Use this function to manage:
- All invoices: invoices on orders, packing slips, service contracts, service requests and order scheduled invoices, including direct invoices and pro forma invoices
- Direct credit memos and credit memos on invoices or customer returns
- Cancellation invoices if the INVCAN - Cancellation invoice parameter is set to Yes and if the transaction setup authorizes it.
You can:
- Modify, delete or cancel automatically generated invoices using:
- The automatic invoicing functions (see the help on the Automatic invoicing of deliveries, Automatic invoicing of orders, Scheduled invoices generation, Automatic invoicing of service contracts, Automatic invoicing of service requests and Automatic invoicing of inter-company stock transfers functions).
- The Invoice action from the Orders and Deliveries management functions.
- Create invoices linked to direct invoicing orders or non-deliverable standard orders which have been invoiced using an invoicing schedule. In this case, the orders can also be subject to the following features in a Project management context:
- Progress billing: This feature is aimed at companies who manage projects. It is used to determine the amount to be invoiced to customers based on the scheduled invoices and estimated percentage of progress or quantity tracked against a given project, budget or task.
- Milestone billing: This feature is used to define milestones (budgets or tasks) that have to be reached before the invoicing can be done.
- Billing with no milestone: The scheduled invoices are billed if the next invoice date has been reached.
For more information, refer to the Project management (PJM) how to guide. Click the link that applies to your Sage X3 solution:
- Project management (PJM) if you are using Sage Business Cloud.
- Project management (PJM) if you are using an on-premises instance of Sage X3.
For French companies
On the Legal data screen in the Company function, you need to select the VAT on debit checkbox to display the required legal information when printing invoices. The required text displays in the Legal mention field when the check box is selected.
French electronic signatures for sales invoices and journal entries
In compliance with French and Portuguese antifraud legal requirements and to ensure data security, electronic signatures are automatically generated when a customer invoice or journal entry is posted or set to Final, respectively. After the electronic signature is generated, further modifications to any of the fields identified below can be easily detected.
You can use the Electronic signature control function (FRADSICTL) to review the current electronic signature and highlight any inconsistencies.
See the “French electronic signature how to guide” or the "SVAT certification for Portuguese legislation guide" on the How to tab for details on implementing this feature. This document is intended for administrators and consultants who maintain and update Sage X3.
Data from invoices or journal entries posted before activating the electronic signature feature is not added to the DKSDATAFRA table and therefore no electronic signature is created.
Legislations other than French or Portuguese do not need to generate electronic signatures.
The electronic signature is a record in the Electronic signatures table (DKSDATAFRA) that includes data from the following fields in the Sales invoice (SINVOICE) and Account entries (GACCENTRY) tables:
Field code |
Description |
Data source: SINVOICE |
Data source: GACCENTRY |
Origin of the document |
1 |
2 |
Journal |
Journal description |
Total by tax rate |
Invoice amount with VAT |
Date and time of the signature |
Datetime$ |
Document type |
Evaluate SIH.SNS |
Company name |
Company postal code |
Company VAT number |
Customer name |
Customer postal code |
Journal code |
Journal description |
Final number |
accounting date |
Account code |
BP |
Journal entry line |
Line description |
string$([F:DAE]DES<>"", [F:DAE]DES)+string$([F:DAE]DES="","NA") |
Refer to documentation Implementation
Screen management
The presentation of the entry screen depends on the setup of the selected transaction. You must define at least two transactions in this function because their setup is not the same:
- One transaction for pro forma invoices
- One transaction for credit memos. This transaction can also be used to include or exclude cancellation invoices included in a sub-category of credit memos.
When entering the function, a window displays the list of the defined transactions. Based on your management needs, select the transaction you want to use.
When using a transaction with the Invoice or Pro forma type, the selection panel contains the pick lists relating to deliveries, orders, service contracts, service requests and order scheduled invoices. From this list, you are free to select:
The entire order: All scheduled invoices with a date before or equal to the invoice creation date are selected.
The order line
The next invoice: The next scheduled invoice(s) of the order line are selected, grouped by date.
For progress billing: Only the scheduled invoices that meet the following criteria are displayed and available for selection:
- The project status is set to: Launched.
- The scheduled invoice has a validated progress status on the billing plan.
- For milestone billing: The scheduled invoices are displayed and available for selection if both the next invoice date and the milestone have been reached (budget closed/delivered or task closed).
- For billing with no milestone: All scheduled invoices can be selected once the next invoice date has been reached.
For more information on how to manage progress billing, refer to the Project management (PJM) how to guide.
Reminder: If the approval circuit is managed (parameter APPSOH - Order signature management), the sales orders complying with the established signature rules are not taken into account unless they are Totally signed or automatically signed.
If you select a Credit memo transaction type, the selection panel is restricted to the customer return and invoice picking lists. The invoice types available are those concerning the credit memos. For cancellation invoices, the selection panel only includes the picking list of invoices to be canceled.
Sales site (field SALFCY) |
The sales site is initialized by the sales site associated with the user. The sales site can be modified as long as no line has been entered on the document and provided it has been chosen from the list of sales sites authorized to the user. |
Type (field SIVTYP) |
This information is compulsory. The invoice type suggested by default is linked to the SIVTYP - User invoice type parameter. You can modify it if necessary by choosing an invoice type from the list of invoice types that have been defined.
If no counter is specified in the journal type and no journal number is manually specified on invoice entry the program will attribute a journal number according to the counter set up in the Counter assignment table. When no journal type is associated to the invoice type the journal type specified on the automatic journal is used (as well as the associated counter). On invoice entry, only an invoice type with a legislation and company group consistent with those of the company linked to the sales site can be entered.
Invoice no. (field NUM) |
Invoice number. This number is used to identify the invoice in a unique way. It is entered upon each creation or automatically generated depending on the counter associated with the invoice type.
Reference (field INVREF) |
This free field is used to enter a number or an indication to identify the invoice. For instance, it can be the internal reference of the supplier invoice in the company. When the invoice is created by picking orders, this information is initialized by the reference of the first original order invoiced (even upon invoicing deliveries coming from orders). |
Date (field INVDAT) |
This is the customer date. For invoices linked to service contracts, this date is initialized when selecting the service contract. It can be today's date or the next invoice date based on the value of the DATREFCON - Service contract invoice date parameter (HDK chapter, INV group). For invoices/credit memos linked to other documents, this field is initialized to the current date and it can be modified. If it is modified, after at least one line has been entered or saved, a question is asked suggesting that the prices and discounts on all the lines of the document be recalculated. This message is suggested only if it is an invoice or direct credit memo. If the invoice or the credit memo refers to original documents, the latter is not suggested. Comments on the DGI conformity: The entered date cannot be inferior to the one of the document (invoice, credit memo or additional invoice) marked with the previous number. This control is carried out when the Chronological control is activated in the sequence number counter used by the entry type which is linked to the invoice type specified. The entry of invoices, credit memos or additional invoices can be limited to a user or a range of dates defined by the VENSTRDAT - Sales start date and VENENDDAT - Sales end date parameters if entered. You can only modify the date if the new date applies to the same accounting period. This control is performed when the FRADGI - French fiscal regulationparameter is set to Yes and the period component belongs to the counter. In the Distribution and A/P-A/R accounting modules, a journal that is at the origin of an invoice or a credit memo cannot have a date after the date of this invoice or credit memo. Also, a delivery note displayed on an invoice cannot have a shipment date after the date of this invoice. An entry point makes it possible to disable this control, by setting a specific parameter: CTLDATORI - Document date control (TC chapter, INV group). |
Bill-to customer (field BPCINV) |
Code of the customer requesting the invoice in the case of a direct invoice. It is managed in the customer table. It must be active. It can be of normal or miscellaneous type. It cannot be modified after the lines are entered. In the case of an order or delivery invoice, it is the original invoice customer. It cannot be modified. It is possible to search a customer or several customer grouped under the same criteria by selecting Quick customer search. A list of matching items is generated on tabulating to the next field. For a more advanced search, all fields present in the block can be entered. The list of matches is narrowed down with each tabulation.
When creating an invoice, you can select:
For service contract invoicing, the creation date triggers the execution of processes related to service contracts:
The documents are exclusive to one another. You cannot invoice both delivery notes and orders. When creating a credit memo, it is possible to select:
Here, too, the documents are exclusive to one another. When creating a cancellation invoice, you can select one or several invoices. The cancellation applies to each invoice as a whole and you cannot select lines one by one or modify them. If you cannot select two documents of the same type for the same invoice, it is mandatory to specify the following information for these two documents: sales site, currency, pay-by customer, group customer, price type, tax rule, project code, payment terms, discount code. |
field BPINAM |
Currency (field CUR) |
Original document no. (field ORIDOCNUM) |
This field must contain a slash character (/) separating the sequential number specific to the series (on the left) and the sequential number itself (on the right). |
Spanish invoice type (field INVTYPSPA) |
This field is only available when the sales site is linked to a Spanish company. Use this field to select the type of issued invoice. This information will be sent to the online portal of the Spanish fiscal authorities when transmitting fiscal data from the SII monitoring function. When creating a credit memo, the default credit memo type is determined by the SIIABTYP - SII credit memo type parameter (LOC chapter, SPA group). |
Autoinvoicing (field ISSBYREC) |
Autoinv. generated (field ISSBYRECG) |
Controls tab
In this section, enter the commercial information found on the invoice header such as the sold-to customer code, paying customer code and group customer code, etc.
Most of this information is initialized by default and is displayed on this screen depending on the chosen transaction.
Sold-to (field BPCORD) |
Code of the customer requesting the order, the direct delivery or the direct invoice. This code:
field BPCNAM |
Pay-by (field BPRPAY) |
Paying customer loaded by the bill-to customer. |
Group customer (field BPCGRU) |
The group customer is initialized by the group customer code associated to the sold-to customer in the latter's record. This information is used for the generation of statistics. It is also involved in the grouping of invoices during the automatic generation of invoices. There is the possibility to modify the group customer if necessary. From this field, it is possible to select a customer or access customer management by tunnel if the user's authorizations allow it. It is possible to search a customer or several customer grouped under the same criteria by selecting "Quick customer search". A list of matching items is generated on tabulating to the next field. For a more advanced search, all fields present in the block can be entered. The list of matches is narrowed down with each tabulation. |
Delivery address (field BPAADD) |
The delivery address is initialized:
From this field, you can directly enter an address code whose existence is controlled or use the Actions icon to:
If the address code is modified during entry, the sales representatives on the invoice header associated with the shipment address are automatically reassigned by the sales representatives codes for the new address. If the value of the LINREP - Sales rep on detail parameter is Yes, a message suggests the replacement of the sales reps of the invoice lines with the new sales reps on the header. If the value of the LINREP - Sales rep on detail parameter is No, the reassignment is performed automatically. Once the invoice has been created, the address code can no longer be modified, but it is possible to display the detailed address information by clicking the Address field from the Actions icon. Comment: the address can be modified via the Address/Delivery menu. If the modification impacts the country and/or the geographic subdivision, provided the invoice has not been validated, a dialog box is displayed and asks whether to recalculate the prices and discounts. The answer Yes generates a price list search, based on the new country code and/or the new geographic subdivision code, for all the lines of the document. |
field BPDNAM |
Final number (field SIHNUMEND) |
Electronic signature (field SIHCFMFLG) |
Electronic invoice
Business process type (field BUSPROTYP) |
Project (field PJT) |
This field contains the reference of the project for which the information has been entered. This field is not controlled in a table.
