The objective of this function is the presentation on the screen of the report for the stock by product and for a site, detailed by lot.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The header information is used to specify the main selection criteria for the inquiry used.
Site : it is possible to choose a site for the stock inquiry per product for this site. If no product is entered, the inquiry displays the stock status for all the sites for which the product is defined.
Product : it is mandatory to enter a product code.
It is possible to specify a sort criteria for the presentation of lines reproduced.
By lot: lot number in alphabetic order
It is possible to request the presentation in this display of the lots for which the stock is zero: by default, these lots are not suggested.
It is possible to filter the internal stock, the stock waiting put away, the loan stock and the sub contractor stock.
The following fields are present on this tab :
Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active. The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table. |
Enter the reference of the product for which the stock needs to be inquired. |
Block number 2
Takes into account the internal locations. |
Takes into account the locations pending put-away. |
Takes into account the customer locations. |
Takes into account the sub-contracting locations. |
Block number 3
Tick so that the null lots not purged can be displayed. |
Block number 4
The choix of classification is used to sort the selected product's lots in stock in an order chosen among: |
This checkbox must be ticked to display to cumulated total at the bottom of the page. |
The columns present in this table depend on the setup of the chosen screen code.
By default the table reproduces for the chosen product, a summary line for its stock status for each lot by specifying notably:
The major and minor versions, when they are managed.
The physical stock of the lot, as well as the breakdown of the quantities validated, under control or rejected.
The quantity allocated to the lot
The expiry date of the lot if appropriate
The number of the document that created the lot
The following fields are present on this tab :
The use-by date (UBD) is the target date for issuing a product. |
La date de recontrôle est associée à un lot en stock. Elle indique une date d'analyse de la marchandise, une fois le délai de péremption atteint.
Action icon
This button is used to access the additional selection criteria with respect to the criteria entered in the inquiry header. It is possible to specify here if the inquiry should display aggregated lots. Screen code: the inquiries can be set up in a general manner (for more detail, see the Inquiry screens documentation). It is possible to call upon customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This customization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid. It is possible to save one or several sets of criteria by recording [Memo] codes that can be called later on [Call memo] button or deleted [Delete memo] button. |
This inquiry presents by stock status or all statuses taken together, the stock report in stock units and packing units. |
This inquiry presents the stock report broken down by stock status and sub-status. |