
Use this function to maintain the Suppliers table and its associated tables: Business partner, Addresses, Contacts, and Bank details. In this function, you can create, view, and update customer information and BP information. Because a supplier is also a business partner, it is defined in Business partner (BP) and in Supplier records.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to the documentation on Implementation

Screen management

These four sections are common to Business partner and Supplier records:

  • Identity
  • Addresses
  • Bank details
  • Contact

The information is recovered from the BP record, if this record was created before the Supplier record. You can modify it.
Any modification on one or more of these common sections is automatically saved to the Business partner table.

These sections are described in the Business partner documentation.


Use this section to:

  • Enter a supplier code and view its company name.
  • Activate the supplier in order to authorize the entry of documents for their code.

From the Actions icon, on the Supplier field, click Search to open a screen where you can perform a quick search on a Supplier record, based on multiple criteria:

  • The start of the company name
  • The start of the postal code
  • The start of the town or city name

Click Search to display the search results at the bottom of the screen.

SEEINFO The search is carried out on the supplier base.

Select Select to close this screen and return to the selected record.

Identity tab

Use this section to enter the identification data for the business partner such as selecting roles and entering role-specific details.

Select the Service provider checkbox to access the Service provider info from the Actions panel, Functions menu. The term Service provider refers to an after-sales service provider you can call when all internal customer support employees are unavailable.

Select the Service caller (Order-giver) checkbox to access the Order-giver info from the Actions panel, Functions menu. The term Order-giver groups all customers for the account for which customer support services are carried out. That is, service requests that are processed for customers of our customers.

EU VAT ID validation

You can interactively validate the EU VAT no. by selecting the EU VAT ID validation icon.

Note: This includes validating GB VAT numbers.

A message box displays with the validation results. The exact content varies depending on the check result and web service used.

  • If the validation is successful, you receive a confirmation message and the Validation check box is selected.
  • If the validation failed, you receive a message that displays the reason for the failure.
  • If the validation could not be completed (for example, if only the VAT number was validated and not the address), you have the option to accept the results as valid or not. If you select Yes, the Validation check box is selected.

Note: The validation results for EU VAT IDs are stored in a table. GB VAT numbers are not stored.

If a previously-validated VAT number is modified, the Validation check box is cleared.

Validation levels:

A Qualified validation verifies the EU VAT no. and company name and address. All data must be valid.

An Unqualified or simple validation only verifies the EU VAT no. Note that the EU validation web service performs only unqualified validations.

Address management:

Results are recorded with the original address code.

For the main EU VAT no., the standard company address is used.

You can manually revalidate VAT numbers using the EU VAT ID revalidation function (EVCBAT).

Note: This field is only available if a web service is identified by the EVCSERVICE – Webservice for EU VAT ID parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group) and the sender's EU VAT number is set by the EVCCOMPANY—EU VAT ID source company parameter (CPT chapter, VAT group)

Addresses tab

Use this section to enter the business partner addresses. You need to enter at least one address. When several addresses are linked to the same BP, you must define one of them as the default address. In creation mode, the first address entered is the one suggested by default.

When entering the post code, an automatic control can be performed and the town entered depending on the settings of the CTY - Nonexistent city alert, POSCOD - Nonexistent postal code alert, and POSCODCPY - Multi-country post codes parameters (SUP chapter, INT group).

Commercial tab

Use this section to enter commercial information about the selected supplier, such as:

  • The ABC class of the supplier, the number under which the company is known as a supplier.
  • A checkbox authorizing orders with several lines to be sent to the supplier, a checkbox used to remind the supplier that they have not sent an order acknowledgment, or that the goods have not been delivered.
  • Commercial and invoicing criteria, such as a minimum order amount; original date used in the payment open item calculation, based on either the invoice date or the receipt date; the  price list structure, which defines the columns for discount or charge type, that displays the commercial documents of the supplier.
  • The carrier and the shipment method suggested by default in order entry.
  • A location, which is used to define a location assigned to the supplier (stock at the subcontractor). A control is carried out to verify that the entered location is of the subcontractor type.
  • The information required to establish the exchange of goods declaration, reported (and that can be modified) on the purchase documents (the default value used for the freight terms, the check box defining the default shipment location, an increase rate used by default in order to calculated the statistical value from the fiscal value).
  • The availability of the delivery (unavailability periods of the supplier)
  • The Order and Return check boxes in the Texts section indicate that texts associated with the order and the return note have been created using the Text menu located at the top of the screen.
  • Check boxes used to specify if you want to print the order note, receipt note, return note for the supplier.
    A print template can be specified in order to associate a list of reports to use as a priority with this supplier, or group of suppliers.
  • The discounts and/or charges (as a percentage and/or as a value) used to give the default values of the invoice footer elements in supplier invoicing. These elements are defined in the invoicing elements setup function.

