Use this function to project the Available, and Available to promise stock, for one product, for one site, in periods of days, weeks or months from a reference date.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The Available stock inquiry contains a header information section for your selection criteria and a single tab for the results.
You use the header information to define the site and the product for which you want to view the available stock.
You also define the frequency (day, week, month) required for the resulting stock availability table and the reference date, that is the date to be used for the calculations. The default Reference date is today's date.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Block number 1
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
Enter the reference of the product for which the stock needs to be inquired. |
Reference date used in the calculation of the expiry date for a lot in stock. This field is accessible according to the expiry management method in the product record. |
Period for the visualization: |
This tab displays two sets of information:
Requirements are displayed in red (these include firm customer orders of type SOF and planned material requirements of type MWP); resources in black (these include firm purchase orders of type POF and works orders of type WOF). Positive and negative signs are omitted.
Available stock is the quantity projected to be available in the period. Available stock does not take account of future requirements.
Available to promise (to sales) stock is the projected smallest stock quantity to be available in the period, allowing for any future requirements occurring before the next supply. You can use these figures to determine if you can commit to a customer in a specific period. When the expiry date is managed on a product, the stock available to promise to sales takes into account both the product expiry date and use-by date if Expiry lead-time with expiry warning range taken into account is defined as selection criteria. Only stock for products with use-by dates later than the period are considered for available to promise to sales.
Coverage shows the number of periods before there is zero stock available.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Current stock
Block number 2
Grid Detail stock situation
Grid Available stock
Action icon
Click WIP from the Actions icon to view the orders which make up the totals in the selected line.
The following fields are included on the window opened through this button : Selection
Order type
Back-to-back order
Starting stock deductions
Add initial stock
Block number 11
Suggestion filter
Close Click the Criteria action to access additional selection criteria. Filters by order type: Use these check boxes to select the orders that should be taken into account in the projected stock calculations. Filters on suggestions: Use these radio buttons to specify whether to display MPS suggestions and/or MRP suggestions in the projected stock calculations. By default, all suggestions are displayed. You can influence the starting stock levels by defining which stock is to be taken into account in the projected stock calculations. For example, you can exclude detailed allocations from the starting stock or conversely, you can add stock in quality control (QC) and stock in transit to the starting stock. You can also influence the calculations by defining if product-site loss percentages and sales forecasts are to be included. Expiry date taken into account: When the expiry date is managed for a product, you can request the following:
You can save one or several sets of criteria using the Memo action. You can recall these using the Recall action or delete them using the Delete memo action. |
Click the WIP action to view the work in progress for the selected product and site. |
Click the Graph action to view a graph of the resources and requirements, available to promise stock and stock available for sale, by period. |