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This window is used to enter the information related to an insurance policy covering the asset.

It is called from the Options menu in the Financial asset management function.


SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation

Screen management

Entry screen


This window is used, once an asset is insured (Insurance type is not equal to Not insured), to record :

 the identification information for the insurance policy covering the asset,

 the date of the last valuation/appraisal to which the asset was submitted,

 the status of the asset following this valuation/appraisal (the status values for an asset can be parameterised : see miscellaneous table 511),

 the coefficient to be applied to determine its new value,

 the discount rate to be applied to the new value in order to calculate its insurance value.




The following fields are present on this tab :


  • Insurance type (field ISRTYP)

This field is used to specify the insurance type for the financial asset. Not insured, Building insuranceOther type of insurance.

  • Contract ref (field ISRCONREF)

This field contains the reference of the asset insurance contract.

  • Usage limit (field EXPDAT)

This field is used to specify the use-by date of the financial asset.

  • Supervisor (field AASRPB)

This field is used to specify the insurance contract manager.

  • Valuation date (field APRDAT)

This field is used to specify the last valuation date of the financial asset.

This field is used to specify the fixed asset report listed during the last appraisal.

  • Calculation basis (field ISRCLCBAS)

This field is used to specify the amount taken into account in the calculation of the asset's replacement value. It can be the Professional tax basis, the Reference basis +/- value, the GCA entry value or the CGA balance sheet value.

  • Coefficient (field RPLVALCOE)

This field is used to specify the replacement value coefficient. This coefficient applied to the entered calculation basis, is used to specify the replacement value of the financial asset.

  • New value (field RPLVAL)

This field contains the amount of the replacement value of the asset. This amount is calculated automatically by application of the replacement value coefficient on the amount retained as calculation basis. This value can be forced. In that case, the option right-clickA recalculate by Abel X3 becomes available. Activating this option will cancel the data entry. The amount will be automatically recalculated by Abel X3 according to the rule specified above.

  • Coefficient (field ISRVALCOE)

This field is used to enter the discount rate. This coefficient applied for the asset Replacement value is used to determine its insurance value.

  • Insurance value (field ISRVAL)

This field contains the amount of the insurance value. This amount is automatically calculated by applying the discount rate (Coefficient of insurance value) on the asset Replacement value. This value can be forced. In that case, the option right-clickA recalculate by Abel X3 becomes available. Activating this option will cancel the data entry. The amount will be automatically recalculated by Abel X3 according to the rule specified above.



Error messages

The only error messages are the generic ones.

Tables used

SEEREFERTTO Refer to documentation Implementation