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This window is used to revise the CoA and/or IAS/IFRS (if the IAS/IFRS plan is managed) balance sheet value of an asset and to select the plans in which the carry-forward of new values will be taken into account.

The revision is carried out by updating one or more of the following values:

  • Ex-tax receipt value
  • Invoiced VAT
  • Collected VAT

This window is called from the Actions menu in the Asset management function.


1/ The revision of an Inactive asset or an asset in the process of intra-group sale is prohibited. Update 8.0.0 and higher: the revision of an asset classified for sale is also prohibited.

2/ The revision of the balance sheet value of the assets attached to expenses is authorized, via this action, only in plans for which the "Depreciation basis source" is set to "Amount to enter". On the other plans, updating the expenses is possible only through the detachment of expenses or the attachment of new expenses (additional invoices, credit memos).
3/ When the company is submitted to the French legislation, the revision of the IAS/IFRS basis of an asset attached to a financial lease contract is prohibited if, as a result of this revision, the sum of the IAS/IFRS bases of the assets attached to the contract becomes greater than the total of fees of the contract.


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Screen management

This window is made up of a header displaying the identification information of the asset as well as the following two tabs:

  • The Parameters tab is used to enter the parameters to update the new CoA and/or IAS/IFRS balance sheet values.
    ..\FCT\SEEINFOThe update of the depreciation basis of a free plan, which depreciation basis source is a free value to enter, is performed directly on the Depreciation plans tab.
  • The Depreciation plans tab is used to view the carry-forward of revised values in the different depreciation plans; their depreciation basis source being one of the two balance sheet values thus modified. It is also used to select the plans in which the revision will actually apply.
    It also makes it possible to update the depreciation basis of the free plans which the depreciation basis is not the CoA balance sheet value nor the IAS/IFRS balance sheet value but a value to be entered.

After entry of the parameters and selection of the depreciation plans, the button is used to validate their application and to return to the Assets screen in modification mode. The revision is effectively taken into account once the asset has been saved.




The header displays the reference as well as the asset description from which the revision action is called. This information cannot be modified.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Business object

  • Reference (field OBJREF)

Reference for the financial asset. 

  • Description (field OBJDES)

Description of the financial asset.



Tab Setup definition


This tab is used to:

  • Enter the effective date of the revision; this date, mandatory, is loaded by default with the current date.
  • Display the CoA current social valuation of the asset, and, if it is IAS/IFRS managed, its current IAS/IFRS valuation: Ex-tax receipt value, Rates and amounts of invoiced VAT, VAT collection and Balance sheet value. These values cannot be modified.
  • Enter the value variances in order to determine the new values.

    It is possible to refresh the CoA social balance sheet value without revising the IAS/IFRS balance sheet value and conversely. All the same, the revision is not authorized in the following cases:

    --> CoA revision:
    - At least one of the plans in the Accounting and fiscal context has been re-evaluated.
    --> IAS/IFRS revision: 
          - The IAS/IFRS context is not managed.
          - The IAS/IFRS plan has been revaluated.

    Revision of the receipt value:To review the CoA and/or IAS/IFRS balance sheet value, it is necessary to enter a revision value to be applied to the CoA and/or IAS/IFRS receipt value.

    ..\FCT\SEEINFOIt is not based on the entry of a new value by replacing the current value, but on the entry of a revision amount that will be applied to the current value.
    Example: a receipt value of 100 is revalued to 130 by the entry of a revision amount of 30.
    It is possible to enter a negative amount; in this case, it may not exceed, in absolute value, the current asset receipt value. In addition, the revision of the CoA ex-tax receipt value and that the IAS/IFRS receipt value must have the same sign.
    When the IAS/IFRS plan is managed and it can be revised, the revision amount of the IAS/IFRS receipt value is automatically loaded from the revision amount of the CoA receipt value, converted in to the currency used in the IAS/IFRS context if this is different. This amount can be modified.
    Invoiced and collected VAT: It is possible to specify the invoiced VAT rate to be applied to the revision amount. By default, it corresponds to the rate displayed on the asset. When it is modified, this rate is not carried forward to the financial asset, which keeps the invoiced VAT rate specified during its creation.

