Setup >  General parameters >  Miscellaneous tables >  Personalization  

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The miscellaneous tables are related tables used in all contexts of the software for storing codes and some restrictions for attached information. For example, stored here are the tax rules, payment methods, non-payment reasons...

These common files, identified by a number, allow the storing of elements (translatable titles, additional information, linked tables), identified by an alphanumeric code. Certain elements of information linked to the miscellaneous tables are involved in the parameterization (that is to say that the modification of these characteristics is likely when changing version). They are as a consequence modifiable by this function. The information modifiable by the parameterization is as follows :

  • the maximum length of codes in various miscellaneous tables, in certain tables (where the length is modifiable, which is defined at the development level). In all cases, a parameter, named MAXADI, defined in folder management, give the maximum admissible length (in version 130, this parameter did not exist, the length always being equal to 3).
  • the access code, which is used to lock access to the table (if an access code is present, the user must have modification rights for this code to access the table in modification mode).
  • the number of another miscellaneous table, in the column Dependency, which is used to define that the entry of a controlled value by a miscellaneous table is linked to the value of a code entered in a linked table (this makes it possible to define a first file containing the codes of a group and a second table containing the codes of a sub-group, each sub-group being linked to a group). The screen field in which this type of dependence check will be modified (See the dependent table).
  • an activity code, which is used to make custom/specific (i.e. not updated by a standard patch) all the characteristics of the table.

The information in a miscellaneous table not considered as part of the parameterization, but as part of development, has the flag Modifiable length , the length of codes for the table (if they are not modifiable) and the definition of supplementary fields. This signifies that any modification of this type can only be carried out in the dedicated development function, where they should be confirmed by a specific/custom activity code, and can be transferred with a patch file.

Screen management

Entry screen


Displayed in a grid are the different tables and their modifiable characteristics. It should be noted that the length field is not always modifiable (it depends on what was entered in the miscellaneous table definition ), other fields having no particular restrictions.

When the validation is carried out, if the length of the codes in one of the tables has been modified, a screen is displayed, requesting if it is necessary to revalidate the screens. Responding Yes to this question provokes the revalidation of the screens using this miscellaneous table (data type ADI with the corresponding table number). It is also possible to respond No to this question, because it is possible that there may be other elements to be modified and that a global validation will be carried out later. It is never the less advisable to validate if there is only a single modification to be carried out.

If the validation is not carried out on exiting this function, it can be carried out for each modified miscellaneous table from the two following methods :

  • by the Validation function in the utilities linked to the dictionary, by specifying the screen validation using the data type ADI with the correct table number.
  • by using the button in the miscellaneous table definition of the development menu, the miscellaneous table in question being on line.




The following fields are present on this tab :


This number identifies the miscellaneous table. A certain number of numbers are predefined in the software, but it is possible to add to them, by specific/custom development, using number ranges reserved for this purpose.

  • Description (field LIBEL)

Title associated to the previous code.

  • Length (field LNG)

The length of the code in the current table is entered here. This length cannot be exceed the maximum length defined in the folder parameters (MAXADI parameter).

This access code is used to restrict access to a miscellaneous table (on entry or on modification).

Indicate here the number of the miscellaneous table that serves as a reference to enter the Dependence column. During the use of the miscellaneous table, it imposes a dependence between two fields entered by the linked miscellaneous tables.

An activity code is used to:

  • make optional an element in the dictionary if the value associated with the activity code is null.
  • identify the specific/custom elements if they are marked with a code starting with X, Y or Z.
  • size a maximum number of lines when the activity code marks elements from a grid.

In this way, if the activity code is disabled, the marked element will not be useable, and the associated code (if any) will neither be generated nor can be activated.



Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Length too long (N)

This message signifies that an attempt has been made to define a length greater than the parameter defined as the maximum length of a table; this parameter is defined in the folder record.

The table contains the Mlength codes

This message signifies that an attempt has been made to reduce the length of codes in a miscellaneous table below the maximum length of a code already entered in the table.

Tables used

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