
Administration Page Application/Contract Syracuse/Collaboration Class automates Representation automate

An automation is a planned process of automatically triggered events executed by the node.js server in the background and based on a defined queuing order.

To set up an automation, the following information must be entered:


Is the label describing the automation.

Last started, Last completed

Determines the latest starting date and time, and the last time and date when the automation has finished its tasks. This information cannot be modified.


This field cannot be modified, but it can be:

  • Planned : The automation has been set up, but is not currently running.
  • Running : The automation is currently running.
  • Error : The automation has been set up, but is not currently running due to an error that was generated when last executed.

Server logs expiration

Number of days after which log entries created by this automation are deleted. The default value of 0 will never delete logs.


This array defines a list of times when the tasks are executed. Time has the following characteristics:

  • A description.
  • An event type that is always Time.
  • A flag everyday. If this flag is set, the event will execute every day.
  • A list of days (from Sunday to Saturday), that you can enter only if the previous check box is not selected.
  • A list of times when the event will execute. A time picker is available, that gives all the hours, but any including minutes can be entered.
  • A flag check box called suspended, that can be selected if the event must not execute for the time and the days described by the line.


Additional lines cannot be entered in the task list : The attachment of a task is done from the function to be scheduled (through a schedule link available in some functions like the indexation).
For each task, the Log level and the user executing the task can be modified.

Server logs

This link allows the displaying of server logs, filtered on the current automated task and sorted on the date (the more recent first).


You can delete an automation schedule. After a confirmation message, all linked server logs are automatically deleted before the deletion of the automation schedule itself.

Delete server logs

Use the Delete server logs action to delete server logs. Enter a date in the confirmation prompt and all linked server logs before this date are deleted.