    The recovery rate of the VAT, applied to the invoiced VAT during the revision, is systematically equal to the rate applied to the asset.

    It is also possible to force the VAT amounts, on the condition that it is of the same sign as the revision amount. When VAT amounts are negative, they cannot exceed, in absolute value, the current VAT amounts of the asset.

    Function accessed by right-click on the VAT amount:
    When an amount is forced, the right-click option To be recalculated becomes available; its activation results in canceling the entry and to automatically recalculate the amount with the rate entered.
  • To view the new valuation of the asset.


  • The update of an asset attached to expenses is possible only for the plans having as their "Depreciation base origin" a value to be entered. It is performed directly in the Depreciation plans tab.
  • The update of the Balance sheet value of the plans having as their "Depreciation basis source" a value to be entered is performed directly in the Depreciation Plans tab. These plans appear by convention at the level of the table of the CoA plans.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Block number 1

  • Bill date for the revision (field DATEFF)

This field is used to define the effective date of the revision.
This date cannot precede the asset accounting date.
Besides, the entered value must be:

  • In the current financial year of the context Accounting and financial so that the revision can be effective on the Balance sheet value of this context.
    If the context Accounting and financial cannot be revised, no plan having as Amortisation basis origin the CoA balance sheet value, will not be revisable.
  • In the current financial year of the context IAS/IFRS so that the revision can be effective on the Balance sheet value of this context.
    If the context IAS/IFRS cannot be revised, no plan having as Depreciation basis origin the IAS balance sheet value, will not be revisable.

Current social costing

  • field FIL01


  • Receipt value ex-tax (field ACGETRNOT)

This field contains the actual CoA receipt value ex-tax of the financial asset. This value is expressed in the company management currency. It cannot be modified.

  • Invd VAT rate (field IVCVATRAT)

This field contains the current CoA invoiced VAT rate of the financial asset. This value is not modifiable.

  • VAT invoiced (field IVCVATAMT)

This field contains the current CoA invoiced VAT amount of the financial asset. It is calculated from the CoA ex-tax entry value and the CoA invoiced VAT rate. This amount cannot be modified.

  • Recovered VAT (field DEDVATRAT)

This field contains the current VAT recovery rate. This value cannot be modified.

  • VAT recovered (field DEDVATAMT)

This field contains the current CoA amount of the invoiced VAT of the financial asset. This amount, calculated using the CoA amount of the invoiced VAT and the VAT recovery rate, cannot be modified.

  • field FIL02


  • Bal sht amt (field PCGBASVAL)

This field contains the current CoA balance sheet value of the financial asset. This amount cannot be modified.

IAS/IFRS act valuation

  • field FIL03


  • Receipt value ex-tax (field IASETRNOT)

This field contains the actual IAS/IFRS receipt value ex-tax of the financial asset. This value cannot be changed.

  • Invd VAT rate (field IVCVATRATI)

This field contains the current IAS/IFRS invoiced VAT rate of the financial asset. This value is not modifiable.

  • VAT invoiced (field IVCVATAMTI)

This field contains the current IAS/IFRS invoiced VAT amount of the financial asset. It is calculated from the IAS/IFRS ex-tax entry value and the IAS/IFRS invoiced VAT rate. This amount cannot be modified.

  • Recovered VAT (field DEDVATRATI)

This field contains the current VAT recovery rate. This value cannot be modified.

  • VAT recovered (field DEDVATAMTI)

This field contains the current IAS/IFRS amount of the VAT recovery of the financial asset. This amount, calculated from the IAS/IFRS amount of the invoiced VAT and the VAT recovery rate, cannot be modified.

  • field FIL04


  • Bal sht amt (field IASBASVAL)

This field contains the current IAS/IFRS balance sheet value of the financial asset. This amount cannot be modified.

Social update

  • field FIL05


  • Tax ex. change (field ACGETRNOA)

This field is used to enter the revision value applied to the CoA Receipt value ex-tax. It can be a negative amount. In that case, it cannot exceed the actual Receipt value of the asset.