Management tab

Use this section to enter management information, such as:

  • A Payment hold checkbox that can be used to forbid payments in case of a major dispute, including on invoices that are good to pay.
  • The type, which can have the following values Normal, Prospect, Miscellaneous. The Prospect type is only used when sending requests for quotes to the supplier. The Miscellaneous type is used to trigger the automatic opening of an address entry window for all commercial documents (these are 'cover-all' suppliers that are not distinguished in accounting). The default category is Normal.
  • The customer number assigned to the company by the supplier. This is for information only.
  • The rate type (local menu where the standard values are editable) used to determine which rate will be used by default to find the currency conversion rate for the posting of invoices.
  • The authorized credit level, for a financial site and the actual credit level for the company at the supplier (this is used to control in real-time the entry of an order with the authorized credit level). The credit control is conditioned by the value of the corresponding check box: No control means that no control is made even if the credit level is updated, Hold means that all orders to the supplier have been blocked, Control means that the control will be carried out.
    Based on the OSTSCTL - Credit control level parameter (TC chapter, OST group), the credit control can be performed by company or by folder.
    Based on the OSTCHGTYP - Rate origin WIP ctrl. parameter (TC chapter, OST group), it can be performed for an historical rate or revised rate. If this control applies to a revised rate, the OSTTYPCUR - Rate type updated rate ctrl parameter (TC chapter, OST group) provides the type of rate that should be used. When the level of the control on credit is Folder, the control is always processed based on the revised rate, regardless of the value of the OSTCHGTYP parameter.
    The supplier credit amount is calculated in the following way: In order + Delivered not invoiced + Invoiced not posted + Accounting balance + Notes P/R (according to parameter OSTSDRAFT - Supplier credit notes P/R amount (TC chapter, OST group)).
    The credit is controlled according to the supplier's risk BP. If the risk BP is shared by several suppliers, the company's credit will be controlled the same way according to the risk BP by cumulating all the movements carried out for the various suppliers.
    The authorized credit amount cannot be accessed when the supplier is associated with a different risk BP. It can be viewed on the risk BP record. The displayed WIP is the risk BP.
  • A dispute status, which is used to warn the user during purchase request entry, order entry or invoice entry, or to block any new entry.
  • A free text that will be displayed during order entry.
  • The free statistical groups used in the statistics, but also as selection criteria in certain automatic processes.

Financials tab

Use this section to enter financial or accounting information such as:

  • The bill-to business partner, the pay-to business partner and the group supplier.
  • The risk BP, on which the calculation of the supplier's financial credit is based.
  • A DAS2 check box is used to indicate whether this supplier is likely to invoice services that must be declared for DAS2 (France). This criteria is not the only once taken into account, because this also depends on the account used for each charge line and also the information is modifiable on the invoice line. In this case, a service provider code identifies the supplier for DAS2.
  • The tax rule and the exemption number in case of a partial exemption.
  • The payment terms, an early discount/late charge code that is used to define charge rates for late payments and discount rates for early payments, a default payment bank that will be used to pay the supplier, as well as the accounting code, which is used to give the accounting characteristics for the entries linked to the supplier (purchase invoices, fixed asset invoices, invoices to be received, prepayments made, notes P/R to be paid, etc.) by defining control accounts, accounts, or even sub-accounts used by default in the automatic journals.
  • Analytical dimensions for each dimension type, which can be used as the default value in the different documents linked to the supplier management, using the corresponding setup.

Ranking tab

Use this section to enter notes (ranking) on the supplier quality for information purposes. The different rankings are weighted according to coefficients in order to obtain a general ranking.

Bank details tab

Use this section to record bank details and associated paying banks. The entry format of the Bank account no. depends on the country where the bank is based.

The information related to international transfers can be accessed in record mode, usually the Intermediate bank. An intermediary bank is often used in commercial relationships with non-western countries at the request of the BP or issuing bank.

If the conditions are met, the Enter bank details window is automatically displayed when leaving the Country field. In this window, you can enter the bank details in your local format.
SEEREFERTTO. Please refer to Enter bank details window documentation for more information.

Contacts tab

In this section, you can list the contact persons for the BP in the Contacts table. You also need to indicate the default contact.

There are 2 methods for creating a contact:

  • Select an existing Contact (relationship.) 
  • Create a new contact:
    - Enter a code
    - Add details: the code is automatically created when saving the record.
    In both cases, the contact is automatically recorded in the Contacts table.

The management of contacts, from the Contacts function, ensures that each individual record is unique.  A contact with a particular role can be recorded as one Contact amongst many business partners. Based on the record of one contact, you can create relationships across records, provided that they have a Contact section.

SEEINFO A contact can only be recorded as a person or individual. Only identification information such as the last name, first name, date of birth are common to the contact (relationship) record and to the details entered at the general contact level.
Other information such as the address, email address, landline number and fax number are managed separately between the relationship contact and each one of his/her contacts. At the 'relationship' contact level, the information is considered as being personal; at the general contact level of the information is considered as being professional.

SEEREFERTTO For further examples, see the documentation of the Contacts function.


By default, the following reports are associated with this function :

  BPS1 : Supplier record

  PURFCS : Purchase costs

  BPSUPPLIER : Supplier listing

This can be changed using a different setup.

Specific buttons

Purchase price

Select this action to access the existing price lists for this supplier.
A screen displays the types of price list rules where relevant lines can be found for the supplier. Click Price list detail on the selected line to view the conditions details.


Select this action to access the inquiry related to the Product-supplier record.

Local menus

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

The supplier is not active

This message is displayed when entering the Invoicing BP field when the chosen business partner is a supplier declared as Non active in the corresponding record.

Price structure is not identical

This message is displayed when entering the Invoicing BP field when the price list structure code associated with the chosen supplier is not identical with that of the supplier being processed. In fact, when the invoicing supplier is different or the supplier in the order, it is imperative that the price list structure that determines the make up of the price is strictly identical in order to avoid any consistency problems during the invoice control.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation