Proxy configuration

Administration Page Application/Contract Syracuse/Collaboration Class proxyConfigurations Representation proxyConfiguration

When a Version 7 node.js server needs to have direct access to an external web service, a proxy server might be requested to control this access. Several proxy servers can be defined through this page. The assignment of the proxy server used will then be set up in the global settings page.

Note that the proxy configuration used to access an external web page that is defined in a dashboard gadget is the proxy setting defined in the browser settings. The only time when this setting is used is when a direct connection from a Version 7 web server is done, for example, when external web services are called from a process.

Parameters Checking the proxy setting

To fill the proxy settings, you should get the information from your network / security administrator.


The requested parameters are the following:


This field identifies the setting.


This field identifies the host name or the IP address of the proxy server that must be contacted.


This field identifies the port number used to connect to the proxy server.


This field indicates if an authentication is requested in order to connect to the proxy.

  • If None is selected, no additional security field is entered.
  • If Basic is selected, user and password are requested.
  • If NTLM is requested, user, password, and domain are requested.


This field identifies the user sent to the proxy when requested.


This field states the required password of the user who connects on the proxy.


This field defines the domain name used for NTLM authentication.


This grid enables you to define an exclusion list of servers that will not use the current proxy configuration. The only field in this grid is the server definition.

Checking the proxy setting

This operation present as a link in the left panel checks the connection to the proxy. It returns an "OK" message in a blue bar if the connection is successful; otherwise, a message error will appear on a red bar.