Development >  Utilities >  Miscellaneous >  Log for support  

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Use this function to create a log file for an incident raised by or reported to your Support department. 

 You can use this function to create a log file directly or use a batch task (ALOGSUP) started from a workflow event to create a log file.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


Use this screen to define the details of the required log file.




The following fields are present on this tab :

  • Incident number (field INCIDENT)

Use this field to define the incident number (as provided by the Support department) for which you require the log file listing. This field is mandatory.

  • Email address (field MAILSAGE)

Use this field to enter the requestor's email address.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode, but no dedicated standard task is delivered to run it.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Information in the Log file

The Log (trace) file is an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) file.

The XML file contains a <LOGFILE VERSION="n"> tag. The log details are provided in individually grouped tags within the <LOGFILE VERSION="n"> tag. The individual tags are as follows:

  • <INFOS>. The content of this tag gives general information such as the date the log file was generated.
  • <CLIENT>. The content of this tag gives information about the client used (if the log file was launched from the client-server).
  • <CONF_FILE NAME="FOLDERS.xml">. The content of this tag summarizes the configuration of the folders in the FOLDERS.xml file.
  • <CONF_FILE NAME="solution.xml">. The content of this tag summarizes the configuration of the solution in the solution.xml file.
  • <DATABASE>. The content of this tag gives the characteristics of the current database.
  • <WEBSERVERCONF>. The content of this tag gives information about the web servers accessible from the solution.
  • <EDTSERVERCONF>. The content of this tag gives information about the print servers accessible from the solution.
  • <FOLDER CODE="FOLDER">. This tag is included for each folder. The content of this tag describes the characteristics of the named "FOLDER", where FOLDER=name of the folder. All the folders present are listed, but the characteristics are only given for the launch folder (all information), the parent folder of the current folder if it is different (only selected information), and the root folder (X3 for Sage X3) of the solution (only selected information is available).

The following subsections describe the content of each tag.

INFOS tag content

The content given between the start <INFOS> and end </INFOS> tags is as follows:

  • <DATE>. The function start date and time.
  • <FOLD>. The folder from which the function was started.
  • <USER>. The code of the user that started the function.
  • <RUNTIME>. The client version and the license number, as given by ver$(0).
  • <SOFTWARE_VERSION>. The application version number (for example 11.0.12).
  • <PATCHLIST>. The last patch list passed.
  • <PATCHDATE>. The date the last patch list was passed.
  • <INCIDENT_ID>. The incident number entered when the function was launched. In principle, the incident number is provided by the Support department.
CLIENT tag content

The content given between the start <CLIENT> and end </CLIENT> tags is as follows:

  • <X3VERSION>. The application version corresponding to the client (for example, 001.12.2019).
  • <X3FILEVERSION>. A technical version number (for example 15c.06).
  • <X3CLTVERSION>. An additional version number (only included for client 107).
FOLDERS.xml file content

The content given between the start <CONF_FILE NAME="FOLDERS.xml"> and end </CONF_FILE> tags is the content of the FOLDERS.xml file, as follows:

  • An <INFOFOLDERS versolsup="version"> tag.
    The content in this tag gives information about the solution, as follows:
    • <ACTUAL>. The list of folders (with one <FOLDER> section per folder).
    • <DEFLIC>. The license definition (License number, expiry date, partner/client texts, number of sessions, options).
solution.xml file content

The content given between the start <CONF_FILE NAME="solution.xml"> and end </CONF_FILE> tags is the content of the solution.xml file, as follows:

  • <solution name="name" mainport="port_number"> tag gives information about the technical components of the solution "name" defined on the IP port "port_number", as follows:
    • <module name="name" family="APPLICATION" type="X3">. Application server information.
    • <module name="name" family="RUNTIME" type="MAIN">. Runtime information.
    • <module name="name" family="DOC" type="X3">. Documentation server information.
    • <module name="name" family="WEB" type="">. Web server information.
    • <module name="BOXIRn" family="BUSOBJ" type="">. Business Objects server information, where 'n' is the Business Objects version number, for example, BOXIR3.
    • <module name="name" family="REPORT" type="">. Print server information.
    • <module name="name" family="DATABASE" type="database">. Database server information, where 'type' corresponds to the database, for example, ORACLE.
    • <module name="SAGE_SEARCH" family="EXALEAD" type="MASTER">. Search server information.
    • <module name="name" family="SERVERJAVA" type="">. Java server information.
DATABASE tag content

The content given between the start <DATABASE TYPE="database_type"> and end </DATABASE> tags is as follows:

  • <NAME>. The name of the database.
  • <VERSION>. The version number.
  • <VERSION_DESC>. A detailed description of the database and version number.

The content given between the start <WEBSERVERCONF> and end </WEBSERVERCONF> tags contains one <WEBSERVER_ID name="name"> tag per accessible web server. The tags that describe each web server are from the config.ini file. The information is provided as follows:

  • A <SERVER_NAME> and <SERVER_PATH> tag give the location of the configuration files.
  • A hierarchy from the config.ini file describes the web configuration in detail:


The number of sections and subsections is important. This detail is not provided here. Interpretation of the values is the responsibility of the technical development team.

 If, for whatever reason, the Web configuration file cannot be located, a <STATUS> section might be displayed instead of the configuration file details. If the value of this tag is not accessible, this means the configuration file was not found.


The content given between the start <EDTSERVERCONF> and end </EDTSERVERCONF> tags contains one <EDTSERVER_ID name="name"> tag per accessible published edition server. The tags that describe each edition server are from the adxeditionserverconfig.ini file which is located in the edition server directories. The information is provided as follows:

     <cap config="" id="">
          <general adxsolprf="" lang="" log="" port="" restartrpts="" />
          <log number="" size="" />
          <jobs max="" purgetime="" vpalloc="" /> 
          <processes killtime="" max="" min="" />

Interpretation of the values is the responsibility of the technical development team.

 If, for whatever reason, the edition server configuration file cannot be located, a <STATUS> section might be displayed instead of the configuration file details.

  • If the value of this tag is not accessible, this means the configuration file was not found.
  • If the value of this tag is not available, this means the edition server was not found (no response to the connection request).

 This last error can occur because the scan processing connects, by default, to the 1818 administration port. This is the default port used with Sage X3 installations. If this port is not used you must redefine it by creating a global variable named GADMINPORT of the type 'Integer'. This will contain the correct value.

FOLDER tag content

The content given between the start <FOLDER CODE="folder_code"> and end </FOLDER> tags is as follows:

 There is one delimited section per folder.

  • <HEADER>. A set of information related to the general characteristics of the folder "folder_code". It includes the following tags:
    • <NAME>. The name of the folder.
    • <REFFOLDER>. The name of the reference folder.
    • <TESFOLDER>. The 'test folder' flag.
    • <SPEFOLDER>. The 'specific folder' flag.
    • <DATABASE>. The name of the database.
    • <LANGUAGE>. The list of languages defined in the folder.
    • <DEFLANGUAGE>. The default language.
    • <MODULES>. The list of active modules.
    • <STARTDATE>. The start date.
    • <RPTCURRENCY>. The reporting currency.
    • <DEFCOUNTRY>. The default country code.
    • The information in the APL.ini file. This information is defined in an <APL_INI> tag, with each variable having its own tag consisting of its uppercase name. When the variable is sized, the parentheses are replaced by an underscore ('_'). For example, it might include the tags <ADXMOTHER_0_0>, <ADXMOTHER_1_0>, <ADXMSO>, <ADXMTO>, <ADXMPR>, <ADXMUA>, <MAXMEM>, <SADMEM>, <ADXTCT>, <ADXTLK>, <ADXTMS>, <MAXHEAP>.
  • <ACTIVITY_CODES>. The values ​​of the activity codes. This section has 3 subsections: <FUNCTIONAL>; <SIZING>; <LOCALIZATION>.
    In each of these subsections there is one further subsection per module named <MODULE NAME="module_name">, which contains the following information:
    • A section <ACTIVITY_CODE CODE="activity_code"> with subsections <ACTIVE> with the value 'Yes' or 'No'; <DIMENSION>; <DIM_MIN>; <DIM_MAX> for codes of type <SIZING>.
  • <ENTRY_POINTS>. The entry points, with, for each entry point, a subtag <STD_TRT NAME="standard_entry point_name"> containing the sections <SPE_TRT> and <ACV_CODE>.
  • <CPYLIST>. The list of companies, with, for each company, a subtag <COMPANY CODE="company code">, which contains the following information:
    • <NAME>.
    • <SITLIST>. A list of the attached sites, with, for each site, a subtag <SITE NAME="code">, which contains the code of the attached financial site in a <FINANCIAL> section.
  • <PARAMVALUES>. The parameter values. The parameter groups are delimited using a <PARAMGRP NAME="group_code"> tag with one subsection <PARAM NAME="parameter_code"> per parameter. Each subsection contains a subtag <VALUES>, which contains the following information:
    • <FOLDERVALUE>. The folder value. If no value is defined it contains (no value) <LEG NAME="legislation_code">, which contains the following values:
      • <LEGVALUE>. The value at the legislation level if it exists (it is not mandatory), which includes parameter values ​​defined by exceptions at lower levels (companies attached to the legislation, sites dependent on companies attached to the legislation).
      • <CPY name="company_code">. Defined if there is a company-level parameter value or at least one of the company-related sites. This then includes the following subsections:
        • <CPYVALUE>. The value attached to the company, if it exists,
        • <FCY NAME="site_code"> containing a <FCYVALUE> tag, if the parameter is set at the site level.
  • <USER_VALUES>. The parameter values ​​associated with the users, if they exist. The values ​​are contained in a subtag <USER CODE="user_code">, which contains the following values:
    • <LOCALPRG>. The list of processes that do not correspond to a specific type, where the executable is located at the level of the reference folder (that is, not a test folder or development folder).
    • <SPEPRG>. The list of scripts that correspond to a specific type of script.
    • <PATCHES>. The list of patches installed on the folder by type. Each type forms a group <TYPE CODE="code_type">, which contains a subtag <CURRENT_STATUS> containing one group per version. Each group contains the following information:
      • <VERSION ID="version_number">. Version number. This section contains the following information:
        • <FIRST NUM="number">. The first patch number passed (which contains the information <COMMENT>, <FILE>, <PATCHNUM>).
        • <LAST NUM="number">. The last patch number passed (which contains the information <COMMENT>, <FILE>, <PATCHNUM>).
        • <MISSING NUM="number">. The number of the missing patch, or an integer in the form first_number - last_number. This tag is only present if there are gaps in the numbering.
      • <INSTALL_HISTORY>. This gives, for each type of patch (tag <TYPE CODE="code">), and for each major version (tag <VERSION ID="xxx">), a list of tags <PATCHLIST num="number" date="date of installation">, which contains the following tags:
        • <USER>. The code of the user that installed the list.
        • <COMMENT>. The comment associated with the first patch in the list.
        • <FILE>. The corresponding filename.
        • <MAINTENANCE>. The maintenance number.
          Note: The same list is repeated multiple times in the history if it has been passed multiple times (you can identify each list from the first number of a patch).
    • <DATABASE TYPE="database_type">. Database type. This tag contains multiple sections:
      • <STATS>. This is the first section. For each table it contains the subsection <TABLE NAME="table_name">, which contains the following sections:
        • <LAST_ANALYSIS>. The date the last index scan was performed.
        • <NB_ROWS>. The number of rows in the table.
      • <INDEXES_VERIFICATION>. This is the second section. As it exists as a separate function it contains the results of the index analysis as individual subsections:
        • <INDEXES_MISSING>. The missing indexes (with for each missing index, an <INDEX TABLE="table"> section containing the <NAME> and <INDEX> fields).
        • <INDEXES_MISSING_ON_INACTIVE_TABLES>. Contains missing indexes on inactive tables (with the same information).
        • <OPTIMIZATION_INDEX_MISSING>. Contains active but missing optimization indexes on tables (with the same information).
        • <OPTIMIZATION_INDEX_INACTIVE_ON_TABLES>. Contains optimization indexes on inactive tables (with the same information).
        • <INTERNAL_INDEXES> Lists the internal indexes found.
        • <INDEXES_NOT_DESCRIBED_IN_DICTIONARY>. Gives the list of indexes that exist on the base, but are not described in the dictionary.
        • <INDEX_NOT_CONFORMANT>. Lists the noncompliant indexes.


The information contained in the sections delimited by the tag <FOLDER CODE="folder_code"> do not exist in all folders:

  • The <HEADER> section is always present.
  • The <ACTIVITY_CODES> section is always present.
  • The <ENTRY_POINTS> section is always present.
  • The <CPYLIST> section is always present.
  • The <PARAMVALUES> section is only present for folders of the Supervisor folder (X3 for Sage X3).
  • The <LOCALPRG> section is only present for folders of the Supervisor folder (X3 for Sage X3).
  • The <DATABASE> section is only present for the folder from which the utility was started. It is important, therefore, to choose the folder on which you want to launch the utility.