It is possible to enter a free code or a project code defined in the Project object in the CRM activities module. In this latter case, the user has two possibilities to enter such a code:
If the order arises from a requirement and this requirement has a project code, the project code of the order will be initialized with this project code. |
Sales reps
field REP |
The sales reps are initialized by the customer sales reps, then by those of the ship-to customer, if no sales rep exists in the customer record. In the case of a prospect, the representatives of the prospect are not considered. These sales rep codes are copied to the document lines. If a representative is modified in the document header upon creation or when lines exist in the document, the system suggests to copy the modification to all the lines that already exist. |
Linked documents
Source (field SIHORI) |
In this section of the tab, the information used to identify the origin of the invoice are displayed. This is the document number based on which the invoice/credit memo/pro-forma invoice was created. This field is entered only if the original document is unique. For example, if the invoice is attached to a single shipment, the corresponding shipment number is displayed. The same goes for invoices or Pro formas linked to orders, service contracts, invoicing open items of orders, service requests or inter-company stock transfer notes or for credit memos linked to invoices or returns. A jump to the document number is used to access the original document. When managing a credit memo, this concerns the invoice that the credit memo is allocated to. Upon accounting validation and according to the value of the LETAUTCNO - Auto match inv ->credit note parameter (CPT chapter, MTC group), the credit memo and invoice can be matched together. Based on the value of the INVCAN - Cancellation invoice parameter (TC group, INV chapter), the current document can be of the Cancellation invoice folder. In this case, the credit memo and invoice are matched, regardless of the value of parameter LETAUTCNO. |
Memo reason (field CNOREN) |
This field can be entered in the case of credit memos: enter the reason for the credit memo in this field. |
Method of correction (field METCOR) |
This field is subject to the EDIX3 - Paperless document exchange and KSP - Spanish localization activity codes. Select the method of correction associated with the credit memo. This field is displayed and it can be modified only if the following conditions are met:
Purchase invoice no. (field PIHNUM) |
This is the purchase invoice number generated from the sales invoice when in inter-company. |
Source document (field BPRVCR) |
VAT declaration no. (field DCLEECNUM) |
This field is displayed only if the following conditions are met:
This field is initialized:
It can still be modified if it is set up to accept entries at entry transaction level and if the invoice is not validated. |
Period start date (field PERDEB) |
The date ranges are only displayed if the document is a credit memo and the KPO activity code - Portuguese localization is activated. They are used to specify the period which the credit memo refers to. They must be entered if the credit memo is not linked to any source document. The control is carried out at when the function is [posted]. |
Period end date (field PERFIN) |
VCS number (field BELVCS) |
Tax rule (field VACBPR) |
This information is used to indicate the tax rule for the document. This code is controlled in the tax rule table and is initialized by the corresponding code in the BP record. It can be modified. This information is mandatory and remains accessible provided the delivery has not been confirmed. Only a tax rule with a legislation and group that are consistent with those of the document can be entered. |
Entity/Use (field SSTENTCOD) |
Price - / +tax (field PRITYP) |
The value of this field (Ex-tax or Tax-incl.) is defined by the general parameter SALPRITYP - Price/Amount type (TC chapter, INV group). When the general parameter NOTATI - Ex-tax and tax-incl. amount/price (TC chapter, INV group) is set to No you cannot modify this information. |
Field 40 - reason (field FLD40REN) |
Field subject to activity code: KPO - Portuguese localization It is used to specify the VAT adjustment reason for the field 40, upon generation of the VAT declaration. When choosing the reason, the possible values are the values contained in the miscellaneous table 8300. |
Field 41 - reason (field FLD41REN) |
Field subject to activity code: KPO - Portuguese localization It is used to specify the VAT adjustment reason for the field 41, upon generation of the VAT declaration. When choosing the reason, the possible values are the values contained in the miscellaneous table 8301. |
Stock transaction (field STOMVTFLG) |
Stock movement flag that indicates if the invoice is managed with stock update. |
Shipment site (field STOFCY) |
The 'delivery site' is initialized by default with the normal storage site for the user. It can be modified provided that the chosen site is defined with an active 'stock' indicator. The chosen site must belong to the same legal company that the sales site. |
Warehouse (field WRHE) |
Dock location (field SRGLOCDEF) |
In the case where the receipt transaction authorizes a dock receipt (parameter active in the transaction setup), a dock location field appears in the receipt note header. This makes it possible to enter a location of the 'dock' type which will then be transferred by default as the return location for all receipt note lines. The specified dock location must be associated with the warehouse, when the latter is specified. A dock location corresponds to a location of the type "pending storage". This authorizes the entry of stocks whose characteristics of lot, sub-lot, and serial number are not necessarily immediately identified. This type of receipt is used to rapidly book the goods and to then later to more precisely identify them and put them away. This put-away process is performed in the function Put-away plan. |
Stock movement group (field TRSFAM) |
Movement group, initialized by the movement group of the transaction being used. This statistical information is recorded in the stock journal when saving the receipt/disposal movements. This movement group comes from the miscellaneous table number 9. The value given in the transaction setup corresponds to a default value that can/cannot be visualized and/or modified according to the transaction setup (entered, displayed, hidden field). Statistical information used in the stock transactions associated with the shipment. This value is fixed if the original document does not reference a movement group. Otherwise, the movement group of the document at the origin of the quality control is suggested in priority. |
Incoterm (field EECICT) |
The Incoterm codes, set by the International Chamber of Commerce, seek to standardize the terms the most used in the international commerce by defining the respective responsibilities of the seller and the buyer agreed upon on establishement of the sales contract by a unique word similarly understood throughout the world. The Incoterm code, controlled in Incoterm table is used in the INTRASTAT file (Exchange of goods declaration). It can also be used to define the price lists. When creating a quote, an order, a delivery or an invoice, the Incoterm code is initialized to the Incoterm code defined by default for the ship-to customer. This Incoterm code can be modified. Concerning the quotes and orders, the Incoterm code is unique for the document as a whole. When transforming a document, the Incoterm code is passed on to the child document. |
Incoterm town (field ICTCTY) |
It is the city associated to some types of incoterm. For example: FOB Le Havre. A selection window is used to choose a city listed in the system. It is however possible to enter a city that is not listed. |
Status (field INVSTA) |
This information cannot be modified and specifies the status of the invoice:
Printed (field STARPT) |
Intercompany (field BETCPY) |
This information is not accessible, it specifies that the invoice or credit memo concerns a company within the group. For an invoice to have the type "Inter-company", it is necessary:
Registration (field LICPLATE) |
License plate of the vehicle carrying goods. |
Trailer license plate (field TRLLICPLAT) |
Enter the trailer license plate. |
Departure date (field DPEDAT) |
Departure time (field ETD) |
Arrival date (field ARVDAT) |
Arrival time (field ETA) |
Tab Invoicing
In this section, enter the invoicing terms. Most fields in this section depend on your selected transaction.
Currency (field CUR) |
This is corresponds to the currency of the order, delivery or invoice. It is initialized by default with the bill-to customer currency and can be modified. In this case, it can only be modified in creation and duplication modes and is controlled in the currency table. It is possible to choose the currency for the delivery transaction as well as to define (depending on the value of the 'Excl. tax and Incl. tax Prices' parameter - TC Chapter / INV/NOTATI group) if the prices are expressed excluding tax or including tax. When the delivery comes from an order, this information is automatically loaded and cannot be modified. When it is a direct delivery, this information is no longer modifiable once at least one delivery line is entered. It is inherited in this case from the invoiced customer information. |
Rate type (field CURTYP) |
This field is initialized by the invoicing supplier exchange rate type. |
Rate (field RAT1) |
field LABEL |
field RAT2 |
field CURMLT |
Factor (field BPRFCT) |
Code of the factor proposed as a default value on the invoices for this customer. The presence a Factor code in an invoice indicates that this invoice is transferred to a factoring organization and that the payment must be made in favour of the Factor. |
Control (field BPRSAC) |
Enter the code for the BP (customer or supplier) control account initialized by default with the accounting code for the BP invoice. The initialization of the code for the Control field depends on whether or not the BP/Company tab is present in the BP record (GESBPR). |
Due date start (field STRDUDDAT) |
This information is initialized as a function of the original open item defined on the bill-to customer. It is used to calculate the open items (based on the payment condition) by taking as the original date the date of the invoice or the shipment date. This date is modifiable (this will trigger a re-calculation of the open items) and it can be prior to the invoice date if necessary. |
Terms (field PTE) |
The payment terms define the payment code and the distribution rules of the various pre-payments and open items. It is initialized from the payment code associated with the bill-to customer if it is a direct invoice or by the original document. This information remains modifiable and its modification will trigger a recalculation of the open items. From this field, it is possible to directly enter a payment code whose existence is controlled in the corresponding table or to use the contextual button to:
If the invoice is linked to a service contract, the payment condition is that of the service contract and not that of the order that may have created the service contract. If SDD is managed in the payment terms, the field "Mandate reference" must be entered. The selection of a SDD-type payment term is prohibited if the "Pay-by BP" is a "Miscellaneous BP". Only a discount code consistent with the legislation and company group of the document site can be entered.
Mandate reference (field UMRNUM) |
This field, subject to an entry transaction, is displayed only if the activity code SDD - SDD management is active and if the company parameter SDDMGT - SDD management (chapter TC, group SDD) is set to "Yes". Upon direct invoice creation, it can be entered and is mandatory only if the payment term is an SDD-type one. It is used to enter the reference of the SDD mandate. When a "Validated" mandate has been identified as "Main mandate" for the [Company ; Pay-by BP] pair, the reference of this mandate is loaded by default but can be modified. Only a mandate reference whose status is "Validated" can be entered. If the company and/or the pay-by BP is modified, the mandate reference is reinitialized accordingly. When the invoice is created through an automatic creation process, this field is not initialized if no "Validated" main mandate has been defined for the company/pay-by BP combination. However, In this case, the invoice is created, but it can not be validated until a mandate reference is entered. During a credit memo entry by invoice picking, the mandate reference is populated by the reference of the mandate on the first selected invoice. |
Settlement discount (field DEP) |
This information is entered in the quote, is initialized by the discount code of the bill-to customer and can still be changed. It makes it possible to determine a series of early discount or late charge rates (up to 12) according to the early or late payment relating to the due date (see Discounts Documentation).
Only a discount code consistent with the legislation and company group of the document site can be entered.
The amount of the discountable base is displayed on the "Valuation" tab. |
Service start date (field STRDATSVC) |
Indicates by start and end date ranges, the part of the service to be carried forward to the next period or fiscal year. This field is only available if the SVC Periodic accruals activity code is activated. The cost and revenue accruals are generated in the Closing accruals function. |
Service end date (field ENDDATSVC) |
ISR/QR reference number (field BVRREFNUM) |
This field displays the ISR reference number created for an invoice if the SWICUSBVR - Swiss ISR usage Sales (LOC chapter, SWI group) parameter is set to Yes. If a new invoice is created, the ISR reference number is calculated when the invoice is saved. When the SWICUSBVR parameter is set to Yes, this field only displays a value if an ISR payment term is used and the invoice currency is CHF. If you copy an invoice, the existing ISR number is removed. A new number is created when the copied invoice is saved.
Payment bank ISR/QR (field PAYBAN) |
This field displays the ISR payment bank determined for the invoice if the SWICUSBVR - Swiss ISR usage Sales (LOC chapter, SWI group) parameter is set to Yes. When the SWICUSBVR parameter is set to Yes, this field only displays a value if an ISR payment term is used and the invoice currency is CHF. The payment bank information is used to print the necessary sender’s bank account information on ISR payment forms. Use this bank account as the destination account when paying the invoice. The ISR payment bank is only considered in the ISR process.
The ISR payment bank for the invoice is determined by the Payment bank ISR/QR field in one of the following functions. The system pulls the information from the first entry found.
If you copy an invoice, the existing payment bank is removed and the payment bank determination is repeated when the copied invoice is saved.
field DES |
This field is used to enter comments where the first line can be taken as a label for the posting according to the parameters of the automatic journal (PIHI for the purchase invoice or SIHI for the sales invoice). The presence of this field depends on the entry transaction used. |
Analytical grid
Dimension type (field DIE) |
This table is used to enter or view the dimension types, depending on the setups of the delivery entry transaction. |
Description (field NAMDIE) |
Dimension (field CCE) |
The analytical dimensions are initialized according to the Default dimensions setup, associated with the management of invoice headers. Depending on the setup, they remain available for modification. When an analytical dimension is used for project management tracking, any modification of the project code on the document header leads to the dimension code being reset based on the Default dimensions setup. If the project code is used onto the lines, the dimension code of impacted lines is also reset. |
Invoicing elements
Short description (field SHO) |
The invoicing elements that appear in this tab are those that have been defined as needing to appear on the invoice. If the invoice concerns a service contract generated by an order, the invoicing elements will be those that come from the contract. |
% or amount (field INVDTAAMT) |
The values relate to the invoicing footer. This information can stem directly from the setups of the invoice footer elements or from the record of the concerned customer or the selected order. See the Invoicing elements documentation for further information. The footer values can be modified. The ex-tax and tax-incl. amounts of the document are directly impacted by these values. Modification of an invoice by adding/deleting either a delivery, an order, or an order line: the amounts of the invoice elements are not recalculated by taking into account the added/deleted deliveries, orders, or order lines. The share of the invoicing elements relating to these lines or documents is not added/subtracted from the modified invoice. |
The system specifies whether the invoicing element is a percentage or a tax excl. or tax incl. amount. |
SST tax code (field SFISSTCOD) |
Enter the code to use in order to override the default SST tax code from the product or invoice element. This tax code is recognized by Sage Sales Tax and is used to identify line types for tax purposes. This field is available only if the LTA - Local taxing activity code is activated, and the USATAX - Tax system user parameter is set to Yes. For invoicing elements designated as the SST document discount for a company, you cannot remove the SST tax code value on the document. |
Return to calculated value |
Lines tab
Use this section to enter the invoiced product(s). The presence of the fields depends on the chosen transaction but the minimum information to be entered are the product, the quantity and the unit.
