Manufacturing >  Inquiries >  Stock >  Projected stock  

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Use this function to display a list of projected stock movements associated with a selected stock item at one or all sites.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

The Projected stock inquiry contains a header information section for your selection criteria and a single tab for the results.



You use the header information to define the site and the product for which you want to view the projected stock movements.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Enter or select a storage site at which the selected product is active.

The Selection icon (magnifying glass) only suggests products that are referenced in the products-sites table.

Enter the reference of the product for which the stock needs to be inquired.




Tab Projected Stock


This tab displays two sets of information:

  • Actual stock at the time of the inquiry. These figures include the physical stock, stock awaiting put away, loaned stock, stock at a subcontractors.
  • Orders listed in date sequence, showing the planned and remaining quantity of the order line, and the projected stock as a result of this order.

Requirements are displayed in red; resources in black. Positive and negative signs are omitted.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Current stock

  • Total internal stock (field PHYSTO1)


  • Total stock pending put-away (field PLFSTO1)


  • Total loan stock (field BPRSTO1)


  • Total subcon. stock (field SCOSTO1)


  • Total stock (field TOTSTO1)



  • Total internal alloc. (field ALLSTO1)


  • Firm horizon (field PLHENDDAT)


  • Demand horizon (field FOHENDDAT)


Grid Detail stock situation

  • Description (field INTFLD)


  • Value (field VALFLD)


Grid Projected stock

  • Order type (field WIPTYP)


  • Order (field WIPTYPSTA)


  • WIP status (field WIPSTA)


  • Entry (field VCRNUM)



  • Start date (field STRDAT)


  • End date (field ENDDAT)


  • Planned quantity (field EXTQTY)


  • Remaining quantity (field RMNEXTQTY)


  • Allocated quantity (field ALLQTY)


  • Assigned qty. (field MTOQTY)


  • Shortage (field SHTQTY)


  • Expected stock (field EXTSTO)




  • Entry type (field VCRTYP)


  • Line no. (field VCRLIN)


  • Sequence no. (field VCRSEQ)


  • MRP message (field MRPMES)


  • MRP quantity (field MRPQTY)


  • MRP date (field MRPDAT)


  • Source (field ORI)


  • Source document type (field VCRTYPORI)


  • Original document (field VCRNUMORI)


  • Source line (field VCRLINORI)



  • Order no. (field WIPNUM)




Action icon


This button is only proposed if the in-process line selected is a purchase order. It makes it possible to pass to purchase order inquiry by tunnel.

Customer Orders

This button is only proposed if the in-process line selected is a sales order. It makes it possible to pass to sales order inquiry by tunnel.

Work Orders

This button is only proposed if the in-process line selected is a works order. It makes it possible to pass to works order inquiry by tunnel.


Click Significance from the Actions icon to view the meaning of the acronyms used to describe the different types of in-process orders. For example, WOF means Work Order Firm, WOP means Work Order Planned, WOS means Work Order Suggested and MWF Material Requirements Firm.


This button is only proposed if the in-process line selected is a contract order. It makes it possible to pass to contract order inquiry by tunnel.

Delivery Request




Specific Buttons

The following fields are included on the window opened through this button :


  • Active memo (field MEMO)


Block number 2

  • Forecast offset (field FOHCOD)

This setup is used to not take into account provisions for the consumption in the request horizon.

  • Ignore previous lost sales (field SOSCOD)

tick to ignore the sales provisions where the date precedes the current date.

  • Include the stock under QC (field CTLSTOFLG)


  • Ignore pending issues (field WAICOD)

Tick so that the suspended issues are not deducted from the available starting stock.

  • Apply loss % (field SHRFLG)

Check this box if the remaining quantities of current WOs must

be reduced in the percentage of product-site loss.

Order type

  • field SO


  • field PO


  • field MS


  • field SC


  • field WO


  • field MW


  • field TR


  • field TP


  • field BW


  • field CR


  • field EO


  • field MT



  • field SOFFLG

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.

  • field POFFLG


  • field MSFFLG


  • field SCFFLG


  • field WOFFLG


  • field MWFFLG


  • field TRFFLG


  • field TPFFLG


  • field BWFFLG


  • field CRFFLG


  • field EOFFLG


  • field MTFFLG



  • field SOPFLG

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.

  • field POPFLG


  • field MSPFLG


  • field SCPFLG


  • field WOPFLG


  • field MWPFLG


  • field TRPFLG


  • field TPPFLG


  • field BWPFLG


  • field FIL01


  • field EOPFLG

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.

  • field MTPFLG



  • field SOSFLG

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.

  • field POSFLG


  • field MSSFLG


  • field SCSFLG


  • field WOSFLG


  • field MWSFLG


  • field TRSFLG


  • field TPSFLG


  • field BWSFLG


  • field FIL02


  • field EOSFLG

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.

Back-to-back order

  • field CTMFLGS

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.

  • field CTMFLGP


  • field FIL03


  • field FIL04


  • field CTMFLGW

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.

  • field FIL05


  • field FIL06


  • field FIL07


  • field FIL08


  • field FIL09


  • field CTMFLGSC

Check one or more of these boxes to specify which type of orders should be included in the selection.


Display criteria:

- A screen code (optional) that makes reference to the set up inquiry screens. Notably these screens define the columns to be displayed in the inquiry grid.

All these criteria can be saved by the user under a code XXX by clicking on the "Memo" button. To re-display criteria saved under memo code YYY, click on button "Call" and enter YYY.

The criteria saved under the memo code STD will be pre-loaded when the user enters the function.

Suggestion filter

  • field MRPFLG

This flag is used to filter the suggestions based on their origin.


Click the Criteria action to access additional selection criteria.

Filters by order type: Use these check boxes to select the orders that should be taken into account in the projected stock calculations.

Filters on suggestions: Use these radio buttons to specify whether to display MPS suggestions and/or MRP suggestions in the projected stock calculations. By default, all suggestions are displayed.

Demand horizon balance: Specify if the sales forecast adjustment should be carried out in the demand horizon. This only concerns the products for which a request horizon has been defined at the site level.
Adjustment principle:
- In the firm horizon the forecasts are ignored.
- Beyond the horizon the greater of the two values between the sales forecast and the firm orders is taken into account.

Ignore the forecasts for overdue sales: tick to ignore the sales forecasts where the date precedes the current date.

Ignore the suspended issues: Tick so that the suspended issues are not deducted from the available starting stock.

Apply the loss percentage: tick if the work orders in process remaining quantities must be reduced by the product-site loss percentage.

Screen code: as a general rule, inquiries can be set up (for further details, see the Inquiry screens documentation. It is possible to call upon customized inquiry screens via the screen code. This personalization is used notably, to choose what information should be shown on the screen and in what order it should be positioned in the grid.

You can save one or several sets of criteria using the Memo action. You can recall these using the Recall action or delete them using the Delete memo action.

Periods for the graphical representation: makes it possible to choose the periods for the graphics (Days, Weeks, Months)

Number of periods for the graphical representation : makes it possible to define the date up to which the graphics should be displayed

Reference date : Makes it possible to choose the start date for graphics.

Menu Bar

Graph / Quantities

This graph presents the maximum stock, the safety stock, resources, requirements and the evolution of the provisional stock over time.

You can modify the reference date, frequency and number of periods. Click the Search action to display the results.

Graph / Supply/demand

This graph displays the resources and requirements by period.

You can modify the reference date, frequency and number of periods. Click the Search action to display the results.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation