The global variable GCTLTAX is associated with it.

Functions concerned

The following functions are associated with this parameter :

  Sales > Deliveries > Deliveries

  Sales > Invoices > Invoices

  Sales > Orders > Orders

  Sales > Orders > Open orders

  Sales > Quotes > Quotes


Sales document valuation

If the taxes are inconsistent on invoicing lines or elements, the document valuation will not be correct.

The sales document valuation can be performed at several times. The time of valuation is determined based on the values of the following parameters: 

For open orders, since there is no valuation, the control is performed when the user creates or updates the open order.

You must set up these parameters carefully especially with a substantial number of document lines if you want to avoid system slowdowns.

Log file

The control leads to creating a log file detailing the errors that occurred on inconsistent product lines and invoicing elements.

The log file displays the following elements:

The log header
  • the document number,
  • the tax rule.
For lines
  • the line number (line number related to the line number stored in the table),
  • the product reference
  • the description,
  • for each incorrect level of tax, the error message,
  • for each incorrect tax code, the type, the tax level and the error message.
For invoicing elements
  • the element number and position,
  • the description,
  • for each incorrect level of tax, the error message,
  • for each incorrect tax code, the type (when the element is subject to a special tax), the level of tax depending on the case, and the error message.

If invoicing elements require the tax-excluding tax code used in parameter EXETAX - Exempt tax code (TC chapter, VAT group), and if the parameter WRNEXETAX - EXETAX use warning (VEN chapter, VAT group) is set to 'Yes', the log file displays the following message: Tax level: XXX: Tax code: YYY: Loading with exempt tax code: ZZZ.

Control process on document headers

The system controls that the BP tax rule (BP tax rule function - GESTVB):

  • is specified,
  • is activated,
  • has a legislation and company group consistent with the ones of the document.

Control process on document lines

Quote, order, delivery, invoice/credit memo lines all include three levels of tax. The control is applied to each tax level.

Control on tax level 1

The system checks that tax level 1:

  • is entered since it is mandatory (if not, a blocking error message is displayed),
  • is activated,
  • has a legislation and company group consistent with the ones of the document.

The system checks that the tax code linked to this tax level is of the 'VAT' type (in the Tax rate function - GESTVT).

Control on tax levels 2 and 3:

These levels are not mandatory but when they are entered, the system checks that:

  • they are active,
  • they have a legislation and company group consistent with the ones of the document.

The system controls that tax codes linked to these tax levels are of the 'Special tax' type and not 'VAT'.

No control on the three tax levels

The system checks that a valid tax rate line exists for the company on the document date (in the table of the Tax rate function - GESTVT). In this case, the error message reported in the log file is: Tax level: XXX: Tax code: YYY: No valid rate line.

SEEINFO If the entry transaction does not display fields on the tax levels then the control will not apply to lines; it will be applied upon saving the document based on the value of the CTLTAX parameter.

Control process on the document invoicing elements

Control on splitting and grouping
  • The control on taxes is not applied to invoicing elements having an including tax calculation basis (Calculation basis of the Sales invoicing elements function - GESSFI).
  • The control is performed on the splitting invoicing elements but not on invoicing elements which are split.
  • The control is performed on the grouping invoicing elements but not on invoicing elements which are grouped.
Control based on the tax rule of the invoicing element (Tax rule field, GESSFI)

‘Product’ tax rule, ‘Maximum rate’ or ‘Minimum rate’

For invoicing elements having a 'Product', 'Maximum rate' or 'Minimum rate' tax rule, the control is linked to the control of lines tax codes: if a tax code is inconsistent on document lines, it will be on invoicing elements.

In this case, the error messages returned in the log can be: Element in product rate: there are problems at the level of line tax codes .

For invoicing elements subject to a special tax (Special tax basis and Special levy tax basis checkboxes, GESSFI) if a tax code is irrelevant on a document line, it will be too for these invoicing elements.

In this case, the error message reported in the log file is: Element subject to special taxes: there were problems at the level of line tax codes.

Tax rule 'Fixed rate'

For the 'Fixed rate' tax rule, the system checks that the tax level (Element tax level field):

  • is specified,
  • is activated,
  • has a legislation and company group consistent with the ones of the document.

The system checks that the tax code:

  • is entered in the tax determination rules,
  • is of the 'VAT' type,
  • has a legislation and company group consistent with the ones of the document.

If no tax code is entered in the tax determination rules, the system uses the exempt tax code entered in the EXETAX - Exempt tax code parameter (TC chapter, VAT group).

In this case, the information message reported in the log file is: Tax level: XXX: Tax code: YYY: Loading with exempt tax code: ZZZ.

Control on tax rate lines

The system also checks that a valid tax rate line exists for the company on the document date (in the tax rates table of the Tax rate function - GESTVT).