These lines can be initialized in the case of an invoice by selecting:
- One or several picking notes
- One or several order lines
- One or several order scheduled invoices
- Several orders or one or several service contracts
- One service request in the dedicated lists of the selection panel
In the case of a credit memo, the lines can be initialized by selecting one or more invoice lines or one or more return lines.
For cancellation invoices, lines are initialized by selecting one or several invoices in the list of invoices to be canceled. The cancellation applies to each invoice as a whole and you cannot select lines one by one or modify them.
Discounts and charges for the line
Discounts and charges columns are displayed. They depend on the setup of the Price list structure code (see the Price list structure documentation). They can be initialized by the use of the price lists (see the help on Price list parameters and Price list entry). Access to these columns can depend on the setup of the reasons associated with the price lists as well as the value of the reason given to the UPDPRISAL - Default price reason - base parameter (VEN chapter, PRI group).
Select the Actions icon to view the reasons associated with the price as well as the different discounts and charges fields.
Stock information where the invoice has a stock transaction.
The following information (which can be set up by transaction) is used to enter, on line creation or for lines coming from an order with direct invoicing, the characteristics of the goods to be issued when they are known and unique (a single lot number for example). Once the invoice has been created or the invoice has been determined for the invoice line, the stock information for the invoice line is no longer directly accessible. To modify stock lines to be issued, use the Stock issues action available on the invoice line.
When various pieces of information relate to one single characteristic (e.g.: several lots or serial numbers), the entry is not performed in invoice line entry, but from the Stock issues detail window. This window automatically opens once the invoice line entry is complete. You can also open it from the Actions icon on the line.
Depending on the invoice transaction used, different operating modes are possible.
- a transaction code can be associated with the invoice transactions on the condition that a specific transaction code has been defined for the transactions of type Delivery at the level of the stock issues for the stock with the product category.
- a specific transaction code is used to define the different issue rules for certain transactions (the authorized statuses and sub-statuses, the management of the expired lots and picking locations).
1/ When the information entered is sufficient to determine the stock line to be issued, the issue occurs on that basis. The automatic determination rules applied to stock to issue are the following:
- If the product is managed by serial number (Receipt/Issue or Global receipt & issue), the serial numbers are necessary and sufficient. Other entered information is not used.
- If the product is managed by lot or lot/sublot, the lot number or lot/sublot numbers are necessary. The following information is used if it has been entered:
- The license plate number (in priority) or the location
- The status, identifiers 1 and 2
- For the other products, at least one of these three pieces of information is needed.
- The license plate number (in priority) or the location
- Identifier 1
- Identifier 2
The following information is used if it has been entered:
- The license plate number (in priority) or the location
- The status, identifiers 1 and 2
If the product is not managed by location on the site, and identifiers 1 and 2 are not specified, then only one stock line corresponds to the information entered.
Example for a product managed by lot:
- If the lot is not entered, but the status and location are entered, this information will not be used and the detailed allocation rule is run.
- If the lot is entered, the container, or location, and status used to select the stock lines are considered. The stock quantity identified may be insufficient. In that case, the balance is completed with other stock lines based on the detailed allocation rule only (restricted by the issue rule).
- If no stock line is available, the Stock issues detail window is automatically displayed.
2/ If the stock information entered on the note line does not allow to clearly determine the stock line to be issued, two different situations can arise:
The invoice transaction is set up for the automatic determination of the stock to be issued:
In this case, the system attempts to select, at the end of the invoice line, stock lines to be issued based on:
- the stock information entered on the invoice line,
- the detailed allocation rule associated to the product category. This rule can be restricted by:
- the product category issue rule.
In this functioning mode, the stock information entered on the invoice line are considered if the principal characteristics for the product have been entered.
For instance, for a product managed by lot, if the lot is not entered but the status and location are, this information is not used and the system executes the detailed allocation rule. If the lot is entered, the system takes into account the location and the status used during the stock lines selection. The stock quantity identified may be insufficient. In this case, the system completes the balance with other stock lines by executing only the detailed allocation rule (restricted by the issue rule). If no stock line is available, the Stock issues detail window is automatically displayed.
The invoice transaction does not automatically determine the stock to be issued:
In this case, the system attempts to select, at the end of the invoice line, the stock lines to be issued based on the stock information entered on the invoice line. If at least one item of information characterizing the stock is missing, or if the stock identified does not correspond to any available stock line, the Stock issue detail screen that is used to select the stock lines is automatically displayed at the end of the line. The detailed allocation rules and the category of the product are not used in this configuration: you must explicitly define the stock to be issued.
The functioning is the same when the product to be issued possesses no specific stock characteristic if it is not the unit or status. In this case, the allocation algorithm is triggered at the end of the line to determine the stock to be issued according to the unit and status. If the status is entered on the invoice line, it is used as an exclusive filter. If no stock line is found in this status, the detail window automatically opens to let the user determine the stock to be issued.
On completing the entry of an invoice line, several cases are possible: They are materialized by default using the following color codes, determined in the Presentation styles function.
- The product on the invoice line is displayed in red.
The stock lines to be issued have not been determined. It is possible to access the stock information of the invoice line or the detail of the lines to be issued via the Stock issue function, accessed from the Actions menu on the invoice line. As long as a line is displayed in red, it is impossible to create or save the invoice. - The product on the invoice line is displayed in blue.
The lines for the stock to be issued have not been determined, but the balance has been saved as a shortage. (This is only possible for products with authorized negative stock or for kit parent products, even if these do not authorize negative stock (this is to ensure the management of the BOM links). This control is performed upon invoice validation.) You cannot directly access the stock information of the invoice line. The detail window must be used to modify the stock to be issued. - The product on the invoice line is displayed in black.
The stock to issue has been determined. You cannot directly access the stock information of the invoice line. The detail window must be used to modify the stock to be issued.
If, for an invoice line, a stock sub-detail exists (several stock lines selected). The presence of this sub-detail is identified by the $ sign in the column(s) characterizing the stock having a sub-detail (for example, a $ in the lot column signifies that several lot numbers are associated with the invoice line).
When the invoice is created or saved, the selected stock lines are allocated in detail to the invoice. The identified shortages lead to the generation of allocations with shortages with any stock information if they have been entered in the stock detail screen (Lot number, etc.).
Stock information where the credit memo has a stock transaction
Depending on the product setup, you need to enter the stock characteristics:
- The internal lot.
- The number of Sub-lots and the Sub-lot number. The Final sub-lot is calculated if several sub-lots are specified and consecutive (this information cannot be modified).
- The Supplier lot.
- The Serial number if the product is subject to a serial number. The Final serial number is calculated if several serial numbers are returned and consecutive (this information cannot be modified).
- The Container and the License plate number, if the product is managed by container.
- The Status. This is the quality status of the product.
- The Location type and the Location if the product is managed by locations.
- The order Price. This is the stock value assigned to the credit memo transaction.
- The transaction Description. It is a description entered in the stock journal.
At the end of the credit memo line, a window for the entry of the stock detail may be automatically displayed if all the stock information has not been entered or initialized. This information must be entered in this detail screen.
For direct credit memos with stock movement:
- If the credit memo line is direct: the location and the status can be accessed. They may be loaded by the stock receipt rules.
- If the original invoice triggered a stock movement: the stock information come from the original invoice, except for the status and location which can be accessed from and initialized by the stock receipt rules.
- Once created, the stock movement is carried out. The only way to modify the stock information is to use the Receipt modification action from the Actions icon on the credit memo line.
In addition to the product stock characteristics, some rules also affect stock receipts. For a customer credit memo, these rules can be described in a general manner, see Stock management rules, in the Delivery return section (the same rules are used for customer returns and credit memos). These rules are refined by Product categories and by product categories defined by sites.
A stock receipt rule for the return can be defined by Product categories for a movement type (see the movement code definition in the setup of the customer credit memo transactions).
The lot
If the product is managed by lot, different cases are possible based on the lot management rule associated with the transaction type Shipment return and based on the product lot management rule.
- If a product is not managed by lot, the Lot and Supplier Lot columns cannot be accessed.
- If a product is managed with mandatory or optional lots, the access to the lot field depends on the setup of the customer credit memo transaction used, and on the management rule Shipment return defined in the category of the product or in the stock management rules.
At this level, it is possible to specify the type of lot entry and to assign a default value to the lot.
Never initialize the lot with a document number. (If the return number is automatically allocated in creation, the initialization process with the document number is not visible when assigning an empty value. If the lot number is not entered in the lot field, the document will be loaded in this field when validating the credit memo). The option for initializing the internal lot with the supplier lot is not available with a customer credit memo.
When the entry is completed, if no lot number has been entered, several cases can arise:
- The movement management rule allocates the document number.
- The lot sequence number of the product is used to assign the new lot number. If no sequence number for the lot has been specified for the product and the lot is mandatory, a blocking message is displayed.
Specific case of the products managed as optional lot
This product type allows the entry of a blank lot field. In this case, this must be indicated by entering the Lot field by clicking Blank lot , available from the Actions menu. On saving the document, neither the sequence number nor the document number are used. This management method is incompatible with a management rule that does not allow the entry of an internal lot number.
The grid given below summarizes the impact of the management rule setup on the delivery return type transaction with mandatory lot management upon entry of a direct credit memo. In the case of optional lots, you can access an additional function from the Actions menu on the Lot field in order to indicate that you want to record a blank lot.
Lot entry |
No |
Free |
New lot |
Default lot |
None |
No entry on the line or in the stock detail window. Automatic assignment according to the sequence number |
Selection for all the lots Lot info function No initialization Free entry 'Next lot number in the counter' function If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number |
No selection Lot info function No initialization Free entry. But lot existence is checked. 'Next lot number in the counter' function If lot not assigned, automatic assignment according to the sequence number |
Journal number |
No entry on the line or in the detail Automatic assignment according to the document no. |
Selection for all the lots Lot info function No initialization if the credit memo sequence number is automatic Free entry 'Next lot number in the counter' function If lot not entered document no. allocation. |
No selection Lot info function. No initialization if the credit memo sequence number is automatic Free entry. But lot existence is checked. 'Next lot number in the counter' function If lot not entered document no. allocation. |
From the Actions menu, you can:
- select a lot number from amongst the list of lots declared for the site. If the product is managed by lot and sub-lot, the sub-lots appear in the selection window. The choice of a lot and sub-lot is used to load the lot and sub-lot fields.
- identify the manner in which the lot is calculated, when this is not assigned, by the Lot info function (Blank lot, sequence number for the lot or the document number),
- consult the stock by lot.
The sub-lot
If the product is managed by lot and sub-lot, it is mandatory to specify the sub-lot number associated with the internal lot for a direct credit memo. This entry is not mandatory at the level of the credit note line because it can be necessary to break down the stock detail lines or to have several sub-lots to enter. By default, sublot number 00001 is displayed if no sublot number has been assigned to the selected lot. If this is not the case, the next sub-lot number is suggested as an increment of the last sub-lot.
In some cases, the next sublot is not displayed because the last sublot corresponds to a character chain that cannot be incremented (e.g. 'AAAAA'). It is possible to enter a sub-lot number that does not correspond to the sub-lot suggested and a sub-lot already assigned to the lot.
It is possible at the level of the credit memo line to enter a number of sub-lots corresponding to the number of sales units. If a number larger than one is entered, the sublots to be assigned are calculated automatically based on the entered sublot number. The To sub-lot number is displayed.
If a $ symbol is to be found in the two Sub-lot columns, it means that the stock detail for the Sub-lots entered is not consecutive. At the level of the detail line, it is possible to define as many sub-lots as there are stock units.
If a single sub-lot is required, the To sub-lot number is identical to the From sub-lot number.
The supplier lot
If the product is managed by lot and this is a new lot number that is manually entered, it is possible for a credit memo to assign the original supplier lot if it is known (no specific control is carried out on this information). If this is not the case, this information is not be accessible and it is initialized by the supplier lot associated with the internal lot if it exists (only a supplier lot can correspond to an internal lot).
A selection window is used to choose a supplier lot among known ones (that have the object of a receipt).
If several supplier lots must be specified, they are entered in the stock detail window.
The serial number
If the product is managed by serial numbers at the receipt/issue or only at issue, it is mandatory to have assigned, before registering the credit memo, one or more serial numbers as a function of the quantity returned (this entry is made in the stock detail window). A control is carried out to verify that the number entered is not already in stock (a serial number being considered as unitary and not divisible).
For a direct credit memo, you can enter a serial number that has never been recorded in the application (i.e. old number not referenced in Sage X3). This is signaled by an information message. On saving the credit memo, the serial number is automatically created.
If several serial numbers are returned, the end number contains the last serial number, provided the numbers are consecutive. If not, a $ symbol is displayed in the two fields to specify that the numbers returned are not consecutive. The stock detail window must be used to view all the serial numbers.
The status
It is initialized with the default status defined by the management rule assigned to the Shipment return transaction type. If no status is specified in the rule no value is suggested. The status is not mandatory in the credit memo line, but if it is not entered, the stock detail window will automatically be displayed at the end of the line so that a status can be specified.
In certain cases, the user may choose not to enter the status in the document line, because the goods returned are of varying quality and a split is required. This split is specified in the stock detail window. If a “$” symbol is displayed in this field after entry on the document line, it means that different statuses have been assigned and that a stock line has subdetails.
According to the management rule used for the Delivery return transaction type, it is possible to generate an analysis request during the receipt to stock of goods if the goods have the to-be-controlled status (Q*).
The location type and the location
If the product is managed by location, a default location can be initialized depending on the management rule assigned to the Delivery return movement type and depending on the locations set up on the Product-site record. The semantic identifying a location category is used to associate in the Product/site record a location type and a potential location. The location type and the location defined in the Product-site record can refer to a group of location types and/or locations if the wild cards (?,*) are used in their definition (see the Location types and Product-site documentations). In the case of some location types, the assignment depends on their availability or their capacity (replenishment management). These pieces of information can be modified.
If the customer credit memo transaction allows it, a dock type location can be entered in the credit memo header. If this is the case, this location is suggested by default. The dock-type locations are not suggested in the selection if the customer credit memo transaction does not specify receipts to dock.
In some cases, the user may choose not to enter the location type and/or location, because the goods to return will be distributed across different storage locations. This distribution is specified in the stock detail window. If a “$” symbol is displayed in these fields after entry, it means that different location types and/or locations have been assigned and that a stock line has subdetails.
From the Location type field, use the Actions icon to:
- select a location type,
- Go to the location type table if user authorizations allow it.
From the Location type field, use the Actions icon to:
- select a location,
- access by tunnel the location table if the user's authorizations allow it,
- Access by tunnel the Location occupation inquiry if the user's authorizations allow it.
- jump to the inquiry of dedicated Locations for the product being entered if the user's authorizations allow it.
Credit memo coming from an invoice with stock transaction
In the case where a credit memo comes from an invoice with stock transaction, most of the information is automatically initialized from the stock information for the line in the original document, other information must be manually entered or is initialized as a function of the setup associated with the receipt transaction of customer return type.
The internal lot
This information is not accessible in this context on the credit memo line. If the credit memo concerns a direct invoice with stock transaction that references a single lot number, the latter is displayed on the line. If the original document references several lot numbers, this is indicated by the presence of the $ symbol in the lot field. If the originating invoice is multi-lot and the credit memo concerns only a part of the invoice the choice of lot is made via the stock detail screen (by deleting the lines that are not required). Same remarks as those concerning the management of sub-lot numbers.
The serial number
This information is not accessible in this context on the credit memo line. If the serial numbers in the original invoice line are consecutive, they are displayed on the credit memo line. If this is not the case, the $ symbol is displayed in the two fields to indicate that the numbers are not consecutive. If the document of origin contains several serial numbers and the credit memo only concerns some of these numbers, it is necessary to access the stock detail window to choose the required numbers. Only the serial numbers in the original invoice can be chosen. The serial number selection window only suggests the serial numbers from the original document line.
The location type and the location
The operation is identical to that of the direct credit memos.
Note on the credit memo entry cycle
When a credit memo line is created by selecting an invoice line with a stock movement and several stock lines are generate the stock information can only be modified from the Stock detail window. The same note applies to the modification of a direct credit memo line (provided the credit memo has not been created). Only the following information remains accessible: Quantity, Order price (Only for direct credit memos) and the Transaction description.
When a single stock detail line exists, the information remains modifiable on the credit memo line for a direct credit memo. For a credit memo having as its origin an invoice with stock transaction, only the information concerning the Status, the Location type, the Location and the Transaction description can be modified.
If the quantity on the credit memo line is modified and several lines exist in the stock detail, the detail window is automatically displayed so that the user can choose the line(s) affected by this modification.
If the quantity on the credit memo line is increased and only one stock detail line exists, the detail window is automatically displayed so that the user may specify that the additional quantity concerns the same detail line or another detail line.
If the quantity is decreased in the credit memo line and only one detail line exists, the stock window is not displayed.
Note on the management of factors and credit memo units
When the credit memo has an invoice with stock transactions as its origin, the units used to carry out the stock transaction are by default those of the invoice.
In the case of a credit memo with stock transaction, it is no longer be possible to manually modify the credit memo unit or the conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit when a line has been entered or when the line has as its origin an invoice with stock transaction.
The conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit can be recalculated when this is modified in the stock detail window and it involves a direct credit memo with stock transaction. If it involves a credit memo originating from an invoice with transaction, it is the invoiced quantity modified and not the conversion factor.
If, in the stock detail window, different units are entered and the total quantity entered does not correspond to the quantity expressed in the unit entered on the credit memo line, the credit memo line unit is replaced by the stock unit to ensure a conversion with the units used to carry out the receipt to stock.
Note on the credit memos for invoices with stock transaction and missing products
It is necessary to enter the stock information in the original invoice to create a credit memo for an invoice line with a stock transaction that only contains missing products. A message is displayed to highlight the problem.
If the credit memo concerns an invoice line with stock transaction containing shortages and identified stock lines, only the quantities corresponding to the identified stock lines are suggested on the credit memo line. It is impossible to modify the quantity being the subject of the credit memo above the quantities identified during the original issue.
If the credit memo concerns an invoice with stock transaction with a packaging that cannot be decimalized, the suggested unit is the stock unit in order to be able to process the identified quantities.
The presence of this information depends on the transaction setup.
When entering a direct invoice line, the analytical dimension types are initialized based on the SID Default dimension code. If the invoice line comes from a document, the analytical dimension types are loaded with the analytical dimensions present in the document line and potentially completed by this default dimension code.
It is possible, based on the user's authorizations, to access the dimension code management.
When modifying an analytical dimension, some controls must be carried out to check the validity of the dimension:
- existence of the analytical dimension,
- mandatory dimension on a dimension type (see the SAIANAx accounting parameters),
- prohibited dimension on a dimension type (see the SAIANAx accounting parameters),
- the dimension cannot be posted,
- the dimension is prohibited with the dimension (see dimension/dimension prohibitions),
- the dimension is reserved for a site, a company or a group of sites,
- the invoice date is outside the limits of the dimension validity dates,
- the user does not have the access rights for this dimension.
Free item
This information specifies whether the line concerns a free item or if the line is at the origin of the generation of one or more free items.
On exiting the line grid, all the totals are carried out as well as any calculations of the tax calculation bases.
In the lower part of the section, non-editable excluding tax and including tax totals are displayed, as well as the invoice total margin.
Table number 1
Product (field ITMREF) |
It is the product reference for which a document line is recorded. Specifying it is mandatory. It is possible to:
The entry of the product is used to initialize the Description and Sales unit fields, which can be modified. The sales unit can be modified on the condition that it is chosen from the suggested list that contains the sales and packing units from the product and product-customer records. A warning message can appear to inform the user of the replacement of the entered product by the substitute product. This automatic substitution takes place if certain conditions are met:
Description (field ITMDES) |
This is the product description translated into the customer language. This description is the one that will be printed on the document. If the translation does not exist in the customer language, the un-translated product description is used. This description is also transferred to the next document.
Standard description (field ITMDES1) |
This is the description entered on the product record. This description is transferred from the sales invoice to the purchase invoice in case of inter-company invoicing. When the invoice stems from another document, the standard description is inherited from the source line. |
Major version (field ECCVALMAJ) |
This field displays the major version of the product. The major version number can be accessed if:
If the preloading of versions is active at the product/customer level (in the Customers tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), or by default, at the product/sales level (in the Sales tab of the Product function, the Version preloading box is checked), then the last active major version is preloaded automatically. Otherwise, the last major version with the 'Stopped' status will be preloaded. For a delivery invoice or a service request invoice, the version numbers are loaded when adding a direct line. When the invoice is created from other documents, the following actions are carried out:
The Major version field display depends on the setup of the entry transaction (hidden, displayed, entered). |
Minor version (field ECCVALMIN) |
This field displays the minor version of the product. The minor version number can be accessed in the following cases:
If the version preloading is activated at product/customer level (in the Customers section of the Product function, the Version preloading check box is selected), or else, at product/sales level (in the Sales section of the Product function, the Version preloading check box is selected), the last active minor version is preloaded automatically. For a delivery invoice or a service request invoice, the version numbers are populated when you add a direct line. When the invoice is created from other documents, the following actions are performed:
The Minor version field display depends on the setup of the entry transaction (hidden, displayed, entered). |
Percentage (field INVPRC) |
This is the invoiced percentage corresponding to the scheduled invoice. This percentage is linked to the invoiced quantity.
The schedule, accessed from the Actions icon on the scheduled invoice line, indicates for each schedule line if it has been invoiced, included in the invoice or to be invoiced. In the case of a credit memo, this field is not displayed. |
SAL (field SAU) |
The sales unit is initialized by the sales unit defined in the Product-customer record, if it exists, if not, it will be initialized by the sales unit of the product. Entry of another unit is possible in a selection window. The suggested units, other than those mentioned previously, are the packing units for the product and the packing units defined in the Product-customer record. When necessary, and if you have been granted the appropriate authorizations, you can access the units table. Once the line is entered, you can no longer modify the sales unit. You must delete the line and recreate it to be able to modify the unit. |
Invoiced qty. (field QTY) |
The invoiced quantity is expressed in sales unit. For direct invoices, it must be superior to the minimum quantity and inferior to the maximum quantity from the product-sales. For scheduled invoices non linked to a billing plan:
Using the Actions icon on the scheduled invoice line, you can view the schedule and see if each schedule line has been invoiced, included in the invoice, or to be invoiced. A check box indicates if any excess is invoiced (over-invoicing), displaying this excess amount and/or quantity. For scheduled invoices with a validated progress status (only for progress billing projects):
For non-validated invoice lines linked to an invoicing schedule (with milestone or no milestone):
When the invoiced quantity is entered, a price list search processing is automatically carried out. The objective of this search is to recover:
The price list search processing can be triggered in different ways depending on the product type entered: If the product entered has the Normal type, the search processing is automatically triggered.If the product entered is of type Kit parent product or BOM parent product, an initial price list search is triggered for the parent product, then before triggering the price list search for the components, a read of the BOM file is carried out in order to identify whether different alternatives of the type Commercial exist, in which case they are displayed in a window. If the product has only a single BOM code, it will be taken into account automatically. |
SAL-STK conv. (field SAUSTUCOE) |
This is the conversion factor between the sales unit and the stock unit. This coefficient can be modified in certain cases. It can be edited if the sales unit of the product has been specified as 'editable', or if the chosen packing unit has also been specified as 'Editable' (See Product record). It cannot be edited if the unit used is a unit defined for the customer. If units are used where the factor is modifiable, it is necessary to define for the product concerned, only prices expressed in stock unit. In addition, if a basic price list has been defined for the sales unit, the modification of the conversion factor for the sales unit does not trigger a recalculation of the unit gross price.
STK (field STU) |
This field indicates the product management unit in which are expressed:
This information is always displayed, regardless of the transaction used. It cannot be modified. |
Gross price (field GROPRI) |
This is the unit gross price (in sales unit) of the product expressed tax-excluding or tax-including (depending on the price type). It comes from a price list search, or from the base price of the sales product if the price list search did not return any result.
- The price list amount is converted if the Unit conversion is set to Yes in the Price list setup. This conversion is based on the table of unit conversion factors. If no conversion is set up for these units, the price list amounts are considered by applying a conversion rate of 1. - The price list is not used if the Unit conversion is set to No in the Price list setup. The gross price is set to 0. Click the Actions icon to:
If the entered price is null, a message is displayed to request confirmation.
A processing for Free items is triggered at the end of the document line. This processing generates all the free product lines (Gross price and discounts set to 0). If the parameter FOCPRI - Free product valuation (chapter VEN, group PRI) has the value Yes, a price list search is triggered for the free item so as to assign it a gross price. The assigned price is compensated for, either by a line discount in percentage or a line discount in amount (according to the order of discounts) to obtain a zero net price. The original line number of the free item is mentioned in each free item line generated in the quote line file (information not displayed on the screen). The Origin information is displayed on the line that created the free items in the Free field. For the free item line, this information is set to Yes. All free item lines are accessible in modification mode (except the price and discounts fields). It should be noted that the management of free items is not taken into account for components. When creating the document, if the setup manages grouped price lists (GRPPRI - Management of grouped price lists), a question is asked about whether to carry out a new price list search (for the grouped type) that is used to determine the specific conditions linked to the whole quote. At the end of this process, you may get the following, on some product lines:
field DISCRGVAL1 |
Help common to the Sales and Purchase modules. The displayed discount and cost columns are linked to the setup of the price lists structure code associated with the supplier in said supplier's record. Access to these columns can depend on the setup of the reasons associated with the price lists as well as the value of the reason given to the
These discounts or costs are defined in amount or in percentage and they are applied with a totaling or cascading method to the gross price to determine the net price of the document line. From the Actions icon, you can:
Net price (field NETPRI) |
This is the unitary net price for the receipt line calculated from the gross price affected by any discounts and charges. This information cannot be accessed.
If the entered price is null, a message appears to request confirmation. However, this message is not displayed for the components of a BOM, for free items and for deliveries not to be invoiced. A process for the Free items is triggered at the end of the delivery line. This processing generates all the free product lines (Gross price and discounts set to 0). If the value of the FOCPRI - Free product valuation parameter (VEN chapter, PRI group) is ‘Yes’, a price list search is triggered for the free item to assign it a gross price. The assigned price is compensated for, either by a line discount in percentage or a line discount in amount (according to the order of discounts) to obtain a zero net price. When you click Create to save the delivery, and based on the value of the GRPPRI - Grouped price lists parameter, a message can be displayed, suggesting that a new price list search is run to determine the specificities globally linked to the delivery. At the end of the processing, the following can be generated on some product lines:
Line amt in value (field AMTLIN) |
Cost price (field CPRPRI) |
The cost price is loaded by default by the valuation of the product chosen for the margin calculation (see the valuation methods defined for the Product-Site record) at the time of the creation of the document line and is expressed in sales unit. The different choices possible for the cost price valuation are: Standard price, Revised standard price, Last price, Weighed average price, FIFO price, Lot average price and LIFO price. If the valuation method happened to return a zero value, a fall value can be used by specifying another valuation method contained in the list previously described. This value is stored in the document line. It is possible to pre-load this information as a function of the document transaction used. The 'cost price' is systematically recalculated upon:
In quote management, the 'lot average price' always returns a null value. The alternative default is used in this case. During the delivery confirmation, the Lot average price is used again to recalculate the margin and thus obtain a real margin depending on the shipped lot(s). Specificities related to credit memos:
Margin (field PFM) |
This field displays the margin in sales unit, calculated based on the difference between the net price and the cost price. During the gross margin calculation, a control can be carried out to verify that this margin is not below the minimum threshold defined in the Sales tab in the Product record. This control can be blocked according to the value attributed to the user parameter SDACLOK - Non block. control price, prof, qty (VEN chapter, AUZ group). The calculation carried out to control the margin rate is the following: (Ex-tax price - Cost price) / Total ex-tax price) *100 >= percentage of the minimum margin. No control is carried out on nonbillable deliveries. |
Tax level 1 (field VACITM1) |
This field indicates the tax level applied to the selected product. The tax level, when crossed with the document tax rule, is used to determine the tax rate to be applied on the document line. There are three tax levels for a document line. The first level is compulsory and it corresponds to the VAT. The other two levels concern additional and special taxes that can be submitted to the VAT or not, and be applied to the ex-tax basis or any other evaluated formula. The tax levels for the document line will be loaded by default with the values associated with the product record (Accounting tab). These values can be modified depending on the transaction. You can also, if the user's authorizations permit it, access the tax level management. The parameter CTLTAX - Tax codes control (VEN chapter, VAT group) is used to control that the tax codes linked to the tax level are consistent. Using this control, the system checks that the tax level:
Reinvoicing (field INVCNDUPD) |
Reinvoicing date (field NEXINVDAT) |
SST tax code (field SSTCOD) |
Enter the code to use in order to override the default SST tax code from the product or invoice element. This tax code is recognized by Sage Sales Tax and is used to identify line types for tax purposes. This field is available only if the LTA - Local taxing activity code is activated, and the USATAX - Tax system user parameter is set to Yes. For invoicing elements designated as the SST document discount for a company, you cannot remove the SST tax code value on the document. |
Project (field DPJT) |
The project code in document line is initialized by the one entered in the header or, in the case of a document transformation, by the one of the selected document lines (in picking or in mass processing, if the project code on a document line is inactive, the line cannot be selected). It can only be modified if one of the two following conditions are met:
In modification mode, the project code management depends on the value of the CTLOPPCOD - Mandatory project control parameter.
When the entry is controlled, depending on the context, a project or one of its entities can be picked (a budget batch or task), using its posting code: The project allocation code is composed of:
You can only select one Active posting code depending on the status of the relevant entity. If it becomes inactive after the creation of the document, the control is performed and blocks the modification of the document. For non-deliverable Service products, you can select a project set with progress billing if the PJM activity code is active. Once the order has been recorded, you can view it in the Project management (GESPJM) function in the generated billing plan, linked to the selected project. When the project code of the document header is modified, this project code is automatically transferred to the lines, except when the multi-project management is authorized. In this case, a dialog box would open and suggest to transfer this code to the lines of the document, according to the following options:
Sales documents: Quotes, orders, deliveries and invoices: - If lines are impacted, a dialog box opens requesting a recalculation of prices and discounts. If you answer 'Yes', the price list search is run based on the new project code for all document lines. - If the project code is modified on the line, the same price list search process applies to the line. Depending on the processed document, the recalculation is performed only if the following conditions are met:
Deliveries linked to a task: The header project code displays the project code linked to the first selected task.
Specific case of free items generated by the price list search after updating the header project code: The free item displays the project code of its source product but only if this code is not used on a task. |
Warehouse (field WRH) |
Lot (field LOT) |
For invoices, specify the lot to be issued.
If the product is managed with serial numbers, only this number is necessary to determine the stock to issue. If not, the lot, sub-lot and location (conditioned by the product management method) are needed. For credit memos, if the product is not managed by lot, this field cannot be accessed. If the product is managed in mandatory or optional lot, the field availability depends on:
At the end of the entry, if no lot number has been entered, several cases can arise:
No. of sublots (field NBSLO) |
This field contains the number of sub-lots concerned by the stock transaction. |
Sublot (field SLO) |
This field specifies the sub-lot to be issued. When the lot is selected, the sub-lot is immediately initialized.
If the product is managed with serial numbers, only this number is necessary to determine the stock to issue. |
Ending sublot (field SLOF) |
This field indicates the last sub-lot on which the stock movement is applied. |
Supplier lot (field BPSLOT) |
The supplier lot number can be entered for information purposes in the receipt transactions, and displayed in the stock issue transactions. It is recorded in the stock file and corresponds to the internal lot number. This ensures that the origin of goods can be tracked. |
Starting serial number (field SERNUM) |
For invoices, indicate the start serial number to be issued. The end serial number is automatically calculated. If the product is managed with serial numbers, only this number is necessary to determine the stock to issue. For credit notes, specify the first serial number that is involved in the receipt movement. This serial number must exist in the database but it is possible to enter a serial number which does not exist. |
Ending serial number (field SERNUMF) |
This is the serial number of the product. |
Identifier 1 (field PALNUM) |
Use this field to enter additional information, if necessary. |
Identifier 2 (field CTRNUM) |
This field indicates the first recorded identifier. |
Container (field TCTRNUM) |
This field is subject to the LPN - License plate no. management activity code. This field is only displayed and available for entry for credit memos or direct invoices. |
License plate number (field LPNNUM) |
Help common to stock entry functions (Miscellaneous receipts, Receipts, Customer returns, etc.) and the Invoices function (in this case, the field is only displayed and editable for a credit memo or a direct invoice). This field is subject to the LPN - License plate no. management activity code. The management of this field depends on the 'Mandatory' or 'Optional' nature of the license plate number, which is defined for the Product category on the Receipt flow section. In both cases, you can select the license plate number to be used. The selection list displays the active license plate numbers (both 'Free' or 'In stock') associated with the entered container. If no container is specified, the selection list displays all active license plate numbers attached to the site and available in stock. These containers are the ones you created previously, either by unit via the License plate number function or by batch via the License plate number creation function. You can also directly access the License plate numbers function in order to create a number and then switch back to entry mode on the document. If you want to enter multiple license plate numbers on the same document line, leave this field blank and click Enter detailed quantities entry from the Actions icon available on the document line.
- The License plate number is set to 'Mandatory' for the Product category.
Inter-site / inter-company specificities: for an inter-site or inter-company receipt, the license plate number does not correspond to the one specified on the sales delivery, since the LPN is single-site. |
Status (field STA) |
Loc. type (field LOCTYP) |
The location types are used to codify the warehouse locations according to their storage characteristics: size, authorized statuses, technical constraints etc. They are associated with the products by site, and are used in this way to geographically group the products with similar characteristics. According to the stock transaction parameterization, the location type for the product is proposed by default and can be modified in the transaction entries. |
Location (field LOC) |
For invoices, specify the location that is the origin of the issue. To select a location, use the selection window available from the Actions icon. Specifying the location is not necessary if:
If the product is managed with serial numbers, only this number is necessary to determine the stock to be issued. For credit memos, the access to the field depends on the settings of the Credit memo entry transaction used. When the original invoice has triggered a stock movement, the status, license plate number and location do not arise from the original invoice, contrary to the other stock information. These three pieces of information can be accessed from and initialized by the stock receipt rules. When the credit memo line is direct, the status, license plate number and location can be accessed from and loaded by the stock receipt rules. If the product is managed by license plate number, the location associated to the LPN is displayed. It cannot be modified. If the product is managed by location and no license plate number is entered, a default location can be initialized according to the management rule assigned to the Delivery return movement type, and to the locations set up in the Product/site record. The semantic identifying a location category is used to associate in the Article/site record a location type and a potential location. The location type and the location defined in the Product-site record can refer to a group of location types and/or locations if the wild cards (?,*) are used in their definition (see the Location types and Product-site documentations). In the case of some location types, the assignment depends on their availability or their capacity (replenishment management). These pieces of information can be modified. If the customer credit memo transaction allows it, a dock type location can be entered in the credit memo header. If this is the case, this location is suggested by default. The locations of the type dock are not suggested in the selection if the customer credit memo transaction does not specify receipts to dock. In some cases, the user may choose not to enter the location type and/or location, because the goods to return will be distributed across different storage locations. This distribution is specified in the stock detail window. If a $ symbol appears in these fields at the end of entry, it means that different location types and/or locations have been assigned and that a sub-detail exists for the stock lines. |
Order price (field PRIORD) |
This is the unitary amount by stock unit that can be used to value the stock (if the valuation method for a customer return is Order price). The valuation method of the stocks is defined per product category depending on a storage site.
The order price is initialized as follows:
Movement description (field MVTDES) |
The description of the transaction is a text free to enter and registered in the stock journal for each credit memo line transaction. This information can be modified in the stock detail window. If it has been modified, it is recovered and registered in the invoice line of this field. |
Sales rep 1 (field REP1) |
The sales reps on the document line are initialized by the sales reps entered in the document header. If the latter are not entered, the sales reps in the line are initialized by the sales reps for the customer, by those for the ship-to customer if there are no sales reps in the customer record. If the parameter LINREP - Sales rep on detail allows it (chapter VEN, group MIS), the sales reps can be modified on the document line. It is possible, based on the user's authorizations, to access the sales representative record. |
Commission rate 1 (field REPRAT1) |
The commission rate for the sales representative is initialized on the line based on the commission category for the customer and the commission rate for the sales representative by category. This commission rate can be weighted by a modifiable weighting factor that can be initialized by the price list setup. This information comes from the invoice header in the case of a direct invoice or the original document. |
Sales rep 2 (field REP2) |
Commission rate 2 (field REPRAT2) |
Commission factor (field REPCOE) |
This coefficient is used to weight the commissioning rate of the sales representatives for this document line upon commision calculation. This information is initialized using the price list search: some price lists are used to define a weighing coefficient for the commissioning rate of the sales representatives. |
field CCE1 |
The analytical dimensions are initialized according to the Default dimensions setup, associated with the management of delivery lines. Depending on the setup, they remain available for modification. When an analytical dimension is used for project management tracking, any modification of the project code on the document line leads to the dimension code being reset based on the Default dimensions setup. |
Service start date (field STRDAT) |
Start and end period for the service provision. |
Service end date (field ENDDAT) |
Period number (field PERNBR) |
Number of periods Used in Finance to distribute the Accruals. |
Period type (field PERTYP) |
Frequency (number of days, weeks, decades or months). Used in Finance to distribute the Accruals. |
Line type (field LINTYP) |
This information characterizes the line type by distinguishing a classic product from a kit or a BOM product.
Free (field FOCFLG) |
This information specifies whether the line concerns a free item or is at the origin of the generation of one or more free items. On exiting the line grid, all the totals are carried out as well as any calculations of the tax calculation bases. In the lower section of the tab, the Ex-tax and Tax incl. totals are displayed (they cannot be modified) as well as the total margin for the invoice. |
Physical flow (field EECFLOPHY) |
This field is used to specify whether the line identifies a physical flow playing a role in the Customs document file statement. An invoice line not linked to a physical flow can be declared for regulation if an EEC rule and/or an EEC transaction nature is entered on the invoice (Customs information option). 1/ Product managed in stock
2/ Product not managed in stock
Total margin (field PFMTOT) |
This is the total margin of the document calculated from the margins on the document lines. |
Excluding tax (field INVNOT) |
This field indicates the ex-tax result including the various invoicing elements of the selected products. These information is displayed when printing the report SBONFACP2 |
Including tax (field INVATI) |
This field indicates the tax-including total, which includes:
This information is displayed when printing the DEVTTC report. |
Price calculation |
Click this action to trigger a search on the price list and on the discounts and charges for the current line on the invoice date. |
Price explanation |
Click this action to display the details of how the net price of the invoice line is obtained by application of the different discounts on the gross price of the product. |
Stock Issues |
This Stock issue action can only be accessed for invoice-type transactions. It is available as long as the invoice has not been validated. If the invoice originates from deliveries or orders, this functionality is only accessible for new lines added to the invoice. Use this action to choose, to modify or to view the stock lines to be issued for an invoice line if the invoice is managed with stock transaction and if the product is managed in stock. |
Issue modification |
This Issue modifications action is available when the invoice is posted.
Enter Detailed Quantities |
You can only access this function for credit memo-type transactions. Use this function to view the Stock detail entry window and specify the stock information that has not been entered on the credit memo line or if you want to proceed with the necessary splits (Credit memos with different statuses, on different locations, etc.). You can only access this action for a credit memo line if no stock movement has been recorded yet. If the stock transactions have been recorded, it is necessary to use the Receipt Modification function described later in this document. |
Lot info |
You can only access this function for credit memo-type transactions. Use this function to process products managed by lot, as long as the stock receipt has not been completed yet. You use it to identify, when the lot has not been entered, how the lot is calculated during the receipt to stock. The possible values are: Lot sequence number / Document no. / Blank lot. |
Lot complement |
Use this action to access the return at the origin of the credit memo. You can only access it for credit memo-type transactions. You can use it to:
Lot complement |
Click this action to access the delivery at the origin of the invoice line. |
Change receipts |
You can only access this function for credit memo-type transactions. You use it to modify the stock transactions that have been carried out upon saving a credit memo. This action is similar to the Enter detailed quantities function available when saving a stock transaction on a credit memo line. On saving a modification, reversals are carried out on the original transactions in the stock journal and new stock transactions are carried out on the original transaction dates. A modification on a receipt is possible if the stock line linked to the credit memo still exists or if the quantity to be processed for this line is sufficient. Use this action to modify all the stock information entered and to delete credit memo lines, if required (on the condition that the credit memo has not been posted). If all the stock information is deleted, the credit memo line is deleted. If it is the only credit memo line, the credit memo is deleted if this is authorized by the parameter SIVSUP - Delete invoice/accounting entry (chapter TC, group INV). For further information on this function refer to Receipt modification. |
Line text entry |
Click this action to enter a text on the invoice line printed on the document. This text can be initialized on the invoice line by the product text or by the original document text, depending on the value of the SALTEXLIN - Product text tracking (chapter VEN, group TEX) general parameter. |
Periodic accruals |
This feature is subject to the SVC activity code. You use it to generate analytical MOs spread over time, by invoice line. Using the Actions icon from the selected lines, this opens the Accruals management screen where you must determine the scheduling over time before validating an invoice or credit memo: specify a start date, an end date and a frequency. These are initialized by the entry dates in the invoice header. The ex-tax amount for the invoice line is distributed on each MO according to the number of journals generated. |
Price Explanation |
Detail valuation |
Stock by site |
Sales journal traceability |
Click this action to access the Sales documents traceability function and view or browse through the hierarchy of documents at the origin of, or issued from, the relevant document. |
Inv line situation display |
Delivery line deletion |
Click this action to delete all the delivery lines from an already-created invoice, as long as this invoice is not validated.
Product information |
Product notes |
Click this action in order to open a window displaying the note(s) associated with this product. This information can relate to product availability, additional or substitute products, or a promotional message. This window could open automatically depending on the setup defined when creating the notes.
Scheduled invoice |
You can only access this action from the scheduled invoice lines of orders. Use this action to inquire the invoicing schedule and view all the potential modifications applied to the line, updated in real time. |
Tab Valuation
Use this section to display the different tax calculations carried out on the tax basis in the invoice and the integration of the different invoicing elements into the calculation of the excluding-tax and including-tax amount of the invoice.
Block number 1
Valuation (field VALUATION) |
Grid Taxes
No. (field NOLIGV) |
Tax (field XVSHO) |
This field contains the description of the tax present on the lines of the document. |
Amount - tax (field XVNOT) |
This field indicates the ex-tax amount totaled for all the product lines having a tax basis corresponding to the first column. |
Subject basis (field XVSMI) |
This field indicates the ex-tax basis liable to VAT. It is made up of the ex-tax amount to which any additional or special taxes are added (entered in the product lines) liable to VAT. |
Tax (field XVTAX) |
This field contains the tax code present on the document lines. |
Rate (field XVRAT) |
This field indicates the tax rate corresponding to the tax basis. |
Tax amt (field XVAMT) |
This field contains the amount of the tax obtained by applying the tax rate to the liable basis. |
Other taxes (field XVSUP) |
This field contains the additional or special taxes applied to this tax basis. |
Amount + tax (field XVATI) |
Grid Invoicing elements
No. (field NOLIGF) |
field XFSHO |
This field indicates the short title of the invoicing element. |
Amount - tax (field XFNOT) |
Subject basis (field XFSMI) |
This field concerns the basis subject to tax of an invoicing element for which the including tax calculation basis is equal to the including tax amount. The basis of an invoicing element with an excluding tax calculation basis is equal to the excluding tax amount of the invoicing element. When the invoicing element has a product rate tax rule, you can display the distribution of the basis subject to product tax using the Actions icon. |
Tax (field XFTAX) |
This field indicates the tax code applied to this invoicing element. |
Rate (field XFRAT) |
This field indicates the tax rate applied to this invoicing element. If the calculation basis of the invoicing element is tax-incl. or the tax rule of the invoicing element is product rate, this information is not displayed and the corresponding tax code either. When the invoicing element has a product rate tax rule, you can display the various tax rates by subject basis using the Actions icon. |
Tax amt (field XFVATAMT) |
This field indicates the tax amount calculated for this invoicing element from the liable basis and the tax rate to be applied. If the calculation basis of the invoicing element is Tax incl, this information will not be displayed. When the invoicing element has a product rate tax rule, you can display the distribution of the various tax codes by liable basis using the Actions icon. |
Amount + tax (field XFATI) |
This field indicates the tax-incl. amount of the invoicing element. |
Allocation processing (field DSP) |
Analytical distribution key of the invoicing element. The key can be modified from the Actions menu. The allocation processing key entered in this field is used to load the associated dimension types. It is made up of one to ten alphanumerical characters. The allocation processing keys are used to automatically distribute the amount of a financials posting line on several analytical lines. This distribution is carried out according to weighting coefficients. |
field SFICCE1 |
Analytical dimensions of the invoicing element. The analytical dimensions are initialized according to the setup of Default dimensions, associated with the management of invoicing elements. Depending on the setup, they remain available for modification. When an analytical dimension is used for project management tracking, any modification of the project code on the document header leads to the dimension code being reset, except if a distribution key has been entered. Use the Actions icon to change the dimension codes of the dimension types. |
Excluding tax (field INVNOT) |
This field indicates the ex-tax result including the various invoicing elements of the selected products. This information appear upon printing of the DEVTTC report. |
Excluding tax (company) (field INVNOTRPT) |
field DEVRPT1 |
Discount basis (field BASDEP) |
The discountable base is only displayed if the two following conditions are met:
The calculation of the discountable bas depends on:
Including tax (field INVATI) |
This field indicates the tax incl. total, which includes:
This information appear when printing the report:
You can access the Sage Sales Tax screen from the Actions menu. |
Including tax (company) (field INVATIRPT) |
field DEVRPT2 |
Taxes |
By default, the following reports are associated with this function :
SBONFAC : Customer invoice
SBONFAC9 : Reprint customer invoice
SBONFACFRA : Customer invoice
SBONFACP : Customer invoice portrait
SBONFACP2 : Fixd footer portrait cust inv
SBONFACP2PI : Cust invoice portrait preprint
TRTCLIENT : Customer notes P/R
SINVOICEE : List of sales invoices
SINVOICEL : List of detail sales invoices
This can be changed using a different setup.
This setup is performed at the Customization level of the current object, by associating a report code or a print code to it.
It is possible to further specify this setup:
- By specifying a given report at transaction entry level. If this report matches a print code, the list of reports associated with this print code is also submitted.
The report entered at transaction entry level and the reports associated with the print code are automatically submitted in creation mode only. - At a more detailed level, by associating a print template with the BP. This template mentions the report to be used in priority for the printing of each document, as well as the expected number of copies.
If the number of copies is not specified, or if there is no print template associated with the BP, the number of copies defined for the Destination printer is chosen. If the number of copies is not specified for the destination printer, then a single copy is printed by default.
Sage Sales Tax
Click this action to display the detailed fiscal statistics, based on the Sage Sales Tax (SST) tax code. This option is available if the document is imposed using the SST tax code.
The calculation detail is stored in the LTAVCR table associated with the document, to fiscal administrations and to the rates imposed by the SST tax code.
Tax type (field JURTYP) |
A tax code can be used to identify several tax types:
Local taxApplicationThis type of tax is not managed in France. PrerequisitesThe PTX - Tax rates implementation activity code must be activated beforehand. PrincipleTaxes on the document footer are applied according to the region of origin and/or destination. This feature can be extended to other cases: The local taxes depend on information from the TAXLINK table. They can be used as additional taxes in the document footer. This particular case is useful for preventing the tax from being transferred directly into the table. Location
Description (field JURNAM) |
Taxes (field TAXNAM) |
Tax basis (field BASTAX) |
Rate (field TAXRAT) |
Use this field to specify the tax rate that can be applied to this tax. |
Tax amount (field AMTTAX) |
Tax date (field TAXDAT) |
Country (field PAYS) |
Grid Invoice elements
Element (field DTA) |
Tax type (field DTAJURTYP) |
A tax code can be used to identify several tax types:
Local taxApplicationThis type of tax is not managed in France. It applies to Canada and Argentina. PrerequisitesThe PTX - Tax rates implementation activity code must be activated beforehand. To manage Argentine local taxes, the KAG - Argentinean activity code must be active. PrincipleTaxes on the document footer are applied according to the region of origin and/or destination. This feature can be extended to other cases: The local taxes depend on information from the TAXLINK table. They can be used as additional taxes in the document footer. This particular case is useful for preventing the tax from being transferred directly into the table. Location
Description (field DTAJURNAM) |
Taxes (field DTATAXNAM) |
Tax basis (field DTABASTAX) |
Rate (field DTATAXRAT) |
Use this field to specify the tax rate that can be applied to this tax. |
Tax amount (field DTAAMTTAX) |
Tax date (field DTATAXDAT) |
Country (field DTAPAYS) |
Valuation - tax (field TOTINVNOT) |
Valuation + tax (field TOTINVATI) |
Specific Buttons
Scheduled invoices
Click this action to view the invoice amount that is being distributed over the various open items. The distribution of the open items can be modified:
- If the open item amount is less than or equal to the amount paid or planned for payment.
- If the total amount for the open items is equal to the invoice amount.
An open item can also be deleted or split.
