Open order signature management
Use this rule to monitor signatures in creation or modification of purchase open orders. If the management of signatures is activated for a company, a purchase open order must be signed in order to create delivery requests. Concerning the inter-company or inter-site option, the reciprocal purchase open order will only be generated upon complete signature of the purchase open order.
The Purchase parameter APPPOC - Open order signature management (ACH chapter, APP group) defines the activation of the signature circuit for purchase open orders.
This parameter can be set to:
Once the signature management process has started:
- A purchase open order that has been signed at least by one of the signatories can still be modified. When no delivery request is assigned to the order, the modification of the open order cancels the committed signature circuit and a new circuit is initialized.
- The signature of the document remains partial until the last signatory does sign it. The number of signers for the circuit depends on the number of users defined for each rule value, since the maximum number of signers is defined by the allocation rule associated with the workflow rule. If one of the signatories rejects a purchase open order within the circuit, the order status moves to not signed until it is modified. The signing circuit is then regarded as complete.
- If the order is modified again, its signature circuit resumes according to the new context resulting from the open order modification.
The signature circuit is never reinitialized by modification of the open order, in the case where:
- at least one delivery request is assigned to the order,
- the open order has been created before implementation of the signature tracking.
The activation of the commitment management depends on the value of the Purchase parameter PURCMM - Pre-commitment update (ACH chapter, CMM group). For open orders, commitments are automatically created when creating the corresponding delivery requests. It is therefore not possible to set up signature rules based the exceeded budget on open orders.
Description of the flow
The signature flow of purchase open orders consists of a set of consecutive workflow rules.
The first rule triggered is POCSIG. It is triggered when creating or modifying the purchase open order.
Depending on the context, this rule:
- Does not trigger any signature request, if the signature management is not activated for the company.
- Submits a signature request along with a message.
- Generates automatic signatures for signature requests, if no signing circuit has been defined and if the purchase parameter APPPOC - Open order signature management (ACH chapter, APP group) authorizes it.
- Triggers a notification sending a message to the authorized user if no signature circuit has been defined, while parameter APPPOC - Open order signature management requires a signature circuit. This user must then create a new assignment rule value. To be reprocessed, the purchase open order must be modified.
When the first signer signs the purchase open order they are assigned to, the workflow rule POCSIGVAL - Open order signature is triggered. Depending on the context, this rule:
- Triggers a signature request associated with the sending of a message to the next signatory, provided the signature management process is not already completed. This workflow rule is then triggered for every signature by a signatory defined in the management process.
- Triggers the update of the purchase open order and sets it to totally signed if this is the last signer. The POCSIGVAL - Signature notification workflow rule is automatically triggered to inform the buyer of the total signature of the purchase open order, via a notification and message.
If one of the signatories of the circuit decides to reject the purchase open order to be signed that has been assigned to him/her, the POCSIGNOT - Open order rejection workflow rule is triggered. This workflow rule notifies the buyer by message that the purchase open order has been rejected.
Context and operating mode
This workflow rule is triggered during object management, and only on the following operations :
It triggers :
a message.
an approval request.
The assignment rule POCSIG (Contract signature) is used by the Worflow rule POCSIG.
Triggering criteria
The additional triggering criteria are the following :
- The signature management must be activated for the company.
- An open order is considered: [F:POH]POHTYP=2
- The line is created or modified: [F:POH]APPFLG=0
The assignment rule POCSIG Is used to define the criteria used to specify the signature rules. By default, this assignment rule suggests to define signature circuits according to the first statistical code of the supplier record and the ex-tax total amount of the purchase open order converted into the currency of the company.
The recipient selection is performed as follows :
- If the first signer of the circuit is not the buyer nor the user who created the purchase open order, then a message is sent to the first signer and a signature request is assigned to him/her.
- If the first signer of the circuit is the buyer or the user who created the purchase open order, then the purchase open order is automatically signed by the first signer (see action SIGWRK and signature code VAL).
- If no signer can be found (no signature circuit), two cases may arise according to the value of purchase parameter Open order signature management (APPPOC). If signatures are optional, an automatic signature action is triggered (see action SIGWRKand AUT signature code). If signatures are mandatory, a notification action is automatically triggered (see action SIGWRK and signature code NCR).
Signature selection
The various signature choices are :
- Rejection REJ: This option is available only if there is a signature management process. A signatory can select it manually. If this choice is made, the purchase open order is set to not signed ([F:POH]APPLFG=1). A rejection reason can be assigned. The list of reasons is to be set up in miscellaneous table 56.
- Validation VAL: This option is available only if there is a signature management process. A signatory can select it manually. If this choice is made, the purchase open order is set to partially signed or totally signed depending on whether the signer is the last signer or not (([F:POH]APPLFG=2 or [F:POH]APPLFG=3).
- Signature circuit not defined NCR: This choice can only be made if no signature circuit is defined and if the purchase parameter Open order signature management (APPPOC) is set to Mandatory signature. A signatory cannot select it manually.
- Automatic signature AUT: This choice can only be made if no signature circuit is defined and if the purchase parameter Open order signature management (APPPOC) is set to Optional signature. A signatory cannot select it manually. When this choice is made, the purchase open order is set to partially signed or totally signed depending on whether the signer is the last signer or not (([F:POH]APPLFG=2 or [F:POH]APPLFG=3).
Actions triggered by the event
The Workflow rule triggers the following actions :
Action code |
Triggering |
SIGWRK : Workflow signature |
Workflow end |
DIVPOHAPP1 : Upd order signature to 1 |
Workflow end |
DIVGENSOH : Sales order update |
During signature |
These actions trigger the following processings:
Signature workflow SIGWRK: This action enables the automatic signature of a workflow event in progress. Here, it is used to automatically trigger the signature of the purchase open order in progress under the following conditions:
- If the first signer is the user who created the purchase open order or the buyer, the action triggers the signature of the purchase open order with the answer code VAL Validation.
- If no signature circuit is defined and if the purchase parameter Open order signature management (APPPOC) is set to Mandatory signature, the action signs the purchase open order with the NCR Circuit not defined response code.
- If no signature circuit is defined and if the purchase parameter Open order signature management (APPPOC) is set to Optional signature, the action signs the purchase open order with the AUT Automatic signatureresponse code.
Update of order signature to 1 DIVPOHAPP1: This action is used to set the purchase open order to not signed. This action is used when no automatic signature was done and that there is no circuit defined.