  • Invd VAT rate (field IVCVATRAA)

This field enbales the user to enter the CoA invoiced VAT rate to apply to the revision amount of the financial asset. It is used to calculate automatically the CoA amount of invoiced VAT. This rate is transferred to the financial asset except if the VAT amount is invoiced by the user; in that case, the asset keeps the value entered during its creation.

  • VAT invoiced (field IVCVATAMA)

This field contains the CoA amount of the invoiced VAT related to the revision amount of the ex-tax receipt value. This amount, which can be forced, must necessarily have the same sign as the update amount. When this amount is negative, it cannot exceed the current VAT amount of the asset. When this amount is forced by the user, the right-click option Recalculation by the software becomes available. Activating it cancels the entry and automatically recalculates the amount using the update amount of the ex-tax receipt value and the invoiced VAT rate.

  • Recovered VAT (field DEDVATRAA)

This field reminds the user of the VAT recovery rate which will be applied to the invoiced VAT amount calculated upon CoA update. The displayed rate cannot be modified.

  • VAT recovered (field DEDVATAMA)

This field contains the VAT recovery CoA amount related to the update of the receipt value of the asset. This amount is calculated using the CoA amount of the invoiced VAT and the VAT recovery rate. This amount can be forced. It must absolutely have the same sign as the update amount. When the VAT recovery amount is negative, this amount cannot exceed the current VAT recovery amount of the asset, in absolute value. When this amount is forced by the user, the right-click option Recalculation by the software becomes available. Activating it cancels the entry and automatically recalculates the amount from the CoA amount of the invoiced VAT and the VAT recovery rate.

  • field FIL06


  • Bal sht amt (field PCGBASVALA)

This filed contains the amount of the CoA balance sheet value related to the revision of the CoA entry value of the financial asset. This amount cannot be modified.

IAS/IFRS revision

  • field FIL07


This non-editable field displays the IAS/IFRS context currency.

  • field FIL08


  • Rate type (field IASCURTYP)

This field enables the user to define the type of exchange rate to be used if the IAS/IFRS currency is different from the company currency. The default type is specified in the setup of the IAS/IFRS context.

  • field FIL09


  • Rate (field IASRATCUR)

This field enables to enter the exchange rate to use if the IAS/IFRS plan currency is different from the Accounting and fiscal context currency. When these currencies are identical, the exchange rate is set to 1 and cannot be changed.

  • field FIL10


  • Tax ex. change (field IASETRNOA)

This field is used to enter the revision value applied to the IAS/IFRS Receipt value ex-tax. If the IAS/IFRS plan is managed and can be revised, this field is automatically filled in with the revision amount of the CoA ex-tax receipt value, converted into the IAS/IFRS context currency (if different). When a revision of the CoA ex-tax receipt value is carried out, the revision of the IAS/IFRS ex-tax receipt value must be the same sign. However, it is possible to update the CoA ex-tax receipt value without updating the IAS/IFRS ex-tax receipt value, and vice versa.

  • Invd VAT rate (field IVCVATRATA)

This field enbales the user to enter the IAS/IFRS invoiced VAT rate to apply to the revision amount of the financial asset. It is used to calculate automatically the IAS/IFRS amount of invoiced VAT. This rate is transferred to the financial asset except if the VAT amount is invoiced by the user; in that case, the asset keeps the value entered during its creation.

  • VAT invoiced (field IVCVATAMTA)

This field contains the IAS/IFRS amount of the invoiced VAT related to the update amount of the ex-tax receipt value. This amount, which can be forced, must necessarily have the same sign as the update amount. When this amount is negative, it cannot exceed, in absolute value, the current IAS/IFRS VAT amount of the asset. When this amount is forced by the user, the right-click option Recalculation by the software becomes available. Activating it cancels the entry and automatically recalculates the amount using the update amount of the ex-tax receipt value and the invoiced VAT rate.

  • Recovered VAT (field DEDVATRATA)

This field specifies the VAT recovery rate which will be applied to the invoiced VAT amount calculated upon IFRS update. The displayed rate cannot be modified.

