This function is used to resynchronize the financial credit level of suppliers by company and by supplier from documents of the purchasing module.
It makes it also possible to resynchronize by supplier the last documents created.
The information linked to the credit level can be accessed from the tab "Risk" in the BP situation inquiry.
This inquiry can also be accessed from the supplier record.
Refer to documentation Implementation
The process is started as soon as the [OK] button is activated.
The process can be limited to a company, a company and/or a supplier.
The process is going to scan all those transactions matching the following criteria:
Results are mentioned in the BP balance table (BPSUPPMVT).
In addition to updating the BP balance by company, this utility updates the date, journal number and amount of the last documents of each BP by company.
A trace file can be generated to list the number of processed records in the BP balance table and the number of document lines that allowed such a process. When a correction is made, the type of correction carried out for each company/BP pair is mentioned: BP balance amount, date of the last journal, number or amount of the last journal.
The following fields are present on this tab :
This field specifies on which company the process is carried out. |
This is used to carry out the processing on the assigned supplier. |
Select this check box to generate a log file after running the process. |
This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNBPSMVT is provided for that purpose.
This button is used to save under a Memo code the different criteria and generation information being used. |
This button is used to load the criteria and generation information previously saved under a Memo code. |
This button is used to delete a Memo code that has been previously saved. |