Dashboard upgrade
Full version 7 function | Application/Contract | Sage X3 | Class | AMIGPORT | Representation | AMIGPORT |
This tool transcodes the version 6 portal associated with a user or a trade code, and generates a set of dashboards with the same contents.
The query page
When opening the page, a query displays the list of trade codes and/or users for which the portal can be generated. The following information appears on the list:
- The Type, which can either be "Trade Code" or "User".
- The Code, which identifies the user or trade code.
- The Description, which provides a longer description.
From this query page, two links are available on the lines:
- The first link points to the details page. No additional information is available.
- The second link triggers the generation process. Errors appear in the upper panel of the log file generated.
Initiating the generation
The initiation is activated by clicking Dashboard Import on the corresponding line. The generation is carried out in two successive steps:
- The analysis of the dictionary, in order to build a JSON file describing the administration data (menu items, portlets, and dashboards) that needs to be created or updated.
- The call of the import tool that will update the MongoDB database and create a journal of the modifications. This journal can be used to undo the operation, as described in Import Session.
If errors occur, they will appear in the upper panel of the window. Otherwise, the following message will appear:
Operation finished in xx.yyy seconds N menu items, M portlets, and P dashboards created or updated
A supervisor parameter called ACONVONLY can be set up at the user level to define how the generation must be performed on Sage X3 object functions:
- If the value of ACONVONLY is set to "Yes", the link on Sage X3 object functions is always a "classic" link, even if a representation exists.
- If the value is set to "No" (default value), the menu will only display links to read-only pages if a representation is available for the Sage X3 object.