If prepayments to be deducted have been assigned to this invoice, they are displayed in the paid amount of open items when posting of the invoice.Payment methods associated to open items cannot be modified from:
- a Sage Exchange Processing payment method towards a payment other than Sage Exchange,
- a payment method other than Sage Exchange towards a Sage Exchange Processing payment method.
Grid Open item edit
No. (field NUMLIG) Due date (field DUDDAT) Open item payment due date.
If the MAXPD - Maximum period (companies) activity code is activated, a blocking message is displayed if the last due date is greater than the period specified, depending on the case, at the level of the following parameters or of the Contractual period possibly specified at the BP level.
- DMAXPAYP - Maximum period (Public sector) (TC chapter, RSK group) when the BP is a public sector organization.
- DMAXPAY - Maximum period (companies) (TC chapter, RSK group) when the BP is a private sector company.
Pymt. method (field PAM) Payment method associated with the due date line.
The payment method defines the payment means (check, cash, bank card, instrument etc.).
It is managed in the payment methods table.Amount (field AMTCUR) Amount of the open item line
Disc./charge (field DEP) Code used by default for the current BP to identify a series of early discount and late charge rates (up to 12) to be applied to a payment according to a number of days early or days late with respect to the open item date.
Statement (field SOI) Statement indicator
If this indicator is set to 'Yes', the open items calculated from the payment conditions are taken into account by the automatic generation processing of customer statements.
Reminder (field FLGFUP) Reminder indicator
Lev. (field LEVFUP) Reminder level
Date (field DATFUP) Dispute (field DPTCOD) Code identifying the unpaid dispute.
VCS number (field BELVCS) Pay-by/Pay-to BP (field BPRPAY) This field displays the pay-to supplier or the pay-by customer specified on the invoice. You can modify this information. If the open item line is split, the value on the first line is used.
Business partner address (field BPAPAY) Mandate reference (field UMRNUM) Payments (field PAYCUR) Provisional payment (field TMPCUR) Statement number (field SOINUM) Bank account (field BIDNUM) The value of this number defaults from the business partner profile and the address code. The bank account number format is dependent on the bank location.
For example, for an IBAN format, this field only contains the bank account number starting with the 5th character of the full IBAN. The prefix containing the country code and a control key is not included.
To change the bank account number, select the Business partner from the Actions icon available in the field to access the business partner profile, and select or enter a different bank account.
IBAN code (field IBAN) This field displays the full IBAN, including a prefix with the country code and a control key, followed by the bank account number. If the IBAN prefix does not exist, this field remains empty.
Paying bank (field PAB) This field displays the paying bank linked to the Bank account field.
Block number 2
Document total (field AMTTOT) Payment total (field PAYTOT) field DUDCUR -
Click this action to access the payment management window.
This action can only be accessed when the invoice is posted. It cannot be accessed if a concurrent user accesses this invoice.
The entry rule for the payment information depends on the payment transaction indicated in this window.
The amount entered in the Paid amount field gives rise to a payment in A/P-A/R Accounting up to the same amount, or a direct debit on the referenced mandate when the payment method is an SDD-type one.
The Payment action does not manage payment discounts. To create a payment discount, enter a payment in the function Payment entry.
Open item edit grid
Invoice number (field INVNUM) Amount to pay (field AMTINV) (field CURINV) The payment method defines the payment means (check, cash, bank card, instrument etc.).
It can be modified but must be consistent with the type of the payment transaction.
Specificities linked to SEPA: when the payment transaction is SDD-type, the chosen payment method must be an SDD-type one.
Mandate reference (field UMRNUM) This field is displayed only when the payment terms of the invoice are an SDD-type one. It contains the reference of the mandate specified on the invoice.
Once carried out, the payment is displayed in the Direct debit mandate function, on the "Direct debit" tab.
Payment transaction (field PAYTYP) This field contains the entry transaction used to create the payment. It is initialized with the transaction specified in parameter DENINVPAY - Invoice payment type (chapter TRS, group INV) provided that it is active and consistent in terms of legislation with the one associated with the invoice. If not, it is the 1st active revenue type transaction, consistent in terms of legislation, which is used. It can be modified.
Specificities linked to SEPA: when the type of the payment method is SDD, the transaction used is initialized with the transaction indicated in parameter DENINVSDD - SDD payment type (chapter TC, group SDD). This transaction must be active and consistent in terms of legislation with the one associated with the invoice. If not, it is the 1st active SDD revenue-type transaction, consistent in terms of legislation, which is used.
If modified, the transaction entered must remain consistent with the initial transaction and the payment method.
When the initial payment transaction is SEPA-type, only another SEPA-type payment transaction can be entered.
Conversely, it is not possible to enter a SEPA-type transaction if the type of the initial transaction is not SEPA.
The fields in this window can be entered and are mandatory depending on the transaction used.
Bank (field BANK) Bank account (see Bank accounts function) on which a payment must be collected (receipt).
This payment transaction setup (see Payments function) determines if the field needs to be mandatory and if entry is authorized.
SEPA specificities: When the payment method is SDD-type, only a bank code associated with a country identified as belonging to the SEPA area can be entered.
Petty cash (field CASH) Petty cash upon which the payment must be collected (receipt).
This information can be entered and is mandatory according to the setup of the payment transaction.
Date (field DATPAY) Specificities linked to SEPA: the payment date entered must be greater than or equal to the signature date of the referenced mandate.
Currency (field CUR) Currency code of the payment. By default, the currency of the payment to make is the currency of the invoice. But it is possible to specify the payment in another currency.
Specificities linked to SEPA: when the payment method is SEPA-type, the currency must be the euro.
Paid amount (field Amount) No help linked to this field.
Check number (field CHQNUM) This information can be entered and is mandatory according to the setup of the payment transaction. Card type (field CRDTYP) Card type/Card number/Validity date\Pay-by branch
This information can be entered and is mandatory according to the setup of the payment transaction.
Block number 2
Net to cash (field NETT) -
Click this action to validate the invoice or credit memo. According to the setup, you can activate it after the printing of the invoice. It cannot be accessed if a concurrent user accesses this invoice. This is the final processing for the invoice, which makes it non modifiable and triggers the definitive update scripts:
- update of the stocks, if products managed in stock are present on the invoice. For credit memos, the stock transactions are created when the credit memo is saved,
- updating of the financial entries and creation of an automatic journal,
- update of totals (customer, product, commission, statistics, etc.)
- generation of a Purchase invoice control if the invoice concerns an inter-company customer and if an automatic generation function has been set up between the sales site and the purchase site associated with the customer.
Save button
An invoice or a credit memo can be modified provided it has not be posted. This rule concerns the direct invoices, the automatically generated invoices, the credit memos and the Pro forma invoices.
As long as the invoice is not validated, it is always possible to:
modify the invoice lines, except for invoices associated to deliveries. A delivery is always invoiced as a whole.
Add invoice or credit memo lines in all cases.
Warning messages are displayed upon modification of:
the date or quantity of one of the invoice lines: the message suggests the recalculation of the price and potential discounts entered or calculated during the creation. This same message is displayed when copying the invoice.
the invoice of an order: a message may occur if the entered invoiced quantity is larger than the ordered quantity remaining to be invoiced, or when the invoiced quantity differs from the allocated quantity.
the line quantity originating with a free item: a simple warning message occurs.
the line of an invoice: certain warning messages may occur if an attempt is made to modify or delete a kit component.
the line of an invoice that concerns a BOM parent product leads to a message asking whether the components must also be modified.
The deletion of the line of an invoice concerning a BOM parent product leads to the display of a message asking whether the components must also be deleted.
Control upon creation or modification of a credit memo
When creating or modifying a credit memo on invoice or on delivery return, a control can be applied to check that:
unit quantities entered on the credit memo line do not exceed the invoice quantities, minus the other credit memos quantities created for this invoice line,
the amounts entered on the credit memo line does not exceed the tax incl. amount of the invoice line, minus the amount of the credit memos previously created for this invoice line.
This control also applies between the global invoice amount (including invoicing elements) and the global amount of the credit memos linked to this invoice. For credit memos, only the lines that are directly linked to the invoice are considered. Direct credit memo lines and lines associated to direct returns are excluded.
A theoretical and non-blocking control (irrespective of the parameter value) is used to check that the distribution of invoicing elements on credit memos is consistent with the amounts pro rata, according to the original invoice.
These controls are performed with regard to the values of the CTLCRENOT - Credit memo invoice control parameter (VEN chapter, INV group) (no control, blocking control, non-blocking control).
If the credit memo amounts or quantities are greater than the authorized amounts and quantities, the following error messages are displayed, depending the control at use:
Line NNN, product XXX: The quantity of the credit memo line is greater than the authorized quantity X Unit (original invoice Y Unit - already completed credit memos Z Unit)
Line NNN, product XXX: The tax incl. amount of the credit memo line X Currency (Original invoice Y Currency - already completed credit memos Z Currency)
The tax incl. amount of the credit memo is greater than the authorized amount X Currency (Original invoice Y Currency - already completed credit memos Z Currency)
The tax incl. amount of the credit memo is greater than the theoretical amount of selected invoice lines including the distribution of invoicing elements. Theoretical amount authorized: X Currency (Original invoice Y Currency - already completed credit memos Z Currency)
You can open a log file detailing the amounts displayed in these error messages. The log file specifies:
The details of the original invoices amounts:
The authorized theoretical amount displayed in the error message corresponds to the total of products with distributed invoicing elements.
The details of the amounts for the current credit memo and the already completed credit memos:
The tax incl. amount of the credit memo displayed in the error message corresponds to the total of products with the distributed invoicing elements of the current credit memo.
The tax incl. amount of already completed credit memos displayed in the error message corresponds to the products with the distributed invoicing elements of already completed credit memos.
Delete button
You can delete an invoice as long as it has not been validated and if the SIVSUP - Delete accounting invoice/document (TC module, INV group) parameter is set to Yes.
This rule concerns the direct invoices, the automatically generated invoices, the credit memos and the proforma invoices.
Menu Bar
Header TextClick this action to:
This text is printed on the invoice document. This text can be initialized, depending on the parameter SALTEXINV - Invoice text position (chapter VEN, group TEX), by the invoice text entered for the bill-to customer. ![]() Footer textClick this action to:
This text will be printed on the invoice document. This text can be initialized, depending on the parameter SALTEXINV - Invoice text position (chapter VEN, group TEX), by the invoice text entered for the bill-to customer.
Invoice addressClick this action to view or modify the address of the bill-to customer. When a quote is converted into a proforma invoice, the content of this address is initialized with the content of the order address if the following conditions are met:
If the conditions mentioned above are not met, the invoicing address code and the invoice address content are initialized with the following information:
Deliv. address
Click this action to:
If the price list is defined with respect to the country code and/or the geographical subdivision code and that the information is modified, a dialog box opens suggesting a recalculation of the discounts and prices. Answer Yes to trigger a price list search and a new assignment of prices and discounts. |
This action is subject to the EDIX3 - Dematerialization activity code. You use it to view the history of exchanges related to the generated EDI document. |
This action is subject to the EDIX3 - Dematerialization activity code. I can only be accessed when the document has been validated and if you are granted the proper functional authorizations. You use it to generate the corresponding EDI document. |
Click this action to directly select a document or enter criteria in order to filter the picking lists. For order invoicing, you can access the selection list from the Order field and select from:
The displayed orders are the only orders attached to the selected site. Once the order has been selected, you can only select orders of the same category as the already selected order, for the same invoice: direct invoicing order or standard order. Picking lists in the selection panel are also filtered automatically to only display orders of the same category. In the Distribution and A/P-A/R accounting modules, an entry which is at the origin of an invoice, a credit memo or an additional invoice cannot have a date greater than the date of this invoice, credit memo or additional invoice. The picking lists and selection windows are filtered accordingly. |
Click this action to display the customs information and the information necessary to create the Intrastat. On creation, they stem from the delivery or are initialized from those entered in the Ship-to customer section of the Customer record when it concerns a direct invoice:
The EU information, used only for the Intrastat, is subject to the Intrastat activity code (DEB): Customer EU identification number (or EU VAT number), Intrastat transport location (information combined with the Incoterm code to determine the sales contract delivery conditions) and Intrastat transport mode. The information linked to the Physical flows and to the Regulation flows: The Intrastat rule and Transaction nature, also linked to the Intrastat activity code, are set up in the Movement rules and natures function. They are only used for invoice (or credit memo) lines identifying physical flows playing a role in the Customs document file statement (Physical flow flag activated). The invoice (or credit memo) that are not linked to physical flows can be declared for regulation if a regulation rule and/or nature is present on the invoice. It remains possible to modify this information as long as the invoice has not been validated. |
Click this action to view a stock summary by lot for the products in the invoice or the credit memo. This action is active for invoices associated with orders with direct invoicing and invoices or direct credit memos with stock transaction. |
Click this action to view the invoice or credit memo entry transaction used. |
This option gives access, via tunnel, to the inquiry function Entry traceability that makes it possible to visualize and browse into the hierarchy of original entries or coming from the document. |
Provided you are granted sufficient authorizations, you can click this action to access the generated accounting document from the invoice or credit memo. |
Use this action to select and process transactions. This window opens when the payment method tied to the payment entry transaction is set up for credit card processing.
This screens displays information for payments methods for a sales order or shipment including:
In this screen:
Changes that increase document totals:
Error messages
In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :
No sequence number is assigned to this documentThis message is displayed no sequence number has been assigned for the Sales module. To correct this problem, check if the required sequence numbers exist (if this is not the case, they should be created), then assign them to the different documents using the appropriate function. (See the Prerequisites section of this documentation).
This document does not exist!This message is displayed when the entered invoice number does not exist in the table. To correct this problem, it is possible to use a selection window to search more easily for the correct code.
Prospect customerThis message is displayed when entering the customer code for the invoice but this customer is declared as a Prospect in the customer record.
Inactive customerThis message is displayed when entering the bill-to customer code but this customer is declared Inactive in the customer record.
Blocked customerThis warning message is displayed when entering the bill-to customer but this customer is declared as Blocked in the customer record.
Incorrect dateThis message is displayed when entering the invoice date but this invoice does not fall within any period or fiscal year.
Fiscal year not openThis message is displayed when entering the invoice date and this date belongs to a fiscal year that is not yet open.
Period not openThis message is displayed when entering the invoice date and this date belongs to a period that is not yet open.
Closed periodThis message is displayed when entering the invoice date and this date belongs to a closed period.
The site is not in the same legal companyThis message is displayed when the entered shipment site does not belong to the same legal company as the sales site. To correct this problem, you need to select a site from the suggested list.
Business partner incompatible with the control accountThis message is displayed when entering the collective account code and the collective account associated with this code is not authorized for this bill-to customer.
Problem on substitution productThis message is displayed when entering a reference product subject to substitution but this substitution cannot be carried out because the substitute product is not declared as sold (missing from the product-sales record).
Product does not exist for this siteThis message is displayed when the entered product is managed in stock but has not been declared for the shipping site (missing from the product-site record) and you are not authorized to create the product-site link on entry or, if you answered ‘No’ when asked to confirm the creation.
Prohibited productThis message is displayed when the entered product is declared as Prohibited for this customer in the price list management.
Sale unit unknown for this productThis message is displayed if the entered sales unit does not correspond to any of the sales or packing units defined in the product record. To correct this problem, it is necessary to select a unit from those proposed.
Quantity < Minimum Quantity of 999 UnitsThis message is displayed when the entered quantity is less than the minimum quantity defined on the product record. The minimum quantity is expressed in the sales unit defined in the product record. This message can be a simple warning message or a blocking message depending on the value given to the previously-defined user parameter SDACLOK - Non-blocking control, price, margin, qty (VEN chapter, AUZ group).
Quantity < Maximum Quantity of 999 Units
This message is displayed when the entered quantity is greater than the maximum quantity defined on the product record. The maximum quantity is expressed in the sales unit defined in the product record. This message can be a simple warning message or a blocking message depending on the value given to the previously-defined user parameter SDACLOK - Non-blocking control, price, margin, qty (VEN chapter, AUZ group).
999.99 Net price < minimum price 999.99This message is displayed when the calculated net price is less than the threshold price defined on the product record. The threshold price is displayed in the order currency to facilitate the comparison. This message can be a simple warning message or a blocking message depending on the value given to the previously-defined user parameter SDACLOK - Non-blocking control, price, margin, qty (VEN chapter, AUZ group). It can appear during the entry or the modification of several fields (site, price, discounts, charges, etc.) and during the saving of the invoice.
99.99 Margin Less than Minimum Margin of 99.99%This message is displayed when the calculated margin is less than the minimum margin defined on the product record. This message can be a simple warning message or a blocking message depending on the value given to the previously-defined user parameter SDACLOK - Non-blocking control, price, margin, qty (VEN chapter, AUZ group). It can appear during the entry or the modification of several fields (price, discounts, charges, etc.) and during the saving of the invoice.
Authorized credit level reached XXX,XX currencyThis is a message indicating that the authorized credit level for the bill-to customer has been reached.
This message is informational or blocking depending on the value given to the user parameter SCDTUNL - Authorization to unblock order (chapter VEN, group AUZ).
The control on the authorized credit level is performed only for the invoices created from orders or deliveries, as well as the direct invoices with stock transactions. Direct invoices with no stock update are not controlled (this is the case of purely financial invoices, for instance).
Note: When the parameter SCDTUNL - Authorization to unlock order has a value of Yes, the creation of invoices from an order or a delivery, as well as a direct invoice with stock transactions, are authorized even if the invoiced customer has an open item overrun, but on the condition that this customer is not blocked. If the customer is blocked, only the creation of direct invoices with no stock update is authorized.
The value of this parameter, the authorized credit level, and the current credit level are displayed by clicking Calculation details from the Actions icon on the Bill-to customer field.
Kit not generated for product XXXThis message is displayed after invoice line entry for a kit parent product or BOM parent product and a problem prevents the generation of invoice lines for the components of this parent product.
Possible reasons are:
There is no code for this parent product.
There is no valid code for this parent product.
None of the suggested codes has been selected.
The invoice line could not be generated because the component is not a sold product (it does not belong to the product-sales table) or because it is prohibited. In such cases, the following warning messages can be displayed:
Continue: the invoice line is not generated for this component and the BOM keeps being processed.
Cancel: The invoice lines are not generated for the different components and the parent product is considered as a normal product for this invoice.
This message is displayed after invoice line entry when the maximum number of lines for an invoice has been reached in the following contexts:
When generating the invoice lines for the components of a BOM or kit parent product.
In automatic generation of a free item line.
on selecting a document.
This message is displayed on saving the invoice when analytical dimensions in the invoice header have not been entered. The invoice can neither be created nor modified.
No line entered. Update impossible.This message is displayed when saving the invoice and no line has been entered: the invoice is not created.
Problem when the sequence number counter is recoveredThis message is displayed when saving the invoice and the sequence number reading fails and no sequence number could be recovered.
Processing not possible: This invoice is validatedThis message is displayed when you try to modify or delete a posted invoice.
Processing not possible: This line originates from a delivery.This message is displayed when you try to delete or modify an invoice line coming from a delivery.
Processing not possible: Component of a kitThis message is displayed when you try to delete, modify or close a kit component.
After clicking the ‘Open items’ action in open item modification, the following messages can be displayed:
Incorrect due date totalThis message is displayed when modifying the open item value or the creation of new open items, when the sum of the open items no longer corresponds to the tax incl. total of the invoice. To correct this problem, it is necessary to modify the open item amount.
Regulated due date, cancellation not possibleThis message only is displayed when you try to delete an open item that has been paid, in part or in full.
Due date on statement, cancellation not possibleThis message is displayed when you try to delete an open item that is already grouped on a statement.
Amount less than paymentThis message is displayed when modifying the open item amount and the entered value is less than the sum of payments and prepayments for this open item.
After activation of the Post button, during the stock update phase, different messages can appear and prevent the posting of the invoice:
Indefinite period or processing prohibited at this date
This message is displayed when the product is managed in stock and the period in which the invoice date falls is not defined.
Product blocked for countThis message is displayed when the product is managed in stock but blocked for stock count.
X sales invoicing element without correspondence in purchasing Purchase invoice not created.This message is displayed when posting the intercompany sales invoice or sales credit memo and an invoicing element used on the sales invoice has no match in the Sales intercompany setup. The sales invoice is posted, but the purchase invoice control has not been generated. It will then be necessary to modify the inter-company setup and select the sales invoice in a purchase invoice control.
When updating the accounting, different messages can appear and prevent the posting of the invoice. These messages are mostly the result of setup errors at the level of the automatic journals. On the appearance of one of these messages, it is necessary to verify the setup carried out for the automatic journals. For a precise description of these messages, the user should refer to the documentation concerning the accounting.
The tax incl amount is negative!When an invoice is created or modified, a warning message is returned if the tax incl. total of the invoice is negative.
For instance, if a footer discount is entered and as a consequence of the discount amount, the invoice becomes negative, this message is returned to the user.
Lines originating from documents have been added or deleted. The invoicing elements are not recalculated.This message is displayed when lines from a document with invoicing elements are added or deleted. In this case, the share of invoicing elements related to these documents is not added/subtracted from the invoice.
One invoice per credit memo (Parameter BELVCS)In the case of a credit memo linked to several invoices, a control prevents the credit memo from being attached to the various invoices. The user must create as many credit memos as there are invoices.
Line NNN, product XXX: The quantity of the credit memo line is greater than the authorized quantity X Unit (Original invoice Y Unit - already completed credit memos Z Unit)This message is displayed when a control on the amount entered in the credit memo line, in document currency, is applied and when the total of credit memo lines related to this invoice line exceed the invoiced amount. This message can be for information only or blocking depending on the value of the CTLCRENOT - Credit memo invoice control parameter (VEN chapter, INV group).
Line NNN, product XXX: The tax incl. amount of the credit memo line X Currency (Original invoice Y Currency - already completed credit memos Z Currency)This message is displayed when a control on the amount entered in the credit memo line, in document currency, is applied and when the total of credit memo lines related to this invoice line exceed the invoiced amount. This message can be for information only or blocking depending on the value of the CTLCRENOT - Credit memo invoice control parameter (VEN chapter, INV group).
Tax incl. amount of the credit memo is greater than the authorized amount. X Currency (Original invoice Y Currency - already completed credit memos Z Currency)This message is displayed in the following cases:
With an invoice vs. a credit memo with no direct lines on the credit memo: the tax incl. amount of the invoice is compared to the tax incl. amount of the credit memo.
With an invoice vs. one to N credit memos linked to the same invoice with no direct lines on the credit memos: the tax incl. amount of the invoice is compared to the total tax incl. amount of the credit memos.
With an invoice vs. 1 to N credit memos linked to different invoice lines or with direct lines: the tax incl. amount of the invoice is compared to the total tax incl. amounts of credit memo lines originating from the invoice, plus, the pro rata of invoicing elements on the credit memo footer. This pro rata is calculated based on the tax incl. total of credit memo lines linked to the invoice and on tax incl. total of all credit memo lines.
This message can be for information only or blocking depending on the value of the CTLCRENOT - Credit memo invoice control parameter (VEN chapter, INV group).
Tax incl. amount of the credit memo is greater than the theoretical amount of the selected invoice lines. including the breakdown of the invoicing elementsTheoretical authorized amount : X Currency (Original invoice Y Currency - already completed credit memos Z Currency)This message is displayed for an invoice vs. one to N credit memos linked to different invoice lines or with direct lines:
The considered tax incl. invoice amount contains the tax incl. total of line amounts, except for lines not linked to the credit memo being controlled, plus, the pro rata of footer invoicing elements. This pro rata is calculated based on the tax incl. total of lines linked to the credit memos and on tax incl. total of all invoice lines.
The considered tax incl. credit memo amount contains the tax incl. total of credit memo line amounts originating from the invoice, plus, the pro rata of footer invoicing elements. This pro rata is calculated based on the tax incl. total of credit memo lines linked to the invoice and on tax incl. total of all credit memo lines.
If, for the resulting amounts, the tax incl. amount of credit memos is greater than the tax incl. amount of the invoice, this message is displayed. This control is never blocking as it is based on a theoretical distribution of invoicing elements. It is displayed if the CTLCRENOT - Credit memo invoice control parameter (VEN chapter, INV group) is set to ‘Non-blocking control’ or ‘Blocking control’.
Taxes have not been correctly definedThis warning or blocking message is displayed when inconsistencies are reported on:
the tax codes of the document lines,
The tax codes of the document invoicing elements.
The consistency check on tax codes is performed based on the value of parameter CTLTAX - Tax codes control (VEN chapter, VAT group - no control, non-blocking control, blocking control).
After the message is displayed, a log file details the errors that occurred during the consistency check.
'Field error' 'Invoice Type' 'IN1 [LEG 1] : Document type IN2 : Record does not exist for the current legislation [LEG 1]'This message is displayed when the legislation of the entry type linked to the invoice type does not match the invoice legislation.
Tables used
Refer to the implementation documentation.