Global settings

Administration Page Application/Contract Syracuse/Collaboration Class Settings Representation Setting
This page allows you to define several global parameters for the current Syracuse server. You can only create one record for this function. Several sections are available on the page:

General settings

In this section, configure the pivot date, local preference, and display settings.

Pivot date

You need to provide a pivot date to define the century used by default when the date is two digits.

Upper and lower bound

Only enter the upper bound, the lower bound is calculated accordingly.

Example: If you enter 2029 for the upper bound:

  • Any date with a year that has two digits lower or equal to 29 is in the [2000-2029] range.
  • Any date with a year that has two digits between 30 and 99 is in the [1930-1999] range, which is the reason why 1930 > is displayed in the lower bound.

Locale preference

Select your global default locale.

  • The default value of this property is English (United States) unless explicitly set to another value.
  • Each localized property has a default value which is used when there is no specific translation for the locale of the user. When a non-empty localized value is set for the global default locale, it also replaces the default value of the localized property. When there is no value available for the global default locale, any non-empty changed localized value also replaces the default value of the localized property.


You can select the following checkboxes.

Display animations

Defines the default value (On/Off) for the animations. You can change this default value per user in the Personal settings panel.

Use HTML for rich text

Enables the HTML rich text editor for all rich texts in the application. Any rich text that is created or modified will be saved as HTML. Make sure you review Crystal Reports files prior to enabling this.


In this section, configure your access to different services such as Sage X3 Services, the mailer, and the proxy.

Sage X3 Services

Enter your Sage X3 Services client ID and secret key. You can set the token lifetime in seconds.


Select the default mailer used for notifications.


When a user has a page containing a widget that accesses an external URL (such as, the proxy settings of the web browser apply to allow or not access to this external URL.

However, when a process wants to directly access an external URL, for example, when calling a web service, it is necessary to set up the proxy server to use. This section allows you to set up the proxy settings for the current Syracuse server. You must enter the information below.

Proxy server

Select this checkbox to use a proxy configuration to access external services.

Default proxy configuration

This field refers to the used administration reference proxy configuration.


In this section, you can define a default authentication setting for all users who have a standard authentication.

The login screen includes a link for users to reset their password when basic authentication (user/password) is used. This allows users to reset their passwords easily without having to ask the administrator when passwords are forgotten or compromised.

Basic authentication is not recommended on production systems.

Users then receive an email with temporary links to reset their password autonomously and securely.

The notification server needs to be active for the Sage X3 solution.

Authentication mode

It can be Basic, LDAP, OAuth2, or SAML2:

  • Basic and LDAP authentications send the password to the server. It is possible for users whose credentials are stored in the database or an LDAP server. Both the login and the password fields are case-sensitive.
  • OAuth2 requires an OAuth2 server that handles all authorization.
  • SAML2 requires a SAML2 identity provider that handles all authorization.

The authentication method you select here is used by default, but user-specific authentication methods always take precedence.

Default LDAP server

An LDAP server can be entered if the LDAP authentication is selected.

Default OAuth2 server

An OAuth2 server can be entered if OAuth2 authentication is selected.

Default SAML2 identity provider

A SAML2 identity provider can be entered if SAML2 authentication is selected.


In this section, you can select the password policy to be applied and set the time in minutes for the forgotten password token's validity.

Failed attempts

In this section, you can decide what happens when failed login attempts occur. You can set:

  • The number of attempts before locking the account

  • The duration in minutes of failed attempts incrementation before resetting

  • The account lock duration in minutes

  • The email address that will receive alerts

Allow website domains

Enter a list of elements you want to allow as links sent by email.

Creating an allowlist increases the protection against man-in-the-middle attacks and email spoofing.

You can enter here a list of approved hostnames, qualified domain names, or IP addresses, other than the localhost and server name. These can be used in links generated by the notification server, such as workflow emails and the reset password link.

Server logs

This section allows you to create technical trace files on request to send to Sage support. This section is available starting from version 2018.R3.

The first thing you have to do is set the maximum file size (10MB by default), the maximum number of files per day (5 by default), and the maximum number of days
(5 by default). In the default configuration:

  • A new log is created every time a log reaches 10MB. The previous file is automatically compressed.
  • If 5 log files have been created for a single day, the oldest log is deleted to make room for a new one: there cannot be more than 5 log files for a given day.
  • After 5 days, the log files of the oldest day are deleted to make room for the log files of the new day: there cannot be more than 5 days worth of log files.

You can also select the checkbox to enable web client logs.

The grid then allows you to select a level for each code to determine the amount of information you need in the logs. Five levels are available:

  • Error, which traces errors only.
  • Warning, which traces errors and warnings.
  • Info, which traces errors and warnings, and adds information logs.
  • Debug, which is more verbose and returns more information.
  • Silly, which is the most verbose trace and returns even more information.

By default, all traces are stored in the logs folder for Syracuse. You can change this default folder in the nodelocal.js configuration file by changing the logpath attribute in the collaboration section.

Note: You can also create manual records for a given session by activating the session traces.


This section allows you to follow the modifications made by users in the MongoDB database over a period of time. For each modification to the entities you want to follow, a log displaying the modified attributes is created in the database.

History maximum days

The maximum number of days to keep history records. You can specify the number of days the history is kept in the database. After expiration, the history records are automatically deleted.

History log

You can follow different groups of entities:

collaborationAreaTeams, documents and storage, Office integrationteam, document, documentTag, documentTagCategory, msoMailMergeDocSel, msoReportMode, msoWordTemplateDocument, msoExcelReportMode, msoExcelTemplateDocument
exportDataExport dataexportProfile, personalizationManagement, resourcePack
importDataImport dataimportTool, x3UserImport, profileMenuImport
pagesNavigation: dashboards, vignettes, menus, pagesmobileApplication, mobileMigrateDashboard, mobileDashboard, mobileDashboardVignette, mobileGadget, mobileGadgetParam, navigationPage, landingPage, menuModule, menuItem, menuBlock, menuSubblock, menuCategory
statusAndUsageSystem status and logs, maintainance actionsautomate
technicalSettingsSetup servers, endpoints, schedulers and authenticationGlobalsettings, localePreference, proxyConfiguration, ldap, oauth2, SAML2, notificationServer, boProfile, certificate, caCertificate, application, endPoint, host, x3solution, boServer, hrmServer, hrmSite, storageVolume
usersUsers, groups, and role managementgroup, role, user

The history log configuration entities are always logged, whether the technicalSetting group is enabled or not.


In the Update file retention period field, enter the number of days to keep the ZIP file in the update entity. After this set number of days, the ZIP file is removed from the MongoDB database, but the record of the update entity is kept. This removal allows saving space in the database.

If the value is 0, the ZIP file is kept.


The information located in this section is related to future extensions for the platform (such as SData synchronization) and must not be modified at this time.

Global variables

This block is used to set global variables. These variables are usually set automatically and we highly recommended that you do not change them manually.

Currently, variables are used by the Syracuse client to substitute placeholders in the URL when opening a link.

Example: If a URL is structured as {$$CRMSite}/index.html, the {$$CRMSite} placeholder will be replaced by the value of the CRMSite variable.


  • Variable names must only consist of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, or underscores.
  • Once a variable's name has been entered, the matching placeholder is automatically computed and displayed in the Placeholder field. You can easily copy and paste it.