  • VAT recovered (field DEDVATAMTA)

This field contains the IAS/IFRS amount of the VAT recovery related to the update of the receipt value of the asset. This amount is calculated using the IAS/IFRS amount of the invoiced VAT and the VAT recovery rate. This amount can be forced. It must absolutely have the same sign as the update amount. When the VAT recovery amount is negative, this amount cannot exceed the current VAT recovery amount of the asset, in absolute value. When this amount is forced by the user, the right-click option Recalculation by the software becomes available. Its activation is used to cancel the entry and automatically recalculates the amount using the IAS/IFRS amount of the invoiced VAT and the VAT recovery rate.

  • field FIL11


  • Bal sht amt (field IASBASVALA)

This filed contains the amount of the IAS/IFRS balance sheet value related to the revision of the IAS/IFRS entry value of the financial asset. This amount cannot be modified.

New social costing

  • field FIL12


  • Receipt value ex-tax (field ACGETRNON)

This non-editable field displays the revised CoA receipt value.

  • Invd VAT rate (field IVCVATRAN)

This field, non modifiable, reminds the user of the CoA rate initially applied on the asset.

  • VAT invoiced (field IVCVATAMN)

This field, non modifable, displays the revised CoA amount of invoiced VAT. This amount is equal to the following result: Current invoiced VAT + VAT invoiced on the revision.

  • Recovered VAT (field DEDVATRAN)

This non-modifable field reminds the user of the initial VAT recovery rate.

  • VAT recovered (field DEDVATAMN)

This field, non modifable, displays the revised CoA amount of VAT recovery. This amount is equal to the following result: Current CoA amount of VAT recovery + CoA amount of VAT recovery during the revision.

  • field FIL13


  • Bal sht amt (field PCGBASVALN)

This field, non modifiable, displays the revised CoA balance sheet value.

IAS/IFRS new valuation

  • field FIL14


  • Receipt value ex-tax (field IASETRNON)

This non-editable field displays the revised IAS/IFRS receipt value.

  • Invd VAT rate (field IVCVATRATN)

This field, non modifiable, reminds the user of the IAS/IFRS rate initially applied on the asset.

  • VAT invoiced (field IVCVATAMTN)

This field, non modifable, displays the revised IAS/IFRS amount of invoiced VAT. This amount is equal to the following result: Current invoiced VAT + VAT invoiced on the revision.

  • Recovered VAT (field DEDVATRATN)

This non-modifable field recalls the initial VAT recovery rate.

  • VAT recovered (field DEDVATAMTN)

This field, non modifable, displays the revised IAS/IFRS amount of VAT recovery. This amount is equal to the following result: Current IAS/IFRS amount of VAT recovery + IAS/IFRS amount of VAT recovery during the revision.

  • field FIL15


  • Bal sht amt (field IASBASVALN)

This non-editable field displays the revised IAS/IFRS balance sheet value.



Tab Depreciation plans


This tab is used to:
- To view the carry-forward of the revised values for the different management plans and to select, by ticking the selection box, those on which the update must be executed.
- To revise the balance sheet value of the plans which depreciation basis source is a value to enter.

Plans are split into two grids:

  • The first grid is loaded:
    - with plans of the Accounting and fiscal plans managed,
    - with plans having the CoA value for Depreciation basis source and for which no re-evaluation has been performed,
    - with plans having a value to enter for Depreciation basis source.

    When the revision impacts the CoA balance sheet value, the lines corresponding to the plans in the Accounting and fiscal context are displayed in blue and are always selected.
    : a subsidy plan cannot be revised.
  • The second grid is loaded:
    - with the IAS/IFRS plan,
    - with plans having the IAS/IFRS value for Depreciation basis source and on which no re-evaluation has been performed.
    When the revision is on the IAS/IFRS balance sheet value, the IAS/IFRS plan is displayed in blue and is automatically selected.




The following fields are present on this tab :

Grid Application to CoAs

  • field UPDPLNPCG

When it is activated, this tick box anables the user to indicate that the revision will have to deal with the corresponding amortisation plan. This tick box is automatically active on the managed plans of the Accounting and financial context and cannot be deactivated.

  • Plan (field PLNPCG)

Description of the amortisation plan. Information non editable.

  • Prev balance sht val (field DPRBASPCG)

This field, non modifiable, displays the balance sheet value before the revision.

This field, non modifiable, displays the currency of the plan context.

  • Rate type (field CURTYPPCG)

Type of exchange displayed by default on the corresponding context plan.

  • Rate (field RATCURPCG)

This field displays the exchange rate used. This rate is automatically set to 1 and cannot be modified when the plan currency is the same as the company currency. If the currency is different, the exchange rate is automatically retrieved from the rate table.

  • New balance sheet val (field DPRBASPCGN)

This field cannot be modified for the plans which Original depreciation basis is PCG valuation. In this case, The updated balance sheet value is displayed.
For plans which Original depreciation basis is a value to enter, this field enables to enter the Updated balance sheet value.

Grid Application on IFRS plans

  • field UPDPLNIAS

When it is activated, this tick box anables the user to indicate that the revision will have to deal with the corresponding amortisation plan. This tick box is automatically active on the IAS/IFRS plan and cannot be deactivated.

  • Plan (field PLNIAS)

Description of the amortisation plan. Information non editable.

  • Prev balance sht val (field DPRBASIAS)

This field, non modifiable, displays the balance sheet value before the revision.

This field, non modifiable, displays the currency of the plan context.

  • Rate type (field CURTYPIAS)

Type of exchange displayed by default on the corresponding context plan.

  • Rate (field RATCURIAS)

This field displays the exchange rate used. This rate is automatically set to 1 and cannot be modified when the plan currency is the same as the company currency. If the currency is different, the exchange rate is automatically retrieved from the rate table.

  • New balance sheet val (field DPRBASIASN)

This field, non modifiable, displays the revised balance sheet value.



Processing description

  •  The validation of the revision of the CoA balance sheet value leads to the carry-forward of the new balance sheet value of the asset:
    - on plans of the Accounting and fiscal context as well as those selected, having the CoA value for Depreciation basis source,
    - on the Tax basis and on the Reference basis more or less valuated, if these bases were identical to the balance sheet value before revision.
  • Validating the revision of the IAS/IFRS balance sheet value leads to the carry-forward of the new asset balance sheet value onto the IAS/IFRS plan and the selected plans, having the IAS/IFRS value as their Depreciation basis source.
  • The update of the depreciation basis:
    - is taken into account from the current fiscal year start date (or the depreciation start date, if it comes later). The current fiscal year expense as well as the next ones are recalculated based on the new depreciation basis. If closed periods exist for the current fiscal year, the expense of the current period contains the adjustment due to the revision of the fiscal year expense.
     - Does not lead to any change of depreciation method.
  • When the asset is prior to the fiscal year, no modification of the depreciation totals at the end of the previous fiscal year is carried out, irrespective of the value of the PRVSITUPD parameter (prior situation modification).
  • Generation of a revision event (FASACT) for each plan which depreciation basis is modified.
    - The effective operation date is saved in the EVTDAT field; it is assigned the effective date displayed on the Revision screen.
    - The accounting effective date is recorded in the CPTDATINT field; it receives the highest date of the following dates: Start date of the current period, Posting date of the asset.
    (The user can view the events in the Event journal window that can be accessed from the Other info tab of the Assets management function.)
  • Generation of the accounting entry used to post the event, if the Entry type pertaining to this event is set up for an immediate posting of the event.

Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

This asset can no longer be revised

An asset can no longer be revised when it is in at least one of the following situations:

  • The asset has been created on a previous fiscal year:

    - If the revision is carried out for a CoA valuation, the depreciation start date in the CoA is less than the start date of the fiscal year for the Accounting and fiscal context.
    - If the revision is carried out for an IAS/IFRS valuation, the depreciation start date in the IAS/IFRS plan is less than the start date of the fiscal year for the IAS/IFRS context.
  • The asset has been submitted to an impairment loss. 
    - If the revision is carried out for a CoA valuation, the Balance sheet value in the CoA is different to the Depreciation basis.
    - If the revision is carried out for an IAS/IFRS valuation, the Balance sheet value in the IAS/IFRS is different from the Depreciation basis.
  • The asset is in the process of an intra-group sale.
The revision cannot lead to a negative valuation in a plan

The value entered is greater, in absolute value, than the ex-tax receipt value. It is therefore necessary to enter a revision amount that is lower, in absolute value, than the ex-tax receipt value.

